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The challenge of living with a person with OCD

OCD is a chronic mental disorder characterized by the presence of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted and repetitive thoughts, images or impulses that generate anxiety. Compulsions, on the other hand, are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person performs in an attempt to reduce the anxiety caused by obsessions. Living with someone who has OCD, whether as a family, as a couple or as roommates, is a challenge; involves understanding and dealing with these patterns of thinking and behavior.

First, it is essential to educate yourself about OCD. Knowing the characteristics and symptoms of the disorder is the first step to understanding what our loved one is experiencing.

What is OCD?

OCD can manifest itself in many different ways, from obsessions about cleanliness and order, to religious or violent obsessions. Compulsions also vary widely, from repeatedly washing hands to counting objects or performing specific rituals.

It is important to remember that OCD is not a choice or a character weakness.

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. It is a mental health condition that affects the person on a deep level. Obsessions and compulsions are intrusive and often overwhelming, and the person experiencing them may feel trapped in a cycle of constant anxiety.

Additionally, setting healthy boundaries is important. Although it is essential to be understanding, it is also essential to recognize that some compulsions can be ineffective or even harmful. In such cases, it is appropriate to speak with the loved one and together seek help from a mental health professional.

Treatment is a crucial part of managing OCD. Therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and prevention (ERP) and, in some cases, medication, may be effective in reducing symptoms of OCD. Supporting the person in seeking treatment and following the recommended treatment plan can make a big difference in their quality of life.

  • Related article: "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): what is it and how does it manifest?"

Why is it such a challenge to live with someone with OCD?

Living with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be an overwhelming challenge., and the story of a woman who suffered from it in her family with her sister is a vivid testimony of how this condition can affect people and her loved ones. The pandemic introduced a new set of challenges, and for her, these challenges became insurmountable obstacles.

  • You may be interested: "Mental health: definition and characteristics according to psychology"

Anonymous Real Life Case

My sister, a strong-willed but easy-going person, found herself caught in a whirlwind of obsessions and compulsions that will profoundly affect her life and her relationships with her loved ones. At first, her OCD manifested itself aggressively, which was a shock to all of us, especially my mother and I, who shared a home with her.

Her need for control and her fear of contamination led her to impose rules and rituals that we all had to rigorously follow. Every time she returned home after work, she faced an exhausting process. She was to take off the shoes she wore on the street and change me into another pair that she considered "clean." Even lunchtime became a stressful experience as I was forced to eat outside at a table and chair I had set up to avoid contamination.

In the afternoon, when I returned home, the decontamination process continued. I was to bathe and maintain a safe distance from others until I was deemed “clean.” She herself insisted on helping me wash my hands, fearing any possible contamination.

Daily life in our home became a constant challenge. My sister carried out her daily activities with extreme precautions. She cooked using cloths or aluminum foil to touch any surface, and her hands were punished by constant cleaning with detergents and abrasive chemicals. Even the simple act of showering became a ritual that lasted almost an hour, filled with fear and anxiety.

Anxiety spiked every time we returned home from abroad, and her insistence that we all follow a decontamination protocol was overwhelming. Living under these conditions was difficult for all of us. My sister struggled with the constant torment of her obsessions and compulsions, while my mother, father, siblings, and I struggled to understand and adapt to this new reality. The tension in the home was palpable, and patience was quickly worn out.

My sister's story is a reminder of the importance of recognizing the signs of OCD early and seeking help. Unfortunately, it took two years before we could convince her to see a mental health specialist, a psychiatrist, who finally diagnosed her and put her into treatment.

The treatment, which included medication, marked a turning point in her life. She experienced significant improvement but still cannot take psychological therapy due to her progress. the disease, which must first control its obsessions through medication and compulsions. However, the damage had already been done, and family relationships had been deeply affected.

Melissa Santamaria

Melissa Santamaria

Melissa Santamaria

Clinical psychologist/Expert in the treatment of anxiety and stress disorders/Master in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy/PhD in clinical health psychology

Verified Professional
Online therapy

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The importance of understanding each other

This case reminds us of the importance of awareness and understanding. OCD is not a choice, it is a mental illness that requires care and support. For those who have loved ones struggling with OCD, it is crucial to seek the necessary help as soon as possible, before relationships and quality of life are irreparably affected.

Living with a person who suffers from OCD is an emotional and practical challenge, but with understanding, patience and the adequate support, it is possible to provide a supportive environment that encourages the person's recovery and well-being affected. This true case is a testament to how love and care can make a difference in the life of someone struggling with OCD.

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