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Understand the Dark series: synopsis, characters and explanation

Darkis a science fiction, drama and suspense series created by German director and screenwriter Baran bo Odar and producer Jantje Fiese. It is the first German series produced for the Netflix platform and was released in December 2017.

The series is a kind of puzzle that presents a complex narrative structure. In Winden, a small German town, four families dive into the search for a boy who has mysteriously disappeared. Then they discover that events span different generations.

DarkIt is a fiction full of symbolism and mystery that has the ability to hypnotize the viewer, continually forcing him to reflect and seek an explanation.

What is the relationship between the past, the present and the future? Are they independent space-time units or do they feed back on each other?

Let's discover, next, the enigmas of one of the most complex series in the Netflix universe.

Dark series poster

Dark series synopsis

In Winden (2019), a small fictional town located in Germany, the disappearance of a child puts all the neighbors on alert. The police force tries to investigate the case without finding any explanation.

instagram story viewer

Four families live in the municipality: the Kahnwald, the Nielsen, the Dopplers and the Tiedemanns. All remain united in the face of the mysterious events. However, everything changes the day that Mikkel, the youngest son of the Nielsen family, disappears without a trace.

Summary by season

Dark is composed of 26 episodes, divided into three seasons. In the series' journey, a mystery is being forged that begins from the pilot chapter and continues until the end of the third season.

What's going on in Winden? Who is behind the disappearances?

Attention, spoilers from here!

Season One: The Enigma of Time Travel

In 2019 Michael Kahnwald decides to take his own life and leaves a letter addressed to Ines, his mother.

Jonas, his son, is very marked after what happened and tries to recover psychologically with the help of Peter Doppler, his psychiatrist.

At the same time, the people of Winden mourn the disappearance of a young man named Erik. Neither the neighbors nor the police know what could have happened.

One night, while Jonas is hanging out with his friends Bartosz, Magnus and Martha, the latter's little brother, Mikkel, disappears.

From that moment on, the Winden police force, of which Mikkel's father is a part, makes every effort to find the minor alive. Soon, a body of a minor disappeared in 1986 also appears.

For his part, Jonas, in his attempt to discover the reason why his father committed suicide, takes a space-time journey thanks to the help of a mysterious man. He then discovers that his father is actually Mikkel Nielsen, who grew up under the name Michael Kahnwald and was adopted by his grandmother Ines from him.

1953, 1986, 2019 are the time-space lines from which this season unfolds. Through them, the secrets of each of the families are discovered. They all have something in common and their own secrets. Meanwhile, Noah appears, a mysterious priest who seems to be behind time travel.

At the end of the season, Jonas travels to 2052 and discovers a completely razed Winden.

Jonas entering the Winder Caves.

Season two: into the apocalypse

Jonas finds himself trapped in the year 2052. There are only the survivors of the apocalypse that occurred in 2020. The young man tries to go back to 2019 in order to avoid disaster. However, he discovers that time travel is no longer possible.

In the end he manages to escape from that time but ends up immersed in 1921. He then meets Noah, a mysterious priest who never gets old.

He also discovers what is behind a secret organization called "Sic Mundus", whose leader is called Adam (actually Jonas), who plans an apocalypse in order for the past, present and future to be join.

Meanwhile Claudia, head of the Winden nuclear plant in 1986, tries to stop the organization and prevent disaster. To do this, he has the help of Jonas from the future.

On the other hand, some residents of Winden discover time travel and the identity of the “travelers”.

Jonas realizes that everything that has happened is a consequence of his actions. Therefore, he wants to avoid the apocalypse of 2020 and change the course of events and prevent the death of Martha.

When the day of the apocalypse arrives, Martha dies and another girl appears with the same appearance as the young woman, who comes from another dimension.

Jonas in Winden, 2052

Season 3: A New World

Jonas travels in 2019 to a new Winden, it is his town but it is a parallel world. In this new reality he does not exist, but the disappearance of one of the village's youths has also marked its inhabitants.

Also, Jonas manages to locate his acquaintances, including Martha, who is not the girl he is in love with.

In this Winden, there are changes with respect to his, Jonas does not exist and his mother, Hannah, is expecting a baby from Ulrich Nielsen. On the other hand, the Doppler marriage is also broken and Charlotte maintains a clandestine relationship with Ulrich. This time it is his daughter Franziska who is deaf and not Elisabeth.

This season spans three different centuries. In it, the inhabitants of Widen try by all means to save their tragic destinies and avoid the suffering of their relatives.

But finally, Claudia reveals the truth to Adam, who intends to destroy everything that encompasses time travel. The woman speaks of an origin world from which two interconnected worlds arise, which were created by the watchmaker Tannhaus in order to prevent the death of his son.

Still from the third season of Dark, Jonas and Martha appear from the other world

Series explanation Dark

Where we come from? Where are we going? Is there a connection between the past, present and the future? Is it possible to change the course of events or is everything moving towards an invariable destiny?

