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Layers of the atmosphere: what are they?

Layers of the atmosphere: what are they?

Image: Meteorology network

The atmosphere is a layer of gas that surrounds a planet and is permanently attached around it due to its gravitational field. Within the different atmospheres that exist in the galaxy, the terrestrial is the one that protects life that we find inside the planet and is also the cause of temperature regulation. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to stop to discover what are the layers of the atmosphere, indicating and summarizing one by one; We will also talk about its composition to learn more about the gases found in it.

Before knowing which are the layers of the atmosphere, let's discover what is it made of this gaseous barrier that protects us from the sun's radiation. Next, we will detail its composition:


It constitutes 21% of the air, it is a very necessary gas for living beings, and it also tends to react with most substances.


It represents 78% of the air, being an inert gas it does not react with any substance.


We will only find it in 0.9% and as the previous one it does not react with any other substance.

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Carbon dioxide

With a 0'03% representation within the atmosphere, it is like oxygen, a very important gas in the reactions that take place on planet earth.


One of the most important gases in the Earth's atmosphere and it is hardly represented in it. Its main function is to absorb most of the ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Water steam

Very necessary for the formation of clouds, we find it in highly variable quantities, depending on many factors, it is the main cause of the greenhouse effect.

Solid particles

As for example dust or pollen, they are found in suspension in the air, one of the most important elements within this group will be water, which can then fall in liquid or solid form.

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover the internal and external parts of the Earth so that you know better what our planet is made of.

Layers of the atmosphere: what are they? - The composition of the atmosphere

Image: Comparison Chart

Let's analyze, now, what are the layers of the atmosphere to better know what we have on top of our planet and what helps us to be able to live correctly on Earth.


It is the layer where we will find the cloud formation and climatic phenomena due to the great concentration of water vapor that we will find. As we go up in it, the temperature goes down until it reaches the limit of -70º.


It goes from 20 km of altitude to 50 km in its highest part, in this we will find a radical change in temperature and therefore we will find that in the limit with the next layer there will be a temperature of 0º. It is the place where we will find the so-called ozone layer, so important for life on earth. Which on many occasions we can find called the ozonosphere, which is located between 20-40km of altitude, being the place where around 97% of the ultraviolet rays that reach the earth are absorbed.


We will find it located between 50-80 km of altitude, is the thinnest layer within the atmosphere. Within it, for example, we will find that it is the moment by which the spaceships when returning, begin to notice great turbulence.

Thermosphere (ionosphere)

We find it between 80 and 640 km. It is a place where radio and television waves they spread much faster than in any other place, due to the great energetic load that it possesses. The gas that we will find in abundance will be nitrogen. On the other hand, it is the place where the meteorites that reach our planet decompose. Its temperature ranges from -73º to 1,500º.


It extends up to 9,600 km and is the farthest part of the atmosphere from earth. Yet many scientists often speak of the magnetosphere that would be behind it and that is where we will find the earth's magnetic field. It is the place where we will find the cosmic dust that can then fall to the earth or where the meteorological satellites are located.

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