Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Psychologists in Villahermosa (Tabasco)

The therapist Aurora Montejo Barragan She has a degree in Psychology and, in addition, it is also important to highlight that this specialist has a Master's Degree. focused on the field of Family Sciences and with a Diploma specialized in the study of Thanatology.

This psychologist has extensive experience in treating some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress or very complicated stages of grief.

Miguel Ángel Caamal Martín She graduated in Psychology from the University of Yucatán and after spending some time, she specialized in the field she specific to Interpersonal Relationships through a Diploma taught by the Yucatecan Association of Psychotherapy Humanist.

It is undoubtedly thanks to his academic training that this specialist has been able to obtain great skill over time in treating difficulties such as anxiety, stress or depression.

Emotional Astronaut is a center specialized in the practice of psychotherapy located in Mexico City in which the psychologists who make it up have a great experience in the use of cognitive behavioral therapy and in the treatment of patients through the methods that are so common today video calls.

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We can go to these specialists, if, for example, we detect that we are suffering from a mental disorder. anxiety, serious depression or if we have serious difficulties in being able to effectively control our emotion Of anger.

The psychologist Brenda Quiroz She has more than 10 years of professional experience and is a specialist in caring for adolescents, adults, older people and also couples who may be going through a bad time currently.

Her intervention is offered online and is based on the integrated application of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy along with other therapies as well. effective, with which she addresses cases of anxiety and depression, codependency, stress, low self-esteem and deficits in the management of gonna.

Brenda Quiroz has a degree in Psychology from the University of Puebla, she has a Master's degree in Neurolinguistic Programming, a Master's degree in Systemic Dynamics, a Diploma in Thanatodynamics and she also has Training Courses in Ontological Coaching and Coaching Transformational.

Miguel Pulido Alarcon He has a degree in Psychology from the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla and has a Diploma specialized in Narrative Therapy, issued by the Latin American Institute of Family Studies.

Over the years, this psychologist has been able to treat on various occasions some psychological difficulties such as anxiety, complicated stages of grief, infidelity or jealousy.

Jesus Alfredo Soberanis Reyes He completed his basic studies in Psychology at the Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco and later, He decided to complement these studies by taking a Master's degree specialized in the specific treatment of addictions.

He is an expert in treating some difficulties such as chronic depression, codependency, complicated stages of grief, anxiety disorders or suicidal ideations.

Alejandro Flores Molina He has a degree in Psychology from the Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco and has a Master's degree specialized in Legal and Forensic Psychology, issued by the University Institute of Puebla.

In her consultation, some psychological difficulties are often treated, such as example depression in adolescents, premature ejaculation, addictions and difficult stages of duel.

Pamela Perez Bernal She graduated in Psychology from the Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco and later specialized via Diploma in the specific areas of Thanatology and Logotherapy.

As patients of this specialist we can begin a therapeutic process that will undoubtedly be very beneficial. in the case of suffering from an unwanted situation of codependency, an anxiety disorder or depression chronicle.

Georgina Jaimes Carbajal She has a degree in Psychology from the National Pedagogical University and has a Master's degree from Carl Rogers University, which specializes in the specific field of Psychology Humanist.

He has great skill in treating difficulties such as the stages of grief, codependency, depression in adolescents, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or post-traumatic stress.

Gretel Maria Fernandez She graduated in Psychology from the Universidad Veracruzana and once she obtained her accreditation degree, she gradually specialized over time in the application of Gestalt therapy.

We should know that some difficulties can be treated in your private consultation, such as codependency, depression in adolescents, anxiety disorders or work stress.

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