Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Alejandro Monsell Alfonso

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DEGREE IN CRIMINOLOGY + MASTER'S DEGREE IN MEDIATION: Specialized in time management and planning.

My name is Alejandro Monsell and I have a degree in criminology, specializing in mediation and conflict management due to the subsequent master's degree. Opponent who, over the years, has brought out his most psychological side: time management and economic management, as well as a host of attitudes related to themselves, such as priorities, primary and secondary approaches and, above all, planning, skills that will help us achieve our goals. goals/achievements/successes. I will help you manage your time: we have time to work, study, enjoy and keep growing. We must always aspire to more, without forgetting and appreciating what we have. Eagerness to excel, establishing priorities and managing our time. I'm an expert on that. Regards, and thank you very much. Willing to help you.

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Mediation, time management, personal and professional development, attitude, resilience.

Time management, priorities, functional time division: study, work, family, friends.

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What kinds of problems does a child psychologist treat?

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