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The history of cinema: birth and evolution of the seventh art

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The cinema is one of the most appreciated artistic languages ​​in the whole world. Source of entertainment, learned and reflections, the magic of cinema emerged at the end of the XIX century.

Inventors of cinema and first films

The first cinematographic exhibition for the public takes place in 1895, not on December 28. You are responsible for the exhibition foram us irmãos lumiere, two Frenchmen who are known as the "country of cinema".

They were sons of the owner of a photographic material industry. Likewise, two of the first films made were "Employees leaving Fábrica Lumière", a short 45-second short that showed the departure of men and women who work in the factory.

first film in the world
Frame of the film that shows the workers leaving the factory, two Lumières

But it is important to note that in order for Louis and Auguste Lumière to be able to carry out this first screening, Many people will work, develop and invent techniques and processes for capturing images in movement.

The ancestors of cinema

All the curiosity and knowledge about the capture of images, shadows and lights, as well as two optical studies and the proper functioning of the human eye will contribute to the creation of cinema.

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Even in ancient times, people have never been interested in the subject, so much so that in China, around 5 thousand years ago. C., was raised or Shadow Theather, where shadows of human figures were projected on a canvas.

In the fifteenth century, the genius Leonardo Da Vinci invented what he called camera obscura, a box through which light entered only through a small hole traced by a lens. This device revolutionized the understanding of image projection and contributed to the creation of photography later.

Later, in the 17th century, it arises magic lantern from German Athanasius Kirchner. This was an instrument similar to a camera obscura, rather than projecting painted images on glass plates.

magic lantern
Drawing by Augusto Edouart (1789-1861) depicting a magic lantern

In the 19th century, in 1832, Joseph-Antoine Plateau created the phenacistoscope, a disk with images of the same figure, which when rotated gives the illusion that these images were in motion.

Some years later, in 1839, at Photography It is released commercially, but due to the difficulty of printing photos more quickly, the cinema took a long time to absorb this technique.

Likewise, in 1877 he was raised or praxinoscope French hair Charles Émile Reynaud. This device was very important for the cinema and is considered the precursor of animations.

It consists of a circular device with mirrors in the center and projections on the edges. As the device is manipulated, the projected images mirror us and seem to move.


The invention, initially in small proportions, was adapted and made on a larger scale, allowing it to be displayed to more people, not that it was known as otic theater.

I'm starting the cinema

In 1890 the Scottish engineer William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, who worked for Thomas Edison, invents together with a team kinetoscope, an appliance that projected short dinners in its interior. The kinetoscope could only be used individually.

Thomas Edison then resolved to popularize the machine, installing several of them in parks and other places so that the public could attend for at least 15 minutes by paying a coin.

Five years later, in 1895, the Lumière brothers adapted to individual projection for a larger canvas. The thermo cinema is an abbreviation of the name of the equipment developed for these projections on a larger scale, or cinematograph.

Other devices were also invented at the time, but the cinematograph became more popular, due to its ease of handling.

It was in March 1895 that the first projection for the public was made at the Grand Café Paris.

important filmmakers

In 1896, in French Alice Guy-Blaché idealized a film based on no story A fada do cabbage, creating the first narrative film. She also developed various experimental techniques and was the first to use colors and sound effects. His name has been in the background in the history of cinema for a long time and has been honored in recent years.

Or French Georgers Melies It was magical and the actor used the cinema to create films with various special effects, stop motion and other experiments. Em 1902 or short Travel to Moonfoi um marco, impressing the public.

A trip to Moon, by Méliès
frame of A trip to Moon, by Melies

Another name that arises when we study the history of American cinema d. W. griffith. Ele trouxe inovações cinematámica como a montagem e o plano detalhe.

His most popular film is The birth of a nation, from 1915, a story about the US Civil War that portrays the racist organization Ku Klux Klan as savior and black men as ignorant and dangerous. The blacks were played by white actors painted with black ink, not what we call black face. The long-metragem reached a large audience at the time and contributed to the increase in followers of the violent seite Ku Klux Klan.

In the Soviet Union, or Russian Sergey Eisenstein stood out. Considered one of the most important Soviet filmmakers, he revolutionized the language of cinema and the way of making dinner montages. One of his successful films is The Encouraged Potemkin (1925).

Charles Chaplin I am also an important personality. Idealizer and creator of various films, in the 20s he made success with his productions, such as o garoto e or I'm looking for gold.

seventh art

Still in 1911 or cinema received or title of "seventh art". Quem assim o denominou foi o crítico de cinema Ricciotto Canudo ao elaborar o Manifesto of the seven arts and aesthetics of the seventh art, published in 1923.

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