Dark It is a complex fiction, perhaps one of the most mysterious in the Netflix universe. It is one of those series that makes you remain insomniac to everything that happens. Its complexity also lies in the relationship between its characters and, to a large extent, in understanding the nexus between present, past and future. Later, in the third season, to understand the three worlds in which the story is resolved.

To find the different answers in the "dark" script that the series presents us, we can cling to scientific theories, philosophical positions and mythology. The key to understanding Dark it resides in controlling different concepts that make up its plot.

1. The Einstein-Rosen bridge or wormhole

One of the bases on which the plot of the series is based is the possibility of being able to travel through time through wormholes.

Einstein and Rosen formulated a theoretical hypothesis in which they embodied the contingency that two universes could be connected and, through the core of a black hole, it would be possible to travel in the space time.

This is how the series raises how the characters are capable of traveling from one time or era to another. All thanks to a time machine and Winden's cave.

Thus, the theory of black holes serves to establish the structure of the series, which is developed in different narrative lines: 1921, 1953, 1986, 2019 and 2052. Each belongs to a different time dimension.

In this way, it is not necessary to understand the passage of time as something linear but, rather, circular.

2. The eternal return

If you could relive something that you have already lived before, would you do the same again? Would you repeat the same actions? Would you do it the same way?

The series takes the idea of ​​the eternal return treated by Nietzsche in his work Thus spoke Zarathustra. On Dark time is circular and events follow the laws of causality. There is no beginning and end, but events repeat themselves cyclically, in the same way in which they occurred. Facts cannot be altered or changed.

"The beginning is the end and the end is the beginning." So, although Jonas from the future tries to avoid the apocalypse and Claudia tries to prevent the death of her father, everything happens again as it happened.

My adult self wanted to tell me something but I couldn't because if you knew what I know now, you wouldn't do what you have to do for me to get to this precise moment. I could not exist as I am now, if you do not follow the same path that I followed. Noah.

3. Myth of Ariadne, Theseus and the Minotaur

Martha performs a play

The Greek myth of Ariadne, Theseus and the Minotaur is also represented in the series.

According to his story, Theseus enters the labyrinth in order to end the life of the Minotaur. Ariadna, daughter of King Minos, helps him out of the labyrinth using a ball of yarn. They finally escape from Crete together, although Theseus ends up abandoning her.

In the series this story is explicitly represented thanks to the monologue that Martha executes during a theatrical performance at school:

From that moment he knew that nothing changes, that everything remains. That the wheel turns and turns in circles. One destiny is linked to the next by a thread, red as blood, that unites all our actions. Nothing can undo those knots. They can only be cut. He cut ours with a sharp knife. But there is still something that cannot be separated. An invisible link.

In this case, time travel represents that complex labyrinth through the caves that Jonas from 2019 has to cross.

He at first he does it with the help of Jonas from the future, who guides him with a red mark, like a thread, so that he travels through time towards his future self, Adam. Thus, Theseus would be represented by Jonas and Adam would be the Minotaur to the east that he must defeat.

4. Déjà vu or error in the matrix

Comparative frame in which Jonas appears on a bicycle and Martha the same in different seasons

In the third season, from the first episode, the idea of ​​a déjá vu or error in the matrix appears reflected. In fact, we got to wonder if Jonas's mission this season is to break this bug in the matrix. But what is this?

When we experience déjá vú, we have the feeling of having experienced an event before.

As viewers, when we watch the first episode of the season, we also have the feeling of having seen all of that. Well, we are witnessing a new world, in which its characters repeat the same mistakes as in the world that we already knew in the other previous seasons.

Déjá vu is also part of the series finale during a dinner in which Hannah, after the lights out, claims to be experiencing something that she has seen before.

5. Parallel universe

During the first two seasons we only knew one world, that of Adam (Jonas). However, in the third season, we witness a "mirror" world that we did not know, that of Eva (Martha).

In much of the last installment, it is implied that these two worlds are connected by a origin, an infinite loop, which takes its characters over and over again to go through the same experiences.

Adam believes that this "origin" is the son that Jonas and Martha have in common, and his goal is to end everything so that nothing is repeated. In this sense, if the son of both does not exist, which supposes the infinite loop that unites both worlds and the origin of some lineages of the series, many characters do not really exist.

On the other hand, in these parallel worlds, there are small differences in the characters and in their lives, something that makes up a family tree with some differences, including Jonas's nonexistence or Hannah's marriage to Ulrich.

6. Schrödinger's cat

Schrödinger's cat paradox frame

Can he be dead and alive at the same time? Why does Jonas die and live at the same time? Why is this happening with other characters as well?

The series shows, at the beginning of the seventh episode of the last season, the paradox that Erwin Schrödinger raised. Tannhaus is in charge of explaining it: if we put a live cat in a closed box with a bottle of toxic gas and a device with a particle, if the particle were released, it would kill the cat.

As spectators we only see two closed boxes and for a while we do not know what happened there inside, just at that moment two realities are created: one where the cat lives and the other where he is dead.

On Dark We are witnessing this event but, on a larger scale, with the creation of two worlds.

7. What we know is a drop, what we ignore is an ocean

This Isaac Newton quote appears many times throughout this season. It not only serves to describe what happens to the characters within the series, but also to the viewers.

