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Sara Laso: "The forensic psychologist must maintain a neutral role"

The fields of intervention of psychology go far beyond psychotherapy. Sometimes, in fact, psychologists do not work for the health field, but for the judicial or even criminal field. This is the case of forensic psychologists, who focus on studying people to provide information relevant to judicial processes and, in general, to the entities that are in charge of ensuring that comply with the law.

But... how exactly do psychologists who are experts in Forensic psychology? In this interview with the psychologist Sara Laso we will talk about it.

  • Related article: "The 12 branches (or fields) of Psychology"

Interview with Sara Laso: The functions of a forensic psychologist

Sara Laso Lozano is a general health psychologist, forensic psychologist, writer and Director of Badalona Psicòlegs. In this interview he talks about the type of problems that specialists in Forensic Psychology address.

From your point of view, what is the main function of forensic psychologists, taking into account the type of tasks they perform most frequently?

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The forensic psychologist is a key player in any legal procedure in which it is necessary to evaluate a specific situation. We can even affirm that our work is essential and that we are a key player in resolving doubts in complex lawsuits. where it is necessary to clarify what is happening and in what situation both the defendant/s and those who are demand.

In summary, we can affirm that as forensic psychologists we are in charge of collecting, analyzing and presenting psychological and scientific evidence in the different cases.

Can a forensic psychologist also advise police investigative teams or even private detectives?

Yes, we can advise police officers, criminalists and/or other professionals from the public security forces in order to carry out criminal evaluations and profiles.

Who usually hires the services of forensic psychologists, individuals involved in legal proceedings or the administration?

In my experience, most of the contracts are made by individuals involved in judicial processes. Generally, they tend to be for reasons of custody, sexual abuse in childhood, gender violence and school/work bullying. However, it is also quite true that I have been hired by the administration itself, but for the latter case, it is necessary to be on the lists of forensic psychologists and/or as technicians.

Do forensic psychologists have to maintain a neutral role at all times?

It is essential to maintain a neutral role and unfortunately it is something that many professionals are fighting for so that this requirement in our profession is protected and fulfilled. If the evaluation and conclusions in the Expert evaluation are not satisfactory for the client, we cannot and should not adapt to what that person wants. Our work is serious and we must abide by our code of ethics and professional ethics so that our work is considered a fundamental and scientifically endorsed tool.

In the conclusions of the forensic psychologist who intervenes in a trial, can he add recommendations on what to do, or is he limited to describing the past and present of what happened?

It can be recommended on what to do. For example, in a custody case, what is best for the minor can be recommended; in cases of gender violence, following a psychotherapeutic process can be recommended; in the case of a person who cannot work, incapacity for work can be recommended; and thus an endless number of situations and cases.

What are the main types of legal proceedings in which forensic psychologists play a role?

The main judicial processes in which we participate are usually in custody of minors, in violence of gender, in school bullying, workplace bullying, sexual abuse both in childhood and in the adolescence. Generally, it is the victim who needs our services, but it is also true that every time it is the same accused who make the decision to count on us.

As a general rule, how much time elapses between the time the forensic psychologist begins to collect information and the moment he presents the expert psychological report?

Well, it depends on the amount of work that the psychologist has. In my particular case, no more than a month between the first visit and the delivery of the report. It must be added that it is advisable not to exceed one month from the time the collection begins until the time of the Expert psychological report, as recommended by the Official College of Psychologists.

Is it possible to carry out expert psychological reports to contrast the information presented by another report of this type?

Yes, we are talking about counter-reports. In the years that I have been dedicating myself to this branch of psychology, I have had various requests for counter-reports, since they consider that the other report does not conform to reality nor has it been carried out with honesty. To make the decision to carry out this counter-report, a lot of data must be analyzed, the evaluation method observed, what documentation have used, what assessment and conclusions has the previous professional drawn and based on that, it is decided to carry out the counter-report or No.

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