Education, study and knowledge

What is entrepreneurship

In this video I am going to talk about entrepreneurship, all the factors that allow someone to create a business.

First of all, the will, intentionality to create a company: Entrepreneur.

There are two types of variables that allow the creation of the company, the internal variables - endogenous Y external variables - exogenous.

Endogenous, internal variables:

  • Entrepreneurial capacity (will, and training)
  • Business idea (what we want to do and achieve)
  • Availability of resources (money, financing capacity)
  • Know-how (create a company different from what already exists)

Exogenous, external variables:

  • Company location (physical or online)
  • Market availability (customer location)
  • Public infrastructures (transport, internet ...)
  • Economic situation (currently economic crisis).

Also, if you want to practice and finish understanding better entrepreneurship, I have prepared you some printable exercises with their solutions that you can correct yourself.

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