And it is that, this phrase, can define very well how we feel after two seasons thinking that the series posed time travel in a single world, ignoring that, there was not only a parallel world, but also a third dimension.

Which reiterates that we only knew a small part of this complex universe. But then how is everything created? What is the origin? How can this change of course be explained in the third installment?

The end of Dark: the three worlds

The end of the series continues to have determinism as its starting point. An idea that, unlike the comings and goings of the characters within the series, remains intact. Fiction, at the beginning and at the end, continues to question the possibility or not of altering our destiny.

Likewise, the third season centers the protagonism on Jonas and Martha, who represent through Adam and Eva, their adult “I”, the side of darkness and that of light, respectively. One has the mission to close the cycle and destroy it. The other to prevent it.

This is how each of them, like a game of chess, have different characters on each of their sides to reach their respective objectives. At the same time, each character gradually reaches his destiny, and in this way his own "circle" closes.

Finally, the character of Claudia comes to solve the ending and reveal the existence of another world, that is, in reality, there are three worlds:

  • The origin
  • Adam's world
  • Eva's world

But which of all should exist for the loop to have its end? Claudia explains it to Adam at the beginning of episode 8:

Your world and Eva's world should never have existed. You thought that the origin of the worlds lies in the connection of both worlds. But in reality, it is out of both worlds. Our thinking is governed by dualities. Black or white Light or shadow. Your world or Eva's. But it is a mistake, nothing is complete without a third dimension.

Salvation as a starting point

Throughout the series, we have seen how many characters move with the mission of altering a destiny that is known to be tragic.

Martha's voice-over is heard in the first chapter and brings us back to the question of whether destiny can be altered or not:

If we knew how it all ended, where would our journey take us, would we make the same decisions or would we choose a different path?

Jonas tries to prevent the death of his father and Claudia the suffering of her daughter. In this sense, we can see how everyone moves with the idea of ​​altering the future to save their own.

Everything starts from here. Tannhaus, from the home world, created a prototype time machine to prevent the death of his son, daughter-in-law, and his granddaughter. Thus these two realities arose, which destroyed his world.

Claudia's mission at the end is to show Adam which is the way to undo the knot and travel in time.

The future of Jonas and Martha

Frame from the end of the series, where Martha and Jonas disappear

The last mission of Jonas and Martha is to prevent the accident of Tannhaus's son so that he does not create the prototype of the time machine. Afterwards, the youngsters seem to disintegrate into tiny particles because, in reality, Martha and Jonas never exist.

However, the final scene in which Hannah is pregnant opens the possibility of the future existence of a new Jonas, with a different father, since Mikkel does not exist. The presence of the yellow raincoat the young man was wearing could also be a sign.

Symbology of the Dark series

The number 33

This number is full of mystery and has had different interpretations throughout history. One of them is, for example, in the Christian religion since it represents the age in which Jesus Christ was crucified.

In numerology, 33 is a master number that refers to balance, love and spiritual peace.

The series chooses this number to refer to the end of one period and the beginning of another. In this way, it refers to the time it takes for the moon's orbit to agree with the sun. Thus, all the timelines of the series are joined by the number 33. Events repeat themselves when a 33-year cycle passes (1953,1986, 2019).

Have you heard of the 33-year cycle? Our calendars are wrong. A year does not have 365 days (…) Every 33 years, everything returns to the way it was. The stars, the planets, and the entire universe return to the same position. Charlotte Doppler.

The triquetra

It has Indo-European origin, however, it also had great representation for the Celts, who used it as a symbol of life, death and reincarnation.

To a greater extent, the triquetra can be interpreted as a triple dimension of the feminine divinity. In the series, she appears in the time travel book, in the doors inside the cave, and in Noah's tattoo.

Dark she uses this symbol to explain the infinite loop that is created between the time periods (1953, 1986 and 2019). It refers to the fact that the past, present and future are connected and influence each other.

Triquetra symbol in Dark series

Emerald Table

She appears tattooed on the character Noah's back and also on the hospital wall in 1986. It is a short text, assigned to Hermes Trismegistus, which contains texts that try to explain the essence of primordial matter and its transmutations.

It is an enigmatic message that cannot be understood in a single reading. In it you can read phrases such as "what is below is like what is above", which could be an allusion, again, to time. Everything is connected "beginning is the end and the end is the beginning".

Emerald board on Noah's back

"Sic mundus creatus est"

It is a phrase of Latin etymology that literally means: "and thus the world was created." It is written on the doors inside the cave, at the top and bottom of the triquetra symbol.

On the other hand, it appears in the emerald table and gives its name to the organization of "time travelers" headed by Adam, which had its origin in 1921. Adam intends to wage a war against time, wishes to reach an apocalypse and give way to a new cycle bathed in disaster.

Phrase Sic mundus creatus is in the caves of Dark

Narrative lines of the series

In what order do the events occur in the series Dark? Is there a chronological order?

One of the main tasks that the viewer faces when entering the mysteries of Winden is to try to understand what happens in each of the narrative lines.

