Basic elements of technical drawing
In this new video I'm going to show you the basic elements oftechnical drawing, that is, to be able to see in a general way the lines and concepts that have been explained in these tutorials.
The technical drawing helps us to graphically represent various types of objects, with the purpose of showing the information sufficient to facilitate analysis, assist in designing the design, and enable construction and maintenance.
In the video we are going to draw two everyday objects such as a plastic cup with a glue stick inside. The first thing is to take the appropriate measurements of the set of the two objects and then do the plan and the elevation.
In the following image we see what the views of a camera are like.

In the video I explain in more detail how to represent a real object with the bases of technical drawing to have all the information necessary to create these objects.
Also, if you want to practice what you learned in today's class, you can do the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web.