What is the ORIGINAL SIN according to the Bible?

One of the most repeated concepts in the abrahamic religions, and especially in Christianity, is the original sin. He original sin It was born as a doctrine that tries to relate because all human beings have a small sin within us, relating this fact to religion itself. To delve deeper into this concept in this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about what is original sin according to the bible.
- What is the original sin? For children
- story of original sin
- Views on original sin
What is the original sin? For children.
He original sin, also know as ancient sin, is a christian doctrine of the state of permanent sin that humanity has, due to the fact that Adam and Eve They fell into the temptation of the Garden of Eden by eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil.
Due to this act of Adam and Eve, all human beings are born with the impossibility of being holy and just, since these were the original attributes of human beings, but they were taken away by God when the first men committed such a great sin.
The sources that speak of original sin are found in the Genesis, more specifically in the third chapter of this, which narrates the experiences of Adam and Eve in paradise and the origin of original sin as such.
Although other religions talk about the mistakes of Adam and Eve, it is only the Christianitythe one who speaks of original sin, being an idea closely linked to Christian belief and especially to the performance of certain sacraments that somehow is capable of fixing this first sin.
Generally, there is a tendency to say that children are born with original sin and it is baptism is the way to remove it, so that the child can grow up without this first sin.

Story of original sin.
The idea of original sin was conceived by the Bishop of Lyon, Irenaeus, who in the second century wrote some letters commenting that with the sources of the Bible one could speak of an original sin, using the stories of Adam and Eve as a basis for his theory.
After Irenaeus, the idea of original sin was not discussed for years, until Augustine of Hippo He continued with this doctrine, relying on the teachings of Paul of Tarsus. Irenaeus and Augustine were followed by many thinkers who supported the idea of original sin, some of these being Tertullian and Cyprian.
The debate on original sin was maintained in the Church for years, so during the Council of Carthage The subject was discussed to establish a doctrine and that there would be unity. The council took place in 397, confirming that the canon of the church was the Old and New Testaments and establishing the bases for original sin to become part of the dogma. Subsequently, original sin was dealt with in the Councils of Orange and Trent where the ideas of the Church on the subject were specified, establishing the concepts that we currently have.
In these councils it was discussed that all people are born with original sin, but that we can remove it through baptism. Even so, evil persists within us and we must fight against it. In the councils there is also talk of some exceptions of people who did not have original sin, the greatest example being that of the virgin mary.

Views on original sin.
To conclude this lesson on what is original sin according to the Bible, we must talk about the different visions who have the branches of christianityabout this doctrine, since although everyone gets the information from the Bible, the point of view may vary depending on the belief.
traditional Catholicism
The idea of original sin in Catholicism is the best known, being caused by the failure of Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit of the tree, and causing all human beings to be born without the possibility of being good and just by nature. Catholicism defends the figure of baptism to purge original sin, but I always understand that part of this nature will always remain within us.
The theme of original sin in the Protestantism It is complicated, since while some branches do accept its existence based on the Bible, other branches consider that the human being is not born with this sin naturally. By their nature, Protestant religions do not defend baptism to cleanse original sin.
For this doctrine, original sin does not exist as such, Adam's action being a bad example for his descendants, but not affecting the human being naturally. This belief was rejected by Catholicism during the Council of Carthage, causing this current to be separated from the usual Catholic Christianity.

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- Aparicio-Gomez, W. EITHER. (2020). The theology of original sin. Ed&ICT. Working.
- Zaid, G. (1999). The original sin. free letters.
- Miranda, L. R. (2009). What was the original sin? Translations and interpretations of Gn 3, 1-24. Circe, of classics and moderns, 13, 157-171.