Education, study and knowledge

European Institute of Positive Psychology

With this certification you will become an expert professional in Strengths Coaching that will allow you to face the processes of change most demanded in different work fields: educational, business, personal growth, health field and sports.

We live in moments of great uncertainty. professionals are needed to manage anxiety and mental saturation.


A great team will be watching, will closely support you in your learning and will accompany you step by step in this revolution that is changing professionals.

Eva Herber

Health psychologist, trainer and Coach

Cabbage. No. M-24949

This training is the result of an exhaustive compilation of the exercises with scientific endorsement and resources that have worked best for Eva Herber in her professional career. We have made that effort to be able to combine all this knowledge in the same space and that it is as useful for you as it has been for her when working with her clients.

Ana, Marina and Gonzalo have something in common. All three believe deeply in people's potential and want to know how to activate it. They have read a lot about psychology, happiness and the importance of finding a purpose. They feel that theirs has to do with supporting others on their way to a fuller and more authentic life.

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As a school counselor and mother of two, Ana (42) is increasingly curious about the true nature of what will make us happy in the long run. He is fascinated by the subject of personal strengths and how they help us find

“Children have so much potential, but I find it hard to put into words what I see in them. I lack tools to identify those positive qualities that they carry within. I not only need it for my job, but also as a mother, I want to leave that legacy with my children, so that they can see how much I believe in them." anna laughs “Well, and the fact that I now know my own strengths, I know how I use them and also in which situations I am pushing them to the limit has been awesome. Now I am much better at setting limits and not being so hard on myself. I have discovered that the desire I have to care for others, I can also apply to myself.”

Marina (47) feels that she is at a turning point in her life. She has been working for almost twenty years in the same company and is the leader of an important commercial department. “I want to go further in motivating my team. Superfluous initiatives that generate a temporary impact that are lost after two days are no longer worth it. I need to help my people to really know each other. I am not a psychologist, but I believe that psychology can provide us with many clues. I want something deep, but practical that can help me accompany the people on my team to be their best version.”

Gonzalo (33) also needs a fresh start. In recent years he has studied a lot, and he knows that he wants to dedicate himself more and more to the development of people. He is an architect by training, but he wants to dedicate himself to training and developing creative projects. “However, I feel that I am still missing something to help me understand my own talents better. I want to study Coaching, because I think it is a methodology that adapts to all areas, it would give me many ideas.”

When they found Strengths Coaching, they were impressed. “It is exactly what I needed to know the language and details of human talent from the point of view of scientific psychology. It's like he's given me a much-needed vocabulary and confidence. Now everything is much clearer. I have started using the Strengths Coaching model at work and at home and I am loving it”, Ana tells us, after having viewed the first modules of the course.

Marina, with the characteristic combination of her strengths of commitment and charisma, has created a plan of action with her team. “The fact that there are so many case studies from the business world in the course has allowed me to get straight to the point. I have learned to interpret my team's strength profiles, but more importantly, we are creating a new, more positive culture. I see that we no longer get so attached to the problems, but immediately ask ourselves what we can achieve with the strengths that we already have. It's nice to see how such a simple idea can have such a profound impact.

Gonzalo has also had a very pleasant surprise "I started the course because of a work concern, but I see that the greatest value that I will take away will be on a personal level," she tells us. “The methodology invites you to try all the tools in first person, it has been very entertaining. Also, by looking at my own strengths and putting them to use more consciously I have discovered so many new things about myself, it has been profoundly transformational. Not only do I take a new look at my own need to create and contribute to others, I take a new sense of who I am and everything I can contribute to others. And the practices with colleagues have given me a lot of encouragement and the desire to launch my own Strengths Coaching project.”

Marina agrees: “Learning Strengths Coaching is a learning experience that will not leave you the same. I love that it is so structured, that there are basic techniques that you can take to any area of ​​life, and also very advanced practices that help me deal with more complex situations. Now I know that the strengths will always be there, they are our most valuable resources”.

Eva Herber, Psychologist and Coach

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