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The 100 best phrases about the future and the future

Nobody knows what the future will bring. and being able to face it successfully can be difficult for us on certain occasions.

What will happen in the future? That is something that no one knows for sure and that we would all like to know. Although we do not know the future that awaits us, thanks to our daily actions and attitudes we can prepare for what may happen in a much more efficient way.

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Great phrases about the future

For the future to be more benevolent to us, we must begin to pursue it today, creating for ourselves a path that can take us to the place where we want to be tomorrow.

Below you can find a selection of the best phrases and reflections on the future and the future, some phrases that perhaps can focus you towards the future you want.

1. The best way to predict the future is to create it. (Peter Drucker)

If we do not put all our dedication into it, we will never reach the future we want.

2. The past cannot be changed. The future is still in your power. (Mary Pickford)

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We must forget the mistakes we made in the past, the future will be better for us.

3. Let us try more to be parents of our future than children of our past. (Miguel de Unamuno)

Our past experiences should not be masters of our lives, the future can be very different.

4. The future is hidden behind the men who do it. (Anatole France)

What we do today will help us on our path to personal success.

5. The future begins today, not tomorrow. (John Paul II)

Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

6. We have prepared men to think of the future as a promised land that heroes reach, not as something that anyone reaches at a rate of sixty minutes an hour, no matter what they do. (C. S. Lewis)

Time passes and we must take advantage of it, do not waste the time you have to create your future.

7. You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. (Abraham Lincoln)

Do not postpone what you must do today in order to create your dream future, we must not be lazy in life.

8. I am interested in the future because it is the place where I am going to spend the rest of my life. (Woody Allen)

Taking an interest in our future today will give us the opportunity to arrive at it much more prepared.

9. Change your life today. Don't risk your future. Act now, without delay. (Simone de Beauvoir)

A very motivating phrase by Simone de Beauvoir, the future begins today, not tomorrow.

10. Study the past if you want to predict the future. (Confucius)

Past experiences can help us face the future in a much more successful way.

11. If I were given the opportunity to give a gift to the next generation, it would be the ability to laugh at themselves. (Charles M. Schulz)

Learning to laugh at ourselves is something that can take us a lifetime. the little things are always the best.

12. Every time you make a decision, you change the future. (Deepak Chopra)

Our decisions today will affect what happens to us in the future.

13. It's more fun to think about the future than to dig into the past. (Sara Shepard)

The future is yet to be created, our efforts must always be directed towards it.

14. Not all dreamers are winners, but all winners are dreamers; Your dream is the key to your future. (Mark Gorman)

We all dream of achieving the future we want for ourselves, our dreams will be the engine that will help us get there.

15. Dreaming about the future is much better than regretting the past. (Beta Tuff)

We cannot change what happened one day, it is better not to think too much about it.

16. If you wake up in the morning and think that the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it is not. (Elon Musk)

Our positivity directly influences our daily lives, helping us to be much more productive.

17. There is nothing like a dream to create the future. (Victor Hugo)

Pursuing those illusions that we have today is something essential in life, our future will depend on the actions we take today.

18. The power to create a better future is contained in the present moment: You create a good future by creating a good present. (Eckhart Tolle)

Our ability to act is focused on the present; it depends on which future we are heading towards.

19. A man devoid of hope and aware of being like this has ceased to belong to the future. (Albert Camus)

Our hopes are essential for us, with them we devise the future we want to one day reach.

20. Your past does not equal your future. (Tony Robbins)

Our past does not have to determine our future, we can build a better future with our actions in the present.

21. The future depends on what we do in the present. (Mahatma Gandhi)

What we do today will be of vital importance for our future, take advantage of every minute of the time you have.

22. Optimism is a strategy to create a better future. Unless you believe the future can be better, you are unlikely to take responsibility for building it. (Noam Chomsky)

The future does not have to scare us, we are capable of reaching it if we work hard enough today. Our daily perseverance will be vital to achieve it.

23. It is possible to get ahead, no matter how difficult it seems. (Nicholas Spark)

Getting ahead may seem complicated to us today, but we will be able to do it thanks to our daily efforts.

24. May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future. (Jimi Hendrix)

We must all pursue our dreams in life, our dreams largely represent the person we are today and also the person we want to be tomorrow.

