New ICT technologies and companies
In this video I am going to talk about ICTWhat is the current relationship between ICT and business?
The TIC they are information and communication technologies.
These technologies They can be very important for the company, especially to communicate the company's message and make its product or service known.
A economic globalization, it needs a technological response from companies, which can be produced through the webs, social networks, etc.

Currently you can buy products from companies located far away thanks to the TIC. The location of the companies within the internet fences is important.
This generates new forms of market.
Email is also very useful, both for advertising to customers and to streamline internal company communication.
Internet is a fundamental tool to communicate, to make the company's products known and even to sell through networks. Online advertising is increasingly exploited.
Also, if you want to practice and finish understanding better ICT and business, I have prepared you some printable exercises with their solutions that you can correct yourself.