Although linear time does not exist in the series, these are the most important events that occur in each of the eras, arranged chronologically:


  • Martha from the parallel world (Eva's) tells Jonas from 2052 that she is not his Martha. He also tells her that he has come to help him discover everything that ties her world to hers.
  • Jonas, Magnus, Franziska and adult Bartosz arrive at Gustav Tannhaus's factory from the future. There they begin to make a time machine.
  • The stranger kills Gustav Tannhaus.


  • Silja and Bartosz become a couple.


  • Silja gives birth to Hanno, who will later become Noah.


  • Agnes is born and Silja dies in childbirth.


  • Five-year-old Hannah and Silja visit Adam, after which Adam kills his mother.

June 1921:

  • Young Noah and adult Bartosz Tiedemann dig the portal inside the cave.
  • Jonas has traveled since 2052 and meets young Noah.
  • Adam and Noah are on the trail of some sheets from the book "A Journey Through Time" that have been lost. Adam asks Noah to find them.
  • Young Jonas tries to go back to his time but, when he goes to the caves, he discovers that the tunnel is not yet built. He later talks to Noah and meets Adam.
  • Adam explains to Jonas what the group "Sic Mundus" is and what he wants. He also teaches her the time machine.
  • Adult Noah talks to his young "me" and suggests that he travel back in time. Then Agnes kills adult Noah.
  • Adam travels to 2020.

November 1953:

  • The lifeless bodies of Erik and Yasin, who disappeared in 2019, appear near the works of the plant and young Egon discovers them.
  • Ulrich adult has been traveling since 2019 on the trail of Helge Doppler. There he discovers Helge the child and tries to kill him.
  • Egon arrests Ulrich thinking that he is the culprit of the murders of the children who have turned up dead.
  • Old Claudia asks the watchmaker to build a time machine.
  • Young Helge discovers the portal and travels to 1986.


  • Old Claudia hides the time machine so that young Claudia can find it later.
  • Claudia visits the watchmaker and gives him the book "A journey through time", written by him in the future.
  • Noah kills old Claudia.
  • Egon finds the body of the elderly Claudia, his daughter in reality.
  • Hannah has been traveling since 2020 to meet Ulrich.
  • Tronte boy is in the forest with the stranger, who claims to know his mother Agnes. After her he gives her a bracelet of the same one and tells her that he chose her name.
  • Hannah from 2019 has an affair with Egon and finds out that she is expecting a baby from him.
  • Doris is investigating the mysterious disappearance of Agnes and suspects that Noah is her husband of hers. Later, after meeting the stranger, she asks her husband Egon for a divorce.
  • The stranger writes the end of the book that reveals Winden's secrets.


  • Two strange women deliver a baby to H. G. Tannhaus, it's Charlotte. That night, her son, daughter-in-law and her granddaughter die in an accident.
  • On November 8, 1971, Jonas and Martha travel to the original world to avoid the car accident of H.G. Tannhaus. Later, the worlds of Adam and Eva disappear and, with them, Martha and Jonas.


  • Mads Nielsen disappears, shocking the entire town of Winden.
  • Mikkel arrives from 2019 and goes to look for her house, but realizes that his parents are not there and that they are teenagers.
  • Young Claudia takes charge of the nuclear power plant and discovers that something strange is happening related to time travel.
  • Ulrich and teenage Katharina start dating and girl Hannah is interested in Ulrich.
  • Jonas travels since 2019 and discovers that Mikkel is his father, he also sees when Hannah girl meets Mikkel.
  • Hannah reports Ulrich's abuse of Katharina to the police and they believe it was Regina and plan to get revenge on her.
  • Jonas returns to 1986 to save Mikkel and is kidnapped by Noah in the experiment room. There Hegel the child and Jonas touch their hands and this causes a trip to another time.
  • Jonas 2019 and Martha from the other world travel to this year to avoid the opening of the central drums that caused everything.
  • H.G Tannhaus finishes the time machine by following the blueprints Claudia had given him.


  • Old Claudia visits young Claudia and tells her about the time machine and tells her that she has to prevent Adam from fulfilling her mission.
  • The elderly Ulrich escapes from the mental hospital and has a meeting with his son Mikkel, whom he tries to transport without success to 2019.
  • Young Claudia tries to prevent the death of her father but ends up being the cause of it.
  • Elder Claudia meets Jonas and they travel to 2020 with the time machine to try and stop Adam.
  • The stranger, in version child, adult and old man, kills Bernd Doppler.
  • Katharina from 2019 travels to this year in search of her son Mikkel, she soon meets the elderly Ulrich, whom she promises to take out of the sanitarium.
  • The stranger kills Claudia's secretary at the nuclear power plant.
  • H.G. Tannhaus explains to his granddaughter Charlotte his true origin.
  • Charlotte meets Peter, who comes to Winden after the death of his mother.
  • Katharina from 2019 is murdered by her own mother.
  • Claudia discovers that the watchmaker did not write the book on time travel, which she has no author.


