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How Coaching can help work on Resilience

One of the most valued qualities on a personal level is resilience. Being a resilient person helps to strengthen emotional well-being. But it is also a highly demanded quality in the work environment since resilient people They are more flexible to face the different circumstances that the context of their work requires. presents.

Resilient people are those who have the ability to adapt and face adverse events without being carried away by despair or stress. But they also know how to redirect themselves within these situations and learn from the past process to help strengthen their resilience even more.

What do resilient people have that other people do not have to achieve that attitude in the face of crises? What they possess are certain emotional skills such as patience, empathy, tolerance or acceptance, among many others.

Although some types of personalities may be more likely to have these emotional skills innately, the truth is that they can be worked on to develop a greater degree of resilience.

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Did you know that a coaching process can give you those exceptional qualities to develop your resilience? We tell you about it in this article.

Work on resilience in a coaching process

A coaching process is aimed at achieving an objective. Although the objective is 'the key' to the process, the highlight is that for the coachee to achieve it, the coach guides you along a path of self-knowledge and reflection which makes you develop personal skills that not only help you achieve your goal, but also give you strengths to face life.

This means that many of the skills that a person develops over a period of time coaching process can be key to improving your own resilience, some of them being following:

Understand strengths and weaknesses

One of the main issues that the coach works with the coachee in a coaching process is the definition of what their strengths and weaknesses are in order to know what specific points to work on to achieve the goal.

With this study, a solid foundation is actually built to face all types of challenges: the coachee will be aware of What do you have in your favor to face situations and what do you have to work on (weaknesses) so that they do not drag you into trouble? despair.

  • Related article: "Personal SWOT matrix: what it is, parts, and how to do it"

Manage obstacles

The reason why a situation can destabilize us is that sometimes we lose focus in difficult moments. Coaching helps you set smaller, more specific goals that keep you focused. and they ensure that we do not deviate when faced with small obstacles.

Learn coping techniques

Two powerful tools that many coaches work with are Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence. In the first case, Mindfulness tools allow you to face stressful situations and know how to manage them, while with Emotional Intelligence: You learn to understand emotions, preventing them from 'kidnapping' the person and leading to loss once they appear. of control.

  • You may be interested: "Coping strategies: what are they and how can they help us?"

Develop greater Flexibility

Achieving an objective surely entails having to manage uncertainty, as well as learning to make changes in perspective to meet small goals. Therefore This learning will mean giving a plus to resilience because it will allow the person to know how to get out of certain situations. without them overwhelming you excessively.

Assimilate acceptance

In resilience it is not only important to have the ability to adapt to changes and circumstances, but to knowing how to then return 'to the center' in the best possible way. In a coaching process, the work of acceptance and welcoming is key to developing that part of resilience: not staying trapped in the situation, but embracing it, seeing what it teaches you and release it.

  • Related article: "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): principles and characteristics"

Coaches that help you strengthen your resilience

In the Master in Professional Coaching at our school D’Arte Human Business School, students are not only trained to learn and effectively apply the methodology of a coaching process, but they also learn techniques and tools of Neurolinguistic Programming, Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence, which makes them professionals with resources to help their clients not only with their objectives, but also providing them with greater self-knowledge and the development of qualities such as resilience, which are useful for life and well-being emotional.

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