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6 tips to help a family member with Gambling Addiction

Just one more: It is this phrase that encourages the person suffering from a gambling addiction to make one last bet before retiring. Gambling is a behavioral addiction, that is, an addiction that does not involve the intake of drugs or substances to become problematic. According to researchers and professionals specialized in the subject, many behaviors that are initially normal —such as participating in games betting, shopping or killing time on social networks - can become pathological according to the frequency with which they are carried out, the intensity, and the degree of repercussion in the vital areas of the person, such as work, studies or interpersonal relationships.

Given the complexity of this issue, not only for the addict, but also for his family, in this article we will propose 6 tips to help a family member suffering from gambling addiction.

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The role of the companion of a family member with gambling addiction

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One of the groups most affected by a loved one's problem gambling is the family. This could be very mobilized, since living with the addicted person makes the internal functioning of the family more complex in an endless number of situations. For example, the person addicted to gambling could become irritated by circumstances in which he is unable to go to the betting site. -for example, due to a car breakdown to go to the casino-, for which he could respond aggressively to those who live with him or she.

On the other hand, also usually mobilizes the family group in an economic sense, since the addiction to games of chance implies the bet of increasing amounts of money to obtain the desired gratification. This could affect the administration of family income, but also social relations with friends and acquaintances, since a phenomenon that characterizes gambling is the recurring request for money from others to alleviate desperate financial situations, all caused by the game.

Taking on the role of accompanying a person who suffers from pathological gambling disorder is difficult, and even more so if it is a loved one. Family members do not always know how to respond to consequences for their problem behaviors, or how to act when they are about to carry them out. The latter is a relatively recent phenomenon, since long ago addiction to gambling used to be relegated to places with gaming tables or slot machines, such as bars or casinos. However, in recent years the problem has moved to homes, to the place of residence of the family, since the boom of the online casino has made more available the possibility of betting absurd amounts of money with a couple of clicks.

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Tips for Helping a Loved One with Compulsive Gambling

Taking into account the complexity of this issue, here are some tips to deal with the situation and help a relative with an addiction to gambling.

1. Validate your experience

The first point involves validating the experience of the addict. Many times, people who suffer the consequences of problem behaviors have the impulse to blame the person with addiction. This is not to say that they do not have the right to be angry. Actually, it is logical, valid and expected that family members feel angry, since their lives are also being affected by each other's addiction. However, it is important to know when it is best not to act on intense emotional states. Rather than respond impulsively, it might help to let your loved one know that their gambling problem is valid, because it most likely responds to a learned way of dealing with the problems of your life that, however, turns out to be little effective; perhaps it operates as an escape route from your difficult emotions. Family members may tell him that although it is not his fault, it is his responsibility to take action on the matter, but that they will be there to accompany him.

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2. Make him notice the long-term effects of gambling

While participating in hardcore bets can be extremely rewarding for this loved one, a strategy to help him is to make him notice the long-term effects of his gambling (if he is open to dialogue). The ecstasy of playing is fleeting. However, the long-term consequences tend to be negative, and also to disagree with the personal values ​​of the person who suffers from the addiction.

For example, if the addict values ​​being a present child very much, he could put concrete actions at risk. aligned with that value, such as being available to accompany your father to the doctor on Monday morning. tomorrow. Having gone to the casino the night before, she couldn't be there for him. As a relative, it is possible to ask a series of questions so that the person realizes that this momentary pleasure is not worth it if it has such long-term effects.

3. Provide information about it

If the person is willing to talk about it and it's safe for you to talk about it, providing information about problem gambling will help. From empathy it is possible to let the other know that his discomfort is valid, that it has a name and a treatment. Many people are unaware of the existence of treatments based on scientific evidence to address this type of problem, so it is important to convey this as well.

4. suggest going to therapy

In line with the previous advice, once the person assumes that they have a problem and that, nevertheless, there is a way to live a full life even after engaging in problem gambling behaviors, it will be important to evaluate the treatment. As a family member, it is very difficult to put yourself in the place of forcing the other to go to therapy, and it is likely that it will even be counterproductive. Instead, It is a good idea to encourage dialogue, ask if it is okay to start a treatment and facilitate this task. This could take concrete forms, such as finding out online about centers or clinics where mental health professionals address these issues by calling or taking you in the car to said place.

5. establish agreements

This will depend on the family context, but in some cases it may be a good idea to agree to changes in the administration of finances, or the hours in which the car or access to Internet. These strategies aim to make it more difficult for the person to play. However, it is important that this is agreed upon and is not hidden from the person suffering from the addiction. The non-availability of the problem behavior can generate high levels of anxiety or stress, so concealment will only make the situation worse. For this reason, the work of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist who is able to suggest changes within the family functioning, with the aim of preventing the person from relapsing into the game.

6. Know your own limits

Ultimately, knowing your limits as a family member is important to taking care of your own mental health. Accompaniment can be frustrating at times, or it can be accompanied by difficult emotions such as anger, anguish, or sadness that can be difficult to process. For this reason, also It is recommended that you see a therapist if you have a family member who is addicted to gambling.

Helping yourself to face the difficulties that this situation entails is just as important as being available for the other.

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