  • Hannah gives birth to Silja


  • Michael Kahnwarld commits suicide and leaves a letter for her mother Ines to open on November 4.
  • Young Erik disappears and the entire town of Winden tries to find out what happened.
  • Mikkel disappears into the forest one stormy night.
  • Ulrich investigates the case with Charlotte and discovers the body of his brother Mads in the forest, with the same appearance as in 1986.
  • Jonas from 2052 shows up in 2019 and stays at Regina's hotel.
  • Another boy, Yasin, disappears into the forest.
  • Jonas of 2052 guides Jonas of 2019 to discover time travel. He soon travels to 1986.
  • Noah recruits Bartosz and asks him to work for him.

2019 (Parallel World):

  • Jonas from 2019 from the other world appears in Winden and Martha warns him that in this world he does not exist. Also, Jonas discovers that Regina is dead.
  • Mads Nielsen's body from 1973 appears as police investigate the disappearance of a child in Winden.
  • Hegel is interrogated about the discovery of Mads's body
  • Jonas tells Martha that she will show him how everything is connected.

June 2020:

  • A new commissioner leads the investigation of the missing children.
  • Katharina discovers the existence of time travel.
  • Charlotte investigates the group "Sic Mundus" and discovers her adoptive grandfather's relationship with time travel.
  • Adult Hannah travels to 1953 to stay there.
  • Adult Jonas visits young Martha and tells her who she really is. She also tries to prevent her death. However, Adam coldly shoots the young woman.
  • Martha arrives from another dimension to save Jonas.

September 2020:

  • Young Claudia visits her daughter Regina, who is very ill.
  • Elisabeth girl and Peter try to find out if Charlotte and Franziska have survived the apocalypse.
  • Young Noah meets the girl Elisabeth Doppler.
  • Elder Tron kills Regina at Claudia's request.

June 2052:

  • Jonas from 2019 appears in Winden, however the town is devastated as a result of the apocalypse. There is a group of survivors there, among them is an adult Elisabeth Doppler as the team leader.

November 6, 2052:

  • Eva explains to Martha from another world what her future will be like if she doesn't stop the apocalypse. She also tells Jonas of 2019 that he must choose between the two worlds.

June 2053:

  • Jonas investigates how she can travel back in time after the apocalypse.

Dark series characters

Another of the series' strong points Dark is the large cast of it. The protagonists are the members of four families: the Kahnwald, the Nielsen, the Doppler and the Tiedemann. In addition, in the third season new questions appear related to the parallel world and the new timelines that make their way.

The different timelines that the series deals with mean that most of the characters have to be played by different actors. Sometimes figuring out who is who becomes quite a challenge. Who is Noah? What relationship does he have with Agnes? Who is Adam? Who exist in the source world?

Here's a short summary that reveals who each character is, what family they belong to, and relationships that exist between them taking into account the world of Adam, the world of Eve and the existence of her or not in the world source.

Kahnwald family

Kahnwald family

It is one of the families with fewer members of Dark. The form Agnes, which is the grandmother, and the marriage formed by Hannah Y Michael Kahnwald and his son Jonas.

This family only exists in its entirety in Adam's world, although some of its members exist in other worlds.

Jonas Kahnward / Adam

Jonas Dark

He is the protagonist of the series and is played by the actors Louis Hofmann ( 2019), Andreas Pietschmann (2052) and Dietrich Hollinderbäumer (Adam).

  • In Adam's world: He is the son of Michael Kahnwald and Hannah. After the suicide of his father he tries to recover psychologically and is in love with Martha Nielsen. He is also the mysterious time traveling stranger who tries to end time travel. Finally, in the second season, it is known that Jonas is also Adam, who wants to dominate in the war against time and cause an apocalypse.
  • In Eva's world: this character does not exist in this reality. But Jonas from Adam's world travels to this world and discovers that he is not alive there.
  • At the origin: he does not exist, the only time he is present at the origin is when he avoids the accident of Tannhaus's son, so that he does not create the time machine.

Hannah Krüger

Hannah Krüger

The actresses Maja schöne Y She reads give life to Hannah Krüger (Married Kahnwald) Jonas's mother and Michael Kahnwald's widow. Hannah exists in all three worlds, with different lives:

  • In Adam's world: she is the mother of Jonas and widow of Michael Kahnwald. She is a physical therapist at the Winden Nuclear Plant and, since childhood, she has been interested in Ulrich Nielsen to the point of becoming obsessed with him. In adulthood they are lovers. Hannah travels to the year 1954 and maintains a relationship with Egon Tiedemann with whom she has a girl named Silja.
  • In Eva's world: she is married to Ulrich Nielsen and is expecting a child. She suspects that her husband is unfaithful to her with Charlotte Doppler.
  • At the origin: Hannah is friends with Regina, Katharina, and Peter. She is pregnant with a boy, whom she will call Jonas.

Michael Kahnwald / Mikkel Nielsen

Michael Kahnwald dark

She is the trigger for the series, when she commits suicide she leaves a letter to Jonas and gives rise to many questions.

