Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Daniel Miskiewicz Perdigon

I help people and athletes reach their maximum potential. Through Coaching I help people identify and overcome their main mental interferences, set objectives and goals, and develop strategic action plans to achieve everything you want to be and to have. As a Coach you can expect from me an absolute commitment so that you can obtain clarity about your goals and priorities in life. I will help you identify what you really want to achieve and establish a clear approach to achieve it. I have more than 5 years of experience practicing professional Coaching. Within my training as a Coach I have a Life Coach Certification; another Certification as a Professional Coach, both certifications endorsed by the International Association of Coaching. Also, and more recently a Master in Sports Coaching through the Isabel I University (Spain). I understand you, I have also been an athlete: I was an athlete of high performance for more than 10 years and I can understand the mental challenges that a professional and amateur athlete goes through throughout their career sporty.

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My specialties are prevention and overcoming sports injuries through Coaching, NLP and Mindfulness techniques. Also, I specialize in reducing sports stress and pre-competitive anxiety.

Within my personal and professional values ​​you will find:- Harmony: It is very important to me that we connect and the process is carried out with fluidity and balance. This harmony will allow us to develop the trust we need to open our hearts in each session.- Flexibility: Adaptation to change and the feeling of freedom is vital for me in our professional relationship.- Achievement: Your achievements are my achievements. There is no Coaching if there are no results. So my commitment is to your objectives and goals.- Serving others: It is my vocation. I have a genuine interest in your growth and expansion of potential.

It was a pleasure Sara. Thank you very much for your consideration. Greetings

A pleasure Pol. All the success to you. Greetings

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