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Blood group 0+: chemical and medical characteristics

Probably each and every one of us, at some point in our lives, whether through a donation of blood or an extraction for an analysis, we have been exposed to this concept: the group blood.

Knowing your blood group is extremely easy; You can request this service at a pharmacy where it is offered, or simply because you are a blood donor, a letter with this information will be sent to you a few days after the donation.

There are different blood groups; In this article we will talk in detail about one of them: blood group 0+.

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The discovery of this blood type

For centuries, the functions of blood have been a mystery. Although doctors sensed its great importance and tried to perform numerous blood transfusions in order to treat different diseases, in most cases, this was harmful to the patient, so this medical practice was prohibited for time.

It was in 1900 when the German pathologist Karl Landsteiner realized that mixtures between blood types were incompatible.

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Thus, investigating deeper, he discovered the fact that in The surface of red blood cells can have two types of markers (antigens A and B) or no markers.. He also discovered antibodies present in plasma, which react against these antigens on the surfaces of red blood cells.

Blood group 0+

There are a total of 8 types of blood groups: A-, A+, B-, B+, AB-, AB+, 0- and finally, blood group 0+. Compatibility to give blood depends on these letters and whether it is positive (+) or negative (-).

Blood group 0+ is known because can give to all blood types (A, B, 0) that are Rh positive, but blood group 0+ can only receive 0+ or ​​0-. Below we will see what it means to be Rh positive, what these letters and number 0 imply, and why compatibilities or not.

Types of blood groups

As pathologist Karl Landsteiner already stated, the type of blood group is determined by the markers (marker proteins) or antigens that are presented on the surface of red blood cells, that is, blood cells reds. These antigens can be A, B, A and B together or simply not have them.

Like any antigen, it reacts with an antibody that tries to neutralize it.. People can have antibodies against these antigens in their plasma.

The presence or absence of antigens in plasma is a determining factor for compatibility when donating or receiving blood. Likewise, positivity (+) or negativity (-) also influences blood compatibility. Depending on these parameters, we have the following groups, as well as their characteristics:

1. Group A

It is the blood group whose red blood cells present the A antigen on their surface and in the plasma we find Anti-B antibodies.

2. B Group

It is the blood group whose red blood cells present the B antigen on their surface, and in the plasma we find Anti-A antibodies.

3. Group AB

This is the blood group whose red blood cells have the two antigens on their surface: A and B. in the plasma no antibody found.

4. Group 0

Group 0 is the group where no antigens are found. Nevertheless, plasma contains Anti-A and Anti-B antibodies.

Positive or negative?

The positive (+) or negative (-) that accompanies the blood group It is defined by a factor in the body called factor D. Having it means being Rh positive and not having it Rh negative. This factor is present in the blood of 85% of people, these being called Rh positive. The remaining 15% of the population lacks this factor, being Rh negative.

Both the blood group and the Rh positivity or not will determine the blood type. For example, a person without antigens on red blood cells will be type 0 blood group. If you also have Anti-A and Anti-B antibodies in plasma, and are Rh positive, you will be blood group +. Therefore it will be type 0+ blood group.

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Blood group compatibility 0+

As we have mentioned previously, blood group 0+ can give any group: A, B or AB (as long as it is positive). This is because Since there is no group with which anti-0 antigens are manufactured, no one will react against it if their blood is received.

On the other hand, blood group 0+ can only receive from people with blood group 0+ or ​​0-, since People with blood group 0+ contain anti-A and anti-B antibodies in their plasma and would react with everything that does not be 0.

Who can donate?

In practice, not everyone is suitable to give blood. This depends on many factors, both physiological conditions and parameters, that is, of the individual himself, and circumstantial parameters. (exotic trips, contact with people infected with hepatitis, taking certain medications, pregnancy, recent earrings or tattoos, etc…).

As essential parameters, it is considered essential to weigh at least 50 kg to be able to give blood, to be of legal age and to feel in a good general state of health. On the other hand, you should avoid giving blood on an empty stomach and giving blood on an empty stomach. a minimum period of 2 months since the last donation.

Furthermore, since men have a volemia (total blood volume), they can do so up to 4 times in the same year and women only 3.

Permanently, Blood can never be given to patients with hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or HIV., insulin-dependent diabetic patients, epileptics (and under current treatment) or other serious diseases.

What happens to the blood that is drawn?

This blood obtained through blood donations is intended to treat diseases that cause anemia, treatment of different types of cancer, treatment of accidents, hemorrhages, burns, organ transplants, interventions surgical, etc.

It is considered that 1 in 10 people admitted to a hospital will need blood and that 1 in 2 people residing in Spain will need blood at some point in their life. Furthermore, curiously, only 5% of potential donors donate blood each year, very little.

The blood, once it arrives at the transfusion center, is divided into 3 components: red blood cells (red blood cells), plasma and platelets and transferred to people according to their needs.

Blood type is not a factor that is distributed in society in a statistically equitable way. In Spain, the blood group that takes the cake is A+, with approximately 36% of the population, while AB- only has 0.5%.

The most curious group could be considered the 0-, since it is a universal donor (no one makes antibodies against it and also does not have the D or Rh factor), but can only receive from himself (since it has anti-A and Anti-B antibodies in plasma), and this sometimes causes supply problems in blood banks. So don't hesitate, be generous and donate blood! You will save lives.

Bibliographic references:

  • Netter, F. (2019). Atlas of human anatomy. Elsevier Spain.
  • AND. Hall, John (2016). Compendium of Medical Physiology. Studentconsult. Elsevier. 13th Edition.

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