  • In Adam's world: Michael Kahnwald and Mikkel Nielsen are the same person. Michael Kahnwald, played by Sebastian Rudolph, is Jonas's father, Hannah's husband, and Ines's adopted son. Mikkel Nielsen, played by Daan Lennard, is the youngest son of Ulrich Nielsen and Katherina Nielsen. At the beginning of the series he mysteriously disappears into the caves in 2019 and travels back in time to 1986, when his parents are teenagers.
  • In Eva's world: There is no Michael Kahnwald but there is Mikkel Nielsen.
  • At the origin: does not exist.

Ines Kahnwald

Ines Kahnwald Dark series

Lena Urzendowksky (1953), Anne Ratte-Polle (1986) and Angelas winkler (2019) bring this character to life.

  • In Adam's world: She is the adoptive mother of Michael Kahnwald, in 1986 she meets Mikkel Nielsen when she works as a nurse and decides to stay with him to prevent him from going to a children's home. She does not have a good relationship with her daughter-in-law Hannah hers.
  • In Eva's world: it does not exist, since Mikkel has not traveled in time.
  • At the origin: does not exist.

Nielsen Family

Nielsen Family Dark Series

The Nielsen genealogy is one of the most complex in the series. In the world of Adam and Eva the same members appear.

However, in the second, the Nielsen marriage comprised of Ulrich Y Katharina is separate. In both cases her children are: Martha, Magnus Y Mikkel. The parents of Ulrich, Jana Y Tronte.

Ulrich nielsen

Ulrich Nielsen Dark

Ulrich, interpreted by Oliver masucci (2019 and 1953) and Ludger Bökelmann (1986), is the husband of Katharina Nielsen and father of Mikkel, Magnus and Martha.

  • In Adam's world: He is a police officer and has an affair with Hannah. When his youngest son disappears, he investigates time travel and travels to 1953, where he is imprisoned after being accused of a crime.
  • In Eva's world: he is also a police officer and is married to Hannah, with whom he is expecting a child. However, he has an affair with his trade partner Charlotte.
  • At the origin: does not exist.

Katharina nielsen

Katharina dark series

Nele trebs (in 1986) and Jördis Triebel (in 2019) they embody Katharina.

  • In Adam's world: she is the wife of Ulrich and the mother of Mikkel, Magnus and Martha. She is the principal of Winden College. She suspects her husband's infidelity with Hannah.
  • In Eva's world: She is Ulrich's ex-wife and is also the director of the center where his three children study.
  • At the origin: she lives in Winden and has no children. She is friends with Hannah and Regina.

Martha Nielsen / Eva

Martha dark

Lisa vicari she plays the middle daughter of Katharina and Ulrich Nielsen. Her adult self would be Eva (Barbara Nüse).

  • In Adam's world: She is a teenager who dedicates her spare time to acting. She is in a relationship with Bartosz Tiedemann but in reality she is in love with Jonas, who in turn is her nephew.
  • In Eva's world: she here she meets Jonas from the other world and has a relationship with another classmate, Kilian Obendorf.
  • In the home world: does not exist.

Magnus nielsen

Magnus in the Dark series

Embodied by Moritz Jahn (2019) and Wolfram Koch, Magnus he is the eldest son of the Nielsen couple. He is in love with Franziska Doppler, both in Adam's world and in Eva's.

  • In Adam's world: he is involved in the world of drugs when his younger brother disappears. He travels to 1888 and the time machine stops working. He is on Adam's side.
  • In Eva's world: he is an uninterested young man who does not give importance to his studies. He is surprised by the behavior of his sister Martha of him.
  • At the origin: does not exist.

Jana nielsen

Jana Nielsen Dark

Rike Sindler (1952), Anne Lebinsky (1986) and Tatja seibt (2019) play Ulrich's mother and Katharina's mother-in-law.

  • In Adam's world: she is married to Tronte Nielsen. In 1986 her youngest son mysteriously disappears and in 2019 he still hopes that he is still alive.
  • In Eva's world: she exists as Ulrich's mother, but the character does not appear.
  • At the origin: does not exist.

Tronte Nielsen

Troten Nielsen in the Dark series

Joshio Marlon (1953), Felix kramer (1986) and Walter kreye (2019) bring this character to life.

  • In Adam's world: He is the father of Ulrich and Mads and the son of Agnes Nielsen and the stranger, the son of Jonas and Martha. In 1986 he is a journalist and a good friend of Regina Tiedemann.
  • In Eva's world: he does not appear, but he is also the father of Ulrich and Mads, Jana's husband.
  • At the origin: does not exist.

Mads nielsen

He is the son of Jana and Tronte Nielsen, therefore Ulrich's little brother. He disappears in 1986 when he is a child and in 2019 his lifeless body mysteriously appears, with the same appearance that he had in the 80s. He appears in both worlds, Adam's and Eve's.

Agnes Nielsen

Agnes Dark series

Interpreted by Helena Pieske (1921) and Anje Traue (1953) is a character that serves as a link and explains the relationship between the Kahnwald, Nielsen, Doppler and Tidemann families.

