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The problem of drug use: how can we prevent it?

Drug addiction is a scourge in our society today. We know that this problem is increasing worldwide. And in this, there are no borders. We live in a culture characterized by individualism and consumerism, and these are factors central problems that give rise to the increase in this and other psychological problems present in the present. The emotional voids caused by individualism are often covered with objects of consumption, and in this the drug is offered as another object in the current market.

Drug addiction is a multi-causal problem. It is not enough to think about avoiding the availability of the drug to prevent it. Because beyond the fact that there are drugs with more or less dependency effects, not everything is reduced to the chemical properties of each of them.

What do we mean by that? There is a subject with particular psychological and family characteristics of greater vulnerability, which give rise to the emergence of this problem. That is, a subject who needs to escape from a situation of discomfort because he does not find the resources to face it. And a family that, due to its particular characteristics, cannot provide a favorable response that helps prevent it.

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What vulnerabilities does a person with drug addiction present?

An addict has difficulty regulating his impulses, which is why he cannot correctly tolerate anguish or frustration and is at greater risk of turning to the act of consumption.. Likewise, he has difficulties in being able to work out his conflicts. That's why he escapes by consuming.

Likewise, low self-esteem and little personal confidence underlie it. He generally shows a crisis in his identity and has difficulty projecting himself into ideals of personal fulfillment. He feels emotional lack and his ties are reduced to the people with whom he consumes. On the other hand, many times their family environment denies their consumption, and thus favors their permanence.

So, you will ask yourself. How can family protection factors be generated that help prevent this problem from the early stages of personality development? It is important that your child finds parents who can support him emotionally from an early stage.. May they help you feel valuable and capable of yourself. Parents who fulfill a role of authority, who present themselves as role models. That they can set healthy limits that help regulate his impulses. Help you communicate and process your emotions. That they give you listening, interest and emotional disposition.

prevention-drug addiction

That when adolescence arrives they allow them to define themselves with their own ideals, and that they respect and support their own choices and journeys. Parents who respect their individuality. Allow them to separate and help you feel safe in that takeoff. Parents who act as support and accompaniment in this process of development, growth and personal emancipation.

Of course, there are no perfect parents in this. In fact, it is important to be able to leave that place in order to identify the difficulties. That is, it is necessary to rethink these main parental functions so that the development of healthy family ties can be generated. And identify that, if something may be affecting this dynamic and relationships, perhaps that is a fundamental moment not to postpone to carry out the consultation.

Drug prevention

Let us keep in mind that many of the processes that affect family life and personality development are not conscious instances. You see the effect, the manifestation of a problem, but what caused it is unknown. And there is not a single factor in this. And a professional approach to what may be affecting it is essential. Remember that making a consultation in time can be a very important preventive behavior.

In the problem of drug consumption, the situation does not end with the substance. Substance is only the place of escape and discharge of that which cannot be processed and faced. Psychotherapy constitutes a very valuable tool for the development of the necessary internal resources that allow its elaboration and adequate confrontation.. The more consumption escalates, the greater the difficulty of exit. Because the psychological and physical dependency becomes increasingly greater, and the internal and external resources deteriorate more in their functioning possibilities. Avoid this early on. Don't deny it, or minimize it. Consult in time.

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