The origin of Capoeira: the past escravocrata to its current cultural expression
Capoeira is a cultural expression of enormous relevance in Brazil and that is linked to the country's own formation and history.
It was constituted as a mixture of cultural manifestations, such as fighting, dancing and music.
The emergence of Capoeira
A capoeira has an origin as much as it is uncertain. It is wrapped in myths and controversies, many theories have been formed about the creation of this practice, but, due to the absence of conclusive documents before the 19th century, it is difficult to trace an exact origin.
Meanwhile, it is known that it has African roots, mainly from origin of povo banto, being practiced in the early years of the 19th century by enslaved blacks. As time went by, it became played by freedmen, mestiços, indigenous people and other social groups.
A fact that many times is not addressed when discussing the history of capoeira that I do not know about XIX it was also practiced by military captains, soldiers, Portuguese and even by the elite.
Isso not strip of your practice resistance character, in that the black povo found itself in the corporality of our blows or confrontation with the scravidão. Therefore, insert into your trajectory divergent and complex elements, like the history of Brazil itself.
In any case, this is a cultural manifestation that originated and was established within the class. worker, so much so that the rounds of capoeira were banned throughout the 19th century, being legalized as soon as in 1937.
Origin of the name “capoeira”
One of the most interesting theories about the origin of the name capoeira is what “rare bush” means or “mato que foi”, making reference to open fields where the capoeiristas gathered to do so Rhodes.
Other possible origins of the name refer to baskets of vime with black and black baskets carrying galinhas.
Angolan capoeira and regional capoeira
Capoeira branched into two types: Angolan capoeira and regional capoeira.
Quem Elaborou or regional style was Mestre Bimba, who has been practicing Regional Fighting in Baiana for 20 years.
Mestre Bimba was a figure of great importance in disseminating capoeira in Brazil and in the world. The trouxe certa agility à capoeira, including new blows and leaving it more competitive and similar to a fight, also contributing to making it less marginalized.
Bimba created a school and a teaching method, where practitioners are trained and trained. But some ritualistic characteristics of traditional capoeira are left aside.
For isso, another great capoeirista, or Master Pastinha, defended the valorization of traditions and the rasteiro style that is known as capoeira angola.
Pastinha also created a school in Bahia, or Centro Esportivo de Capoeira Angola, or first to teach or Angolan style.
Many important capoeira teachers are formed, while these two stand out as figures essenciais so that the practice gains respect and effectiveness conhecida by its character of mourning and manifestation cultural.
It is also worth highlighting the importance of music both in Angolan and regional capoeira. The berimbau, atabaque, agogô, clapping and singing are an essential part of the practice, being performed by other practitioners who are in the room assisting capoeira being played.
Thus, despite the differences between the styles, we can highlight how characteristics of capoeira: the presence of music, the training in the wheel, the movements such as kicks, rasteiras, acrobatics and bobs. In Angola the movements are more low and slow and in the region more dynamic and aerial.
A capoeira today or what it represents
From the second goal of the 20th century, capoeira ganhou status The page is remade throughout the world as an Afro-Brazilian cultural expression that brings together sports practice and wrestling with art and tradition.
Practiced in dozens of countries, capoeira was declared an Imaterial Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2014.
Brazil also welcomes many foreign people interested in learning this art that has become a reality. symbol of resistance of black power against oppression e or racism.
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