Education, study and knowledge

Do overprotective mothers create weak children?

Mental weakness is the biggest plague of the 21st century, the one that is not talked about in the news or educational training centers.. And I say it is not talked about because if so this plague would already be extinct. Thanks to my long experience working with adults, business parents, adolescents and children, I have discovered a repetitive pattern that is the beginning of disorders and behavioral alterations, if you are interested in your children being happy and strong, physically, mentally and spiritually, read this article and share it with those who you consider may find it helpful. advantage.

Why is overprotection so dangerous?

When you are a father you say I will be the best father! or at least I will be better than my parents were to me, in that attempt to be a better father for fear that your children judge you, you make mistakes that cause you to achieve what you fear, your children suffer and you judge

Understand that if your parents had not been what they were with you and if you had not had those adverse situations, you would not be the person you are now.

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. “Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men, weak men create difficult times.” Michael Hopf.

Parental love is fundamental and emotionally nourishing in childhood and adolescence; however, the fear that children will suffer puts parents in danger. roles of overprotection and abuse of intellect, thus invalidating the capabilities of a child, creating immature adults, and insufficient thought and action. What you are going to read is an illustration of my expertise and clinical practice.

Overprotection creates indecision, for fear of making mistakes they do not make their own decisions and easily become emotional codependents. victims of their partner and friends, they have a low tolerance for frustration, they are impulsive, they have little patience, they are little or not at all empathetic, some have anxiety complexes. superiority, egomaniacs (this occurs more in women due to lack of attention from the father figure in their childhood, although sometimes it is learned and other times it is a necessity job) believe that the world revolves around them, little open-mindedness, they frequently fail in their marital relationships, which is why they tend to feel insufficient.


How to manage this impulse

Overprotection slows down intellectual development, decision-making, security, and academic, work, and skill success. because the mind programmed neurally and synaptically from an early age suggests that Parents will always be there to solve your problems by throwing tantrums and then it happens to be your couple.

On the other hand, it is exhausting for parents who are hyper concerned about their children, when they go out alone or with friends, to be at peace, not They can't sleep, they have catastrophic thoughts that something bad will happen to them, they tell themselves, if I don't worry I'm a bad mother or a bad mother! father! They make excuses after the criminal results of the news to terrify about the situation of their children not being with them. As a suggestion, parents understand that nothing is terrible except death and death is part of life, so death is something normal and natural.

  • Let life be hard for them, remember that the best heroes are born in times of war.
  • Let them make mistakes, mistakes are part of the learning process and life itself, don't judge them, or say, "I told you so!" That's what happens to you for not paying attention to me and ignoring me! These comments only make your child become defensive and not accept your points of view, nor accept your advice, this means that they always contradict you.
  • Instead of judging, ask, listen and support. Earn their trust by giving them your trust. Can you say tell me about what happened? Why do you think you failed? What do you think we should improve? What do you think we should work more on? After that, create an action plan and execute it daily with perseverance, focus and discipline. With this technique you will work on their low tolerance for frustration because you attack their weak points and reinforce their confidence.
  • Teach the value of things, make them earn it, adult life is the real world.
  • Don't put them in a bubble, your children are not untouchable, life will hurt them, that will make them stronger, accept it and live with it.
  • From love, your job as a parent is to teach them to be strong, defend themselves, be and feel enough.

This article is dedicated to mothers, fathers and relatives or close people who collaborate with the upbringing of children and adolescents. If you want to know how not to be an Overprotective parent, you can schedule an appointment with me, I will be happy to help you.


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