Education, study and knowledge

38 absurd and meaningless questions

Human beings are curious by nature and we never stop being amazed by what surrounds us.. This concern for knowing and learning leads us to ask questions.

However, there are questions that are absurd and do not make sense. Either because they are made in an ironic or sarcastic tone or because their answer seems too obvious to even ask such a question.

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A list of absurd questions

Next you can find a list of absurd questions and nonsense questions. Although, all things considered, you may be able to find an answer to one of them.

1. Why is our planet called "Earth" when it is three quarters water?

This question may seem absurd, but it really isn't.. The origin of this name is because there was a time, in which this name was accepted, where humanity did not yet know that the Earth was a planet. In most languages ​​the name of the planet means ground under your feet.

2. Why does it get angry if you blow on a dog's nose and if we take it as a passenger in the car with the window down it sticks its head out into the wind?
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Interestingly, heDogs often stick their heads out of the car window., surely looking for a cool place or to be able to sniff various things.

3. Why, when a person is right, do you have to give it to them? If you already have it. In that case, you should give it to him when he doesn't have it, right?

A thought that makes no sense. Of course, when they agree with us, they make us feel good.

4. Why do we run fast in the rain, if it's also raining ahead?

We usually run when it rains to avoid getting wet. Actually running is a good idea, since the time we spend exposed to the downpour is reduced.

5. Why is Goofy able to walk on his two feet and Pluto goes on all fours? Aren't they both dogs?

An absurd reflection on these Disney characters.

6. How can I find out how many lives my cat has left?

Cats, like humans, only have one life. What happens is that there is a popular saying that affirms, in a symbolic way, that they have seven lives. This is said because cats are very agile and can jump and fall from great heights.

7. Why is there no mouse-flavored cat food?

It's a pretty silly question, but maybe you'd like to.

8. Where is the other half of the Middle East?

A name that refers to its location is not called that because there is another half.

9. Why does Tarzan have a mane of hair but he hasn't grown a beard in all his years lost in the jungle?

Actually, there is some truth to this question. Although it could also be beardless.

10. Do infants enjoy childhood as much as adults enjoy adultery?

A question that doesn't make sense, but that plays with words.

11. Why did the Flintstones celebrate Christmas if they lived before Christ?

Because they are cartoons. Of course, it does not make much sense to celebrate Christmas.

12. Why do you have to avoid the dangers? But if people don't even want them as gifts...

Sorting can mean two things: dodge or raffle. In this question the meaning of the word is changed to make it funny.

13. Why do we press the buttons on the TV remote control so hard when we know it has run out of batteries?

Surely the answer to this question is from your own frustration that the remote control does not work.

14. Why do we call the drink “drink” even before we drink it?

For the same reason that we call food “food”, even before eating it.

15. If ordinary is synonymous with vulgar, why doesn't extraordinary mean very vulgar?

A fancy way of looking for connections between words.

16. If a lawyer goes crazy, does he lose the trial?

An ironic phrase that can be funny because lawyers defend the rights of their clients in court.

17. How far do bald people wash their faces?

In other words, where is the border of the face if there is no hair to differentiate it.

18. Why is no one able to figure out that Clark Kent is Superman? Can glasses and a little curl change a person so much?

It is curious that, after Superman put on some glasses, nobody finds the resemblance or suspects that they are related.

19. Why is "separate" written all together and "all together" written separately?

Language sometimes has some curiosities like the one in this question.

20. If champagne is liquid, how can it be dry?

The term "dry" for champagne has to do with the amount of sugar added to it in the process.. It is simply a type of champagne.

21. Where do farm workers go when, tired of their work, they decide to "get away from it all"?

People who live in the city often go to relax in the countryside. But when a peasant is stressed, he hardly goes to the city.

22. The black box of airplanes is indestructible... Why don't they make the entire plane out of that same material?

If an airplane were made of the same material as the black box, it would weigh too much.

23. If water is colorless, why is the part of a towel that has been dipped in water darker in color than the dry part?

Because its darkness is not due to staining, but because it is wet. When it dries it returns to its normal color.

24. Why can you find anything but gloves in the glove compartment of the car?

Because in the first cars they had a boiler, so to touch that area it was necessary to wear gloves.

25. Why when a person is lying down and gets scared. Everything is covered… could it be that the sheet is made of steel or something like that?

It is a protective instinct. Logically, the sheet the sheet is not a steel armor.

26. Why do they usually close the toilets at service stations? Are they afraid that someone will come in to clean them?

For use only by people who are customers.

27. Why do we have crow's eyes in our feet and crow's feet in our eyes?

Because the name has nothing to do with the location, but with the shape they have.

28. Is it true that divers work under pressure?

In reference to the high pressure that divers endure in terms of breathing.

29. If love is blind... Why is lingerie so popular?

A certain irony emerges from these words in relation to the quote “love is blind”.

30. What do sheep count to sleep? Do they count humans?

Logically not. Sheep don't count for sleep.

31. Why making one woman happy is fine, but making many women happy is not?

Socially and culturally it is not well considered to give yourself to more than one woman.

32. If you were a masochist in life, wouldn't it be a reward to go to hell and a punishment to go to heaven?

Masochism refers to the practice in which the person derives pleasure from being dominated. Obviously, if hell existed, it has nothing to do with masochism.

33. If the wool shrinks when wet... Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Absurd is simply the fact of asking this question.

34. If jail and prison are synonymous, why aren't jailer and prisoner?

Both roles have to do with the prison system, so the question doesn't make sense.

35. If I want to buy a new boomerang, how do I get rid of the old one?

When you intentionally throw a boomerang, it returns in the direction of where it was thrown from. That does not mean that if we want to do without it, it will continually come back.

36. It is said that only ten people in the whole world understood Einstein. If no one understands me, am I a genius?

Einstein had a very advanced vision for the time. One of the greatest scientists of all time.

37. If a person with multiple personalities decides to commit suicide, can he be considered to have taken hostages?

An irony on two very serious topics, such as suicide and multiple personality disorder.

38. Why is the only thing that is never free at an open bar party the bar?

Because it means that you don't have to pay. That's why the bar will always be busy.

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