25. All successful people are big dreamers. They imagine what their ideal future could be like in every aspect of their lives and work every day toward that vision, that goal, or that purpose. (Brian Tracy)

In order to achieve success tomorrow, we must work tirelessly today. Without the strength of our work we will never be able to achieve what we want.

26. I believe that the future of humanity lies in the progress of reason through science. (Emile Zola)

Science will give us the opportunity to create a better future tomorrow, new technologies will be fundamental for the society to come.

27. It is not in the stars to maintain our destiny but in ourselves. (William Shakespeare)

The future is not written, we write it ourselves with our daily lives.

28. Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, accept it, no matter where it leads. (Henry Miller)

Where will our destiny take us? Not knowing may be one of the great attractions of life. Life always manages to surprise us.

29. Nothing is predestined, the obstacles of your past can become the portals that guide you to new beginnings. (Ralph H. Blum)

Our mistakes allow us to learn from them, we all evolve over the years.

30. Decisions made in a few seconds define entire futures. (Dan Simmons)

It is true that a decision that may seem small today can drastically change our future.

31. Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window. (Peter F. Drucker)

A great quote from Peter F. Drucker, apart from perhaps being somewhat comical, it is also totally true.

32. Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would shatter, I would still plant my apple tree. (Martin Luther King)

Martin Luther King was willing to live every second of his life by his own standards. He wouldn't let anything or anyone change his particular way of being.

33. The most important thing is this: sacrifice what you are now for what you can become tomorrow. (Shannon L. Alder)

Let's work today to build a better future, laziness will not bring us wealth or success in the future.

34. We do not need to plan or design a world of the future. If we take care of the world of the present, the future will have received all the justice from us. (Wendell Berry)

Let us act today being aware that the future awaits us, we must take care of ourselves and we must also take care of our environment.

35. As long as we are persistent in seeking our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot choose the day or time when we will fully bloom. It happens in due time. (Denis Waitley)

Our perseverance will make us triumph at one time or another, we must not give up.

36. Choose the day. Enjoy it down to the smallest detail. The day as it comes. People as they come. The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present and I don't want to spoil anything by worrying about the future. (Audrey Hepburn)

Now is the most important thing in our lives, now is when we can act. The past cannot be changed and the future has not yet arrived, live in the now.

37. Let the future tell the truth and judge each person according to their achievements and goals. The present is yours but the future, for which I have worked so hard, belongs to me. (Nicholas Tesla)

Nikola Tesla knew that in the future he would be recognized as the great genius that he was, he was not wrong.

38. You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only do it by looking back. So you have to trust that the dots will connect somehow in the future. You have to trust something, your instinct, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect, then down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the beaten path, and that will make all the difference. (Steve Jobs)

Steve Jobs left us great quotes like this, being patient today will allow us to be successful in the future.

39. Those people who develop the ability to permanently and consistently acquire new forms of knowledge that they can apply in their work and their own lives will be the ones who take our society towards the future. (Brian Tracy)

We must evolve throughout our lives, we can always learn new things that can help us improve our performance.

40. The entrepreneurial business favors an open mind. It favors people whose optimism drives them to prepare for many possible futures, almost purely for the pleasure of doing so. (Richard Branson)

Let's get started! In life we ​​learn by making mistakes, because we learn from them and not from victories.

41. The future has many names. For the weak is the unreachable. For the fearful, the unknown. For the brave it is opportunity. (Victor Hugo)

The future can be just as we want it, but we must work today to make it so.

42. All we have is now, this moment. If you live in the future, you will miss things, right here, right now, and you will regret it later. (Jessica Therrien)

It is in the now where we have to start creating the future we dream of. Now is the time to act.

43. The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future simply by changing his attitude. (Oprah Winfrey)

Our attitude is very important in life, with it we largely direct where we are going.

44. Enthusiasm is deeply rooted in the ability to choose, not in circumstances. For those who are enthusiastic, the best way to predict the future is to create it. (Stephen Covey)

Making the future we dream of come true will not be an easy task; we must be very motivated and committed to achieve it.

