Education, study and knowledge


I am a clinical psychologist with experience caring for adolescent patients, adults, couples and families; expert in emotions, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress, anxiety, among other emotional ailments. I have a degree in Psychology from UNAM, I have a master's degree in Individual Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Psychology Research Institute Clinical and Social, I completed the Doctorate in Psychoanalytic Research with a specialty in family at the same institute and I am writing my thesis doctoral; I am currently pursuing a master's degree in Educational Center Management and a Diploma in Palliative Care at the Anáhuac University.

My latest certifications are the following: • Evaluation and treatment of anxiety from Harvard Medical School. * Management of patients with borderline personality disorder by Harvard Medical School. • Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California • Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder from McGill University. • Treatment of cancer patients by the American Psychological Association (APA)

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I have 18 years of clinical experience working with adolescents and adults, I have solid professional training, which I nurture every year. stay updated in the best institutions worldwide such as Harvard Medical School, MCGill University and Johns University Hopkins.

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