Education, study and knowledge

Keys to managing the most common learning disorders from home

The management of homework and school tasks at home, in itself, can already create tensions and a bad family environment, since it generates a problematic disposition on the part of many children.

But... What happens if we add some kind of learning difficulty to this situation, which is sometimes controversial? Hopefully, as parents, the challenge becomes even bigger.

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What is considered a learning disorder (LD)?

When we talk about difficulties in the learning process of a child, we refer to the existence of a learning disorder (LD).

These disorders are understood as the persistent, unexpected and specific inability to efficiently acquire certain academic skills (whether reading, writing, calculating, drawing, etc.), and that occur despite the fact that the child has normal intelligence, follows adequate schooling, and has a favorable socio-cultural environment.

Tips for the most common learning disorders

Let's review the main TAs, specifying the

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guidelines that should be followed in each of them during study time and homework, advice that can also be applied in the event of a possible confinement or quarantine.


The dyslexiaIt is the most common learning disorder, and consists of a neurodevelopmental alteration that generates problems in learning, the use of language, reading and writing, when the processes and skills of phonological awareness, verbal memory and processing speed are altered verbal.

Children who develop dyslexia require a good school methodological adaptationr, because these difficulties they present make them need support to learn and follow the academic rhythm required for their age.

The most common measures that we can adopt from home are the following.

1. give it time

You have to give it time, accepting the fact that youn/a child with specific learning difficulties may take up to three times longer to learn and that you will tire quickly.

2. Provide support

Although it presents some autonomy, it is important that it is placed in a place close to us, where it can receive our attention, control and supervision.

3. Do not assume that you understand everything

We must check that she has understood the statement and what she should do, explaining it verbally if necessary.

4. Explore different learning mediums

Whenever possible, we have to deepen learning and oral assessment of knowledge. If the most effective medium of information for the child is spoken language, it will also be the best medium for learning.

5. We will not require perfect spelling

This is very complex for a child with dyslexia. In the same way, nor is it fair to penalize him for it or focus on his mistakes.

6. Do not give the full weight of the correction

We will never let you correct a piece of writing on your own.

7. Facilitate the learning texts

When I have to study we must provide you with the material in writing, a secure text, and never let him study from his notes, his accuracy can be disastrous and the results frustrating.


This TA causes a difficulty acquiring math skills, understand the functionality of numerical language, the memorization of basic procedures and the interpretation of mathematical problems.

The children who present it will have affectations in many of the daily activities, since mathematics is necessary for the correct interpretation of the time scales, directions, the management of monetary resources and even cooking, so a early detection and adequate treatment will be essential to develop basic skills that can help them in their day to day day.

In this sense, as parents we can help in the following ways.

1. Respecting their level of development

That is, adapting mathematical learning to their capacity and go from the most concrete to the most abstract aspects, from the experimental to numbering and mathematical operations in an ascending process of difficulty.

2. Be creative and design manipulative learning situations

These situations will allow learning through experimentation and the senses, from a more practical perspective.

3. Prioritize understanding of concepts

Understanding is more important than mechanization and automation processes.

4. Emphasize the association of the number with the amount it represents

This can be done using graphics, pieces, manipulatives, etc.

5. Reinforce the performance of exercises of seriation and numerical order

These activities help to consolidate learning progress.

6. Practice mental arithmetic daily

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Taking into account the moment of learning in which it is.

7. Work on the correspondence of mathematical language and the operations necessary to solve a problem

Encourage him to visualize the problems, for example, by drawing them.

8. Use computing resources

This will make learning more attractive.

Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

This neurodevelopmental disorder is often included within the AD, since the attention difficulties that accompany it create problems to develop new academic learning.

It is characterized by causing hyperactivity, impulsivity and attention deficit, although not all symptoms manifest in all those affected, nor do they do so with the same intensity. Although many of these behaviors are normal for most children, in those without ADHD they tend to decrease with age when they go from kindergarten to primary education.

In these cases it is advisable to follow these guidelines.

1. Ensure a structured, predictable and orderly educational environment

This will minimize the chances of distractions appearing.

2. Develop a daily routine, a visual schedule

This schedule will divide the day and allow the child to locate different activities.

3. Create a distraction-free homework space

This space should have good lighting and should only have the material required for the task.

4. Take advantage of the first half of the day

In the first half of the day It is when children show a greater capacity for concentration and attention, because their daily routine has accustomed them to this since their schooling. The morning time slot is ideal for doing homework, especially in the case of children with ADHD. We must take this into account for weekends or for eventual confinement.

5. Use sequencing lists, schematics, and concept maps

These resources will help you learn in an orderly and structured way.

6. Explain tasks with short instructions

Besides, we need to make sure you understand.

7. Supervise discreetly the performance of the activity

We must not give him the feeling that we are exerting pressure.

8. If a task is very dense, break it down and divide it into small parts

In primary education, the maximum of 45 minutes of homework should not be exceeded and, if there is a lot of difficulty, you can take short breaks every 20 minutes or so.

9. Allow mobility in the chair prior agreement

We can allow you mobility in the study chair at certain times, which can be previously agreed.

10. Give clear directions

Clear explanations and instructions must be provided, slow and with more repetition.

11. Have patience

It is necessary to understand his behavior pattern in order to help him, always reinforcing his good deeds and using his interests to motivate him/her.

Author: Laia Portero Capilla, Head of the Psychopedagogy Area of PSYCHO TOOLS.

Bibliographic references:

  • Delgado, J. L. D., Bone, Y. YO. AND. B., Lascano, M. TO. g. L., & Spain, S. g. g. AND. (2019). Dyslexia as learning problem and its pedagogical intervention. International Journal of Health Sciences, 3(3), 1-7.
  • Dieguez, I.M., Alvarez, J.A. (2010). Learning disorders. Definition of the different types and their neurobiological bases. Bulletin of the Pediatric Society, 50, 43-47.
  • DuPaul, G. J., & Jimerson, S. R. (2014). Assessing, understanding, and supporting students with ADHD at school: Contemporary science, practice, and policy. School Psychology Quarterly, 29(4), 379–384.
  • Lagae, L. (2008). Learning Disabilities: Definitions, Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Intervention Strategies. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 55(6), p. 1259-1268.
  • Snowling, M.J. (2005). Specific learning difficulties. Psychiatry, 4(9), p. 103-113.

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