45. The past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities. (Stephen Hawking)

As Hawking very well tells us in this quote, the past and the future cannot be manipulated. The only thing we have the power to manipulate is the present.

46. Never let the future bother you. You will meet him, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason with which you fight the present today. (Marcus Aurelius)

Marcus Aurelius encourages us with this quote to live in the present and to be persevering in our choices.

47. Do your duty and a little more and the future will take care of itself. (Andrew Carnegie)

Being the best at what we do will guarantee a better future for us.

48. We may see only a little of what tomorrow holds, but we see enough to make it worth working for. (Alan Turing)

The future may be uncertain, but if we want it to be the best possible, we will undoubtedly have to work.

49. Let's make our future right now, let's make our dreams of tomorrow come true. (Malala Yousafzai)

We must fight to fulfill our dreams, because no one will run for us in the great race that is life for everyone.

50. I am an optimist. And everyone interested in the future should be. (Arthur C. Clarke)

Being optimistic and positive will allow us to live in a much more pleasant way.

51. A generation that ignores history has no past or future. (Robert A. Heinlein)

Knowing our history is essential, especially to avoid making the same mistakes we made in the past.

52. Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. You will never be the same. (Robin Sharma)

We all change during our lives, we improve over the years thanks to the fruit of our experiences.

53. Go for it now. The future is not promised to anyone. (Wayne Dyer)

Now is a good time to start something, it will always be a good time as long as we can do it.

54. A person can change his future simply by changing his attitude. (Earl Nightingale)

What our attitude transmits to others will be the same thing that they transmit to us. The question is how do you want others to treat you?

55. Don't let memories of your past limit the potential of your future. There are no limits you cannot overcome on your journey through life, except in your mind. (Roy T. Bennett)

We tend to put limits on ourselves, let's not do it. Life can be wonderful if we don't limit ourselves.

56. Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our goal constantly focused on the future. (Walt Disney)

Life can change very quickly, but we must not be distracted. Having set objectives will be very important to be able to achieve them.

57. It is our distrust of the future that makes it difficult to renounce the past. (Chuck Palahniuk)

Keeping our mind on the past will not help us improve, the past is past and the future depends on us overcoming it.

58. Life can only be understood by looking to the past, but it can only be lived by looking to the future. (Søren Kierkegaard)

We must not forget our past, but we must not live anchored in it either. Life goes on.

59. The future influences both the present and the past. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

The person we are today will be responsible for the person we will be in the future.

60. The future belongs to anyone capable of taking the risk and accepting the responsibility of creating it. (Robert Anton Wilson)

Pursuing our dreams can lead us through a life of hard work, are you willing to work for it?

61. We become wise not by the memory of our past, but by the responsibility of our future. (George Bernard Shaw)

We must take our future very seriously, it depends solely on us to make it a reality.

62. True happiness is enjoying the present without anxious dependence on the future. (Seneca)

Fully enjoying the present will make us much happier people, the little things in life are what bring us the most happiness.

63. Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from trying to control it. (Kahlil Gibran)

We all have to work for our future, but we must also know that the future does not have to be exactly as we wish.

64. Mathematics is just another way to predict the future. (Ralph Abraham)

Mathematics helps human beings in many aspects of life, thanks to them our current technology is really very high.

65. Always remember that the future comes one day at a time. (Dean Acheson)

The future may be closer than we thought. It may even have already arrived.

66. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

A great quote from former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, a woman who was undoubtedly way ahead of her time. As they say, behind every great man there is always a great woman.

67. Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the lines of history to wait for the train of the future and jump on it. (Dwight D. Eisenhower)

He who works to build its future will be the one who deserves to be its owner. The choices we make today will take us to the destiny we deserve.

68. Some things from the past have disappeared, but others open a gap to the future and those are what I want to rescue. (Mario Benedetti)

Our experiences and personal experiences will guide us towards the person we want to be tomorrow.

69. What is coming is better than what is gone. (Arabic proverb)

The best is yet to come, the future can be wonderful if we believe in it.

70. Only by closing the doors behind you do windows open to the future. (Françoise Sagan)

Let's leave negative attitudes behind, and start working to build our future.

71. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; It's something you design for the present. (Jim Rohn)

The search for happiness will accompany us throughout our lives, whether we find it or not will depend on us.