  • In Adam's world: she is, on the one hand, grandmother to Ulrich Nielsen and great-great-grandmother to Jonas Kahnwald / Adam. She likewise is the sister of the mysterious Noah and also Charlotte Doppler's aunt. She is also the daughter of Silja and Bartosz Tidemann and granddaughter, therefore Hannah and Regina, which also makes her a niece of Jonas.
  • In Eva's world: she does not appear, but shares the previous relationships.
  • At the origin: does not exist.

Noah / Hanno

Noah in the Dark series

This character played by Mark Waschke it is one of the fundamental keys to understanding time travel.

  • In Adam's world: he is a priest and is part of the organization "Sic mundus" led by Adam. Noah is also a nexus between families. On the one hand, he is the brother of Agnes Nielsen, the eldest son of Silja and Bartosz Tidemann and, on the other hand, he is the father of Charlotte Doppler, who was born as a result of her union with Elisabeth Doppler.
  • In Eva's world: he is a member of Eva's secret society, on the side of light. He is also the father of Charlotte, whom he has with Elisabeth Doppler.
  • At the origin: does not exist.

Doppler family

Dark series Doppler family

The character relationship scheme of the Doppler is the most convoluted of Dark. While, on the one hand, the family is made up of the marriage of Charlotte Y Peter and her two daughters, Franziska Y Elisabeth. On the other hand, Charlotte is the daughter of Elisabeth, her youngest daughter, and Noah.

Likewise, the ancestors of this family are Helge, Peter's father, and Greta, her grandmother. It is also part of this family Bernd, the founder of the Winden power plant.

Charlotte Doppler

Charlotte in the Dark series

Interpreted by Stephanie amarell (1986) and Karoline Eichhorn (2019).

  • In Adam's world: she is married to Peter, although her marriage is practically broken. She is also the mother of Franziska and Elisabeth. She works as a police chief at Winden Police Station alongside Ulrich Nielsen. Charlotte does not know who her parents are since she was raised by her adoptive grandfather H.G. Tannhaus, the watchmaker who created the time machine. She eventually discovers that her real father is the mysterious Noah and Elisabeth.
  • In Eva's world: she is Peter's ex-wife, with whom she has two daughters, Franziska and Elisabeth. She here she maintains a relationship with Ulrich, her co-worker.
  • At the origin: does not exist.

Peter Doppler

Peter in the Dark series

Stephan kampwirth he plays Charlotte's husband with whom he has two daughters, Franziska and Elisabeth.

  • In Adam's world: he is Jonas's psychologist and Helge Doppler's son. He discovers that he is homosexual which takes a toll on his marriage. He is married to Charlotte.
  • In Eva's world: He is a parish priest and is the ex-husband of Charlotte, with her he has two daughters.
  • At the origin: he is friends with Regina, Hannah and Katharina.

Franziska Doppler

Franziska from the Dark series

Gina stiebitz (2019) embodies Franziska, the eldest daughter of the Doppler marriage and sister of Elisabeth.

  • In Adam's world: she is the classmate of Magnus Nielsen with whom she maintains a loving relationship.
  • In Eva's world: the young woman is deaf and also here she maintains a relationship with Magnus.
  • At the origin: does not exist.

Elisabeth doppler

Elisabeth in the Dark series

Elisabeth, interpreted by Carlotta von Falkenhayn (2019) and Sandra Borgmann (2053), is mother and daughter of Charlotte Doppler.

  • In Adam's world: She is one of the few to survive the 2020 apocalypse. She nearly killed Jonas in 2052. She's deaf.
  • In Eva's world: In this world young Elisabeth is not deaf.
  • At the origin: does not exist.

Helge Doppler

Helge in the Dark series

Tom philipp (1952), Peter schneider (1986) and Herman beyer (2019) play Peter's father, Charlotte's father-in-law and Greta Doppler's son.

  • In Adam's world: in 2019, Helge He lives in a nursing home and seems to be crazy, he frequently goes out into the woods to warn of strange time travels, although, at first, nobody pays attention to him. As a child he is dragged by Noah, who makes strange experiments with him related to travel through different times. He has a scar on his ear from Ulrich Nielsen.
  • In Eva's world: He lives with his son Peter and has a scar on his left eye from Ulrich Nielsen in 1986.
  • At the origin: Although he does not appear explicitly in the last scene, his son Peter exists, so does he.

Bernd Doppler

Bernd in the Dark series

Anatole taubman (1952) and Michael Mendl (1986) interpret Bernd, the founder of the Winden nuclear plant and also Helge's father. This character appears in Adam's world. At the end of season three it is implied that Bernd is also the father of Regina Tiedemman.

Greta doppler

Greta Doppler still

The actress Cordelia wege gives life to the wife of Bernd Doppler she and Helge's mother, whom she tries to educate in a strict and disciplined way, since she doesn't trust him much. This character appears only in Adam's world.

Tiedemann family

Tiedemann family Dark series

Its components are: Regina, her husband Alexander and her son Bartosz. Other members of the clan are Claudia, Regina's mother, and hers, her grandfather, Egon hers. Also Doris, the latter's wife.

