Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Julieta Pepa and team.

Lic. in Psychology. Adult clinic.

Hello! I am Julieta, Lic. in Psychology, graduated from the University of Salvador (Buenos Aires, Argentina), with more than 10 years of training in Psychoanalytic Clinic. I invite you to my online office called “Al Diván”. A space dedicated to patient care where you will find: -FREEDOM TO EXPRESS -CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVATE SPACE -RESPECT FOR YOUR INDIVIDUALITY. Request your appointment through the calendar or by WhatsApp, I will contact you as soon as possible to confirm it, on the agreed day a link will be sent to access the online session, and that's it, we'll meet!

Together with my colleague and co-teamer Gabriela Cirillo, we built a virtual space for psychoanalytic care called “Al Divan” here you will find: • Therapeutic guidance by expert psychologists in Clinical Individual Therapy, Gender Perspective, Guidance for Ma-parents, Griefs and Migrations. • We provide a safe, supportive space, active listening, containment and accompaniment in which freedom to express and respect for subjectivity are valued.

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The proposal of the Individual Therapy space aims to move those subjective discomforts, sufferings and internal conflicts. As a correlate we find psychological manifestations such as anxiety, irritability, sadness, apathy, demotivation; and other times physical, such as headaches, tachycardia, dermatological problems, or they can also alter our sleeping habits, and feeding. In the session, there is active listening, questioning, stopping points are established, creating a unique space where the encounter with the word has a different value than usual. The technique aims to ensure that something of what is said is heard differently and the patient can thus generate other senses to what ails him, recovering that margin of freedom that he has lost around the suffering.

Recognitions to Julieta Pepa and team.

The 10 best Psychologists in Usaquén (Bogotá)

Jorge Ramirez Paz He has a degree in psychology from the Universidad Minuto de Dios, in addition ...

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The 10 best Psychologists in Tulum

Miguel Angel Camamal He has a degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Yucatan, has...

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The best 14 Psychologists in Doral (Florida)

The psychologist Javier Ares He has specialized throughout his career in applying an integrative ...

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