72. The future is that period of time when our businesses prosper, our friends are true, and our happiness is secure. (Ambrose Bierce)

The future may always seem better than the present, but for it to be so we must try to improve the present today.

73. Only he who builds the future has the right to judge the past. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Achieving the future we want depends only on us. Our mistakes teach us the path we should not take.

74. Life is a series of collisions with the future; It is not a sum of what we have been, but of what we long to be. (Jose Ortega y Gasset)

We must fight day by day to improve and advance on our path towards the future we want.

75. Education is our passport to the future, because tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. (Malcolm X)

Education is essential to be more successful in the future, without education there will not be a better future.

76. The future is a comfortable place to place dreams. (Anatole France)

We dream of tomorrow, but we must build it if we want to live in it.

77. The future belongs to the innovators. (André Gide)

Human beings will always seek to innovate in all sciences, as a species we should not set limits for ourselves.

78. The world does not age, it is renewed, it becomes purer, more agile and sincere, and the future is always young. (Rafael Lasso de la Vega)

The future belongs to the young people, because they will be the men and women of tomorrow.

79. My little heart, you take away the sadness of life from me, and brighten my future with light... (Paul Geraldy)

A truly poetic quote that encourages us to see the future with great optimism.

80. He who knows about the past knows about the future. (Ramón María del Valle Inclán)

He who knows the mistakes of history does not have to commit them.

81. Life is what happens while we make plans. (John Lennon)

One of the most famous phrases of this member of the Beatles.

82. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. (American Beauty)

A phrase full of positivism and inspiration.

83. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. (Arthur C. Clarke)

A truly revolutionary way of conceiving technological progress.

84. In the future, everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes. (Andy Warhol)

Warhol was one of the most recognized artists of his time and some of his contributions had great influence throughout the world.

85. Don't count the years make the years count. (George Meredith)

A phrase that we can use as a model of existence.

86. Fortune favors the bold. (Latin proverb)

One of the best-known Latin phrases, which has survived to this day.

87. Any teacher who can be replaced by a machine should be replaced by a machine. (Arthur C. Clarke)

A truly disturbing phrase about the future.

88. The preceding day teaches the day that follows (Pindar)

This Greek lyric poet left us truly beautiful phrases.

89. They call you future because you never come (Ángel González)

An ironic and humorous phrase attributed to this great Spanish poet.

90. If fascism ever comes to the United States, it will do so in the name of freedom (Thomas Mann)

Thomas Mann lived through one of the most turbulent times in his native Germany.

91. Robots can be very intelligent. They can be as creative, intelligent and capable as human beings (David Hanson)

A reflection that we can share about the future of robotics.

92. When deep space exploration takes off, it will be corporations that will dominate everything; The IBM Star Sphere, the Microsoft Galaxy, Planet Starbucks (Fight Club)

One of the most remembered phrases from this great David Fincher film.

93. The problem of our times is that the future is no longer what it was (Paul Valery)

An ironic reflection on expectations about the future.

94. Magic is just science that we don't understand yet. (Arthur C. Clarke)

A variation of one of his most famous phrases about technology.

95. The supreme value is not the future but the present; The future is a fallacious time that always tells us "it is not time yet" (Octavio Paz)

A very accurate reflection from this great Mexican poet.

96. I was always afraid of the future, because in the future, among other things, is death (Ernesto Sábato)

The fear of death is one of the most recurrent fears in human beings.

97. Yesterday is just a memory; Tomorrow is never what it's supposed to be (Bob Dylan)

One of the most beautiful verses of this great American singer-songwriter.

98. Robots will harvest, cook and serve our food. They will work in our factories, drive our cars and walk our dogs. Whether you like it or not, the age of work is coming to an end (Gray Scott)

A prediction about what the world of the future may be when it comes to robotics.

99. Moose will be hunted in the humid forests of the canyons that will surround the ruins of Rockefeller Center, clothing from leather that will last a lifetime, climb over vines as thick as my wrist that will wrap around the Sears building struggle)

A certainly disturbing image that presents a post-apocalyptic future.

100. Be the change you want to see in the world (Mahatma Gandhi)

A phrase that encourages us to become better people in the future.

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