The curiosity of the human being has led him to make great inventions that have all kinds of functions. In music, musical instruments they are wonderful devices capable of producing a very wide range of different sounds. Thanks to the variety we have, we are able to create works rich in texture.
In an instrument its shape, the materials with which it is made and the mechanisms of its operation are factors that define the capabilities and qualities it has to produce sound, this is how we get so many options to express ourselves through a instrument. In this lesson from a TEACHER we will talk about a characteristic sound instrument that has been part of various styles and musical genres: we will know the parts of the trumpet.
The trumpet is an instrument of the category of metal winds, the same family to which the saxophone, trombone and tuba belong, among others. Its body is made of a single long piece that is bent in a spiral and ends in a campaign.
The source of the trumpet goes back to the
prehistoric music, when elements of animal origin such as horns or shells were used to make calls for war or reunion. Throughout history the beginning of this wind instrument with amplification it evolved, initially the trumpet did not have keys that could alter the notes so its variety of sounds was limited. It's not until the 18th century keys (pistons) are added to the trumpet design in order to expand the range of notes that the instrument is capable of producing.In modern times, the trumpet has become part of different genres. Having its academic beginnings in the classical music, then has expanded its territory to territories such as gangs of march, jazz, salsa and latin music among others.
Trumpet operation
Like several members of the same family, the trumpet is made of metal, a material called brass. As it is a wind instrument, its main objective is to modify the passage of the wind to create different sounds through the vibration of the wind hitting the metal. Additionally, much of the sound is produced by the vibration of the musician's lips at the embouchure.
The trumpet is played primarily with one hand, while the other holds it. The instrumentalist blows through one end of the instrument and the sound comes out of the other, amplified.
Image: Slideshare
The trumpet is very practical to transport and does not need any further process to get ready before playing it. Although it is composed of several pieces that need proper maintenance, to touch it only requires placing one "nozzle".
Additionally, there are pieces that can be attached to alter the sound. It is the case of mutes, which come in various forms and produce different effects. Here we discover all the parts of the trumpet so that you know them better:
It is an interchangeable piece that is placed right at the beginning of the trumpet, in a hole called a tube. anchorage. The mouthpiece attaches to the mouth of the trumpet and there are several that have the ability to alter the type of sound. There are many different nozzle models but they can be divided into 2 categories according to their shape: V nozzle and C nozzle.
The pistons are the part with “keys” that can be pressed and released to produce different notes. The trumpet has only 3 pistons but the change of positions in combination with the pressure changes made by the musician's mouth can produce a tessitura range of 2 and a half octaves.
The pistons work with an interesting mechanism. The metal cylinders called valves they have holes with a certain stroke that when pressed, change the flow of the wind, altering the resulting note. The pistons have springs responsible for returning the keys to their original position and must be well oiled and clean so that they can be operated with agility.
Finger hook or bracket
It is another part of the trumpet. A small metal piece after the pistons, which supports the little finger of the hand that touches the pistons.
Bell or canopy
It is the final part of the trumpet where the sound comes out. The bell is shaped to amplify the sound and enhance its projection.
They are the parts of the trumpet tube that correspond to the pistons. Apart from the 3 pumps for each piston, there is an additional movable pump, which allows the tuning of the trumpet to be slightly adjusted. This bomb is called tuning slide or slide tube.
Drain cock
And we end this list with the parts of the trumpet talking about the drain cock. Since the musician is always in direct contact with the instrument through the vibration of his lips, it is very common for the inside of the trumpet to become damp and cause the accumulation of saliva inside the instrument. To prevent this from affecting the sound, the drain cock can be depressed to release the liquid through a hole.
The trumpet is a very interesting instrument that has gone down in history in various musical styles, with musicians taking its performance to marvelous extremes. Although it is not the easiest instrument to learn at first, perhaps now that you know about its parts, it will attract your attention to approach one to explore the music.
Image: Slideshare