Regina Tiedemann

Regina in the Dark series

She is Claudia's daughter, Egon's granddaughter, Alexander's wife, and Bartosz's mother. Regina, interpreted by LydiaMakrides (1986) and Deborah Kaufmann (2019), she is the manager of the only hotel in the town of Winden.

  • In Adam's world: she after the disappearance of the children in the village she is worried since her hotel has lost all its clientele. She soon discovers that she is ill with cancer. In 2020, Tronte Nielsen himself is responsible for killing her.
  • In Eva's world: she does not appear, Jonas discovers that she died.
  • At the origin: if she exists.

Alexander Kohler (Tiedemann)

Alexander Kohler in Dark

He is Regina's husband and Bartosz's father. In 1986, in both worlds, he changes his true identity by attributing a passport with the name Alexander Kohler. He also works at the nuclear power plant as a director.

Bartosz Tiedemann

Bartosz in the Dark series

Paul lux she is Bartosz, the son of Regina and Alexander, also the grandson of Claudia Tiedemann.

  • In Adam's world: at first she is Jonas's best friend. However, their relationship changes when he begins a love affair with Martha Nielsen. On the other hand, he is persuaded by Noah and ends up collaborating for him. It is finally discovered that Bartosz is actually Noah's father, whom he had with Silja.
  • In Eva's world: He is a young man who is depressed after the death of his mother and his father, the director of the nuclear plant does not pay much attention to him.
  • At the origin: does not exist.

Claudia Tiedemann

Claudia in the Dark series

The actresses Gwendolyn Göbel (1952), Julika Jenkins (1986) and Lisa krewzer they interpret Claudia, the daughter of Egon and Doris, and she is also Regina's mother.

In 1986 she takes charge of the Winden nuclear power plant, then she discovers time travel. She eventually ends up becoming the murderer of her father when she tried to save him from death.

She is present in both Eva's and Adam's worlds, as one of her missions is to prevent the death of her daughter. In the end, she discovers that the only way for Regina not to die is to save the home world and tear both worlds apart. A photo of Regina with her parents shows us in the final scene that Claudia does exist at the origin.

Egon Tiedemann

Egon in the Dark series

Sebastian Hulk (1952) and Christian Pätzold (1986) play Claudia's father and Doris's husband.

  • In Adam's world: he was chief of police in 1953 until his retirement from the police force in 1986, the year he died. He investigates Ulrich Nielsen, who appears mysteriously in 1953. She becomes obsessed with the missing children case and is suspicious about time travel. When Hannah travels to 1954 Silja is conceived. Although Egon never finds out about this daughter's existence.
  • In Eva's world: she appears as an adult and is part of the party of light.
  • At the origin: she does not appear, although she could exist.

Doris Tiedemann

Doris in the Dark series

Luise heyer she is Doris in the series. She is married to Egon with whom she has her daughter Claudia. However, she is in love with Agnes Nielsen, with whom she has a secret relationship.


Photograph in which Silja appears

She is the daughter of Hannah and Egon. She is the one in charge of raising Elisabeth Doppler and later lives in the devastated Winden after the apocalypse in 2052. Later, she returns to the past to 1890, where she meets Bartosz and has Hanno and Agnes with him. At the birth of the latter Silja passes away.

Tannhaus family

It is the family of H.G. Tannhaus the watchmaker. This clan becomes more important in the third season and appears in the world of Adam.

Gustav Tannhaus

Comparative photography of Gustave as a child and as an old man

He is an ancestor of the Winden watchmaker. He lives in the 19th century and they have a factory in the town, he was also one of the first to be part of the "Sic Mundus" organization. Gustav is blind and has foreboding abilities.

Heinrich Tannhaus

Gustav's father whose wife died, and after that, Heinrich dedicated his life to research to master the laws of space-time and bring his wife back from the dead. This legacy continued with his son Gustav and later with H.G. Tannhaus. Heinrich is the true founder of Sic Mundus.

H.G. Tannhaus

Comparative photograph of H.G. Tannhaus young and old

This character plays an important role in the third season. He later makes a time machine, at Claudia's request.

Tannhaus loses his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter in 1971. Soon some women give him a baby, Charlotte, whom he will raise as her granddaughter.

Eventually we learn that Tannhaus created a prototype time machine and an error led him to create two worlds. He did it in order to prevent the death of his son.

The unknown

Photograph of the unknown character in the dark, as a child, as an adult and as an old man

Character played by Claude Heinrich (child), Jakob Diehl (adult) and Hans Diehl (old man) who appears in the third season. He is the son of Jonas and Martha, the knot that connects the two worlds. Likewise, he is the father of Tronte, whom he conceived with Agnes in both worlds.

His name is unknown and he is dedicated to moving the pieces just where they have to be to avoid repeating the cycles every 33 years. The fact that all 3 always appear together could represent the symbol of the triquetra, since their ages comprise three different cycles.

The strangers go to Eva's world and give her: the plans of the nuclear plant, the book of Ariadna and a watch with the inscription "For Charlotte." He is also responsible for the apocalypse on both worlds as he enters the 1986 nuclear plant and releases the God particle.

Family tree of Dark

Image of Adam's World Family Tree
Picture of the Eva world family tree
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