5 fables of Monteiro Lobato with interpretation and moral
Monteiro Lobato (1882-1948), famous breeder do Sítio do Picapau Amarelo (1920), deu vida também ao livro Fables. A work, or writer compiled and adapted a series of fables by Aesop and La Fontaine.
Launched in 1922, a series of rereleases of brief histories that happened among little readers and continues to tie the days of the page enchanting gerações with fabulous animals and Morais sabias.
1. A coruja and águia
Coruja e água, depois de muita briga, will resolve to make peace.
- Enough of war - disse a coruja. - O world is great, and tolice greater than the world and we will go to eat the filhotes uma da outra.
- Perfectly - responded to águia. - I also don't want another thing.
- Nesse if we combine this: from now on, you will never eat meus filhotes.
- Muito bem. But how can I distinguish the teus filhotes?
- Easy coisa. Whenever we will find some cute drunks, bem-feitinhos de corpo, happy, cheios of a special grace that does not exist in filhotes of nenhuma another bird, you know, são os meus.
- He's ugly! - I concluded a guide.
Days depois, walking to caça, to águia I found a ninho with three mostrengos inside, that piavam de bico very open.
- Horrible bugs! - disse ela. - You see the logo that you are not filhos da coruja.
E comeu-os.
But we were filhos da coruja. Ao go back to touch, to sad me chorou bitterly or disaster and was to adjust with you to rainha das birds.
- What? - disse is, admired. - were you those mostrenguinhos? Pois, olha, they didn't look like anything like a portrait you give them to me.
For a portrait of filho ninguém accredit a pai painter. La diz o ditto: quem o feio ama, nice lhe it seems.
Interpretação e moral da historia
A fable draws protagonists who are animated with humanized characteristics, having as an objective or teaching and carrying out a succinct moral at the end of the text.
A history shows for criança as an aesthetic and subjective sense and as we must always observe from which mouth is understood a speech or context gives fala.
A coruja e a agua teaches us to distrust the point of view of what he tells us a story, I put into perspective or what he says.
2. O pastor e o leão
Um pastorzinho, noticing a certain manhã in the absence of several ovelhas, became enraged, took the spit and saiu for the forest.
- Raios me partam se eu não trouxer, alive ou morto, or miserável thief das minhas ovelhas! Hei to campear dia e noite, hei to find it, hei to start-it or fígado ...
And so, furious, to rejoice the greater pragas, he consumed long hours in inúteis investigações.
Tired ha, he began to ask the Ceus for help.
- Valei-me, Santo Antônio! I promise you twenty cattle you will give me face as an infamous robber.
By this coincidence, even though this shepherd appears in front of a huge leão, dentes arranged.
O pastorzinho tremeu dos pés à cabeça; to espingarda caiu-lhe das mãos; And everything he can do was invoke de novo or santo.
- Valei-me, Santo Antônio! I promised twenty cattle if you asked me to appear or thief; I promise now or slice inside so that or façais disappear.
No moment but I know you are hurt.
Interpretação e moral da historia
A history of the shepherd and of the reading of the few Fables starring a human character and not an animal - embora you animais play an important role in the narrative of the shepherd and of the animal.
A fable told by Monteiro Lobato was a small reader about the force of an order made. She shows the power of the pastor's thought and the practical consequences of desire when it finally happens what the protagonist so longed for.
A lição da fabula introduced us knowing that We only truly know you are strong when they are placed in Prova, in rocky situations. This is the case of the pastor, who at first seems very courageous, rather than in the end it ends up revealing himself a fearful when or his request finally becomes reality.
3. O julgamento da ovelha
A puppy of maus bofes accused a poor ovelhinha de lhe haver furtado um osso.
- Why furtaria eu esse osso - allegou ela - se sou herbivore and um osso for me is worth as much as a piece of pau?
- I don't want to know about anything. Você furtou or osso e vou já levá-la aos tribunais.
E assim fez. Queixou-se ao gavião-de-plume and pediu-lhe justiça. Or gavião reuniu or court to judge a cause, drawing twelve urubus from papo vazio for isso.
Compare to ovelha. Fala. Defend yourself fully, for reasons you will go to the cordeirinho que o wolf in tempos comeu.
Mas o júri, compost of gulosos carnivores, I don't want to know anything about anything and from a sentence:
- Ou surrender o osso ha e ha, ou condemn you to death!
A ré tremeu: there was no escape... Osso não tinha e não could, therefore, restore; more tinha vida and I will deliver-the payment that will not furtara.
Assim happened. Or puppy sangrou-a, spouse-a, reserved for if a fourth and divided or remaining as the family judges, by way of custody ...
Fiar-se na justiça two powerful, that tolice... A justiça deles do not hesitate to take the white and solemnly decree that it is preto.
Interpretação e moral da historia
A fable do julgamento da ovelha problematizes questão da verdade, da justice, gives ethics (and also lacking dela). Despite being a tough subject, it is offered for children in a quite accessible way and with some sensitivity.
A child identifies himself as the protagonist of the story - he sits in a fight with the ovelha - and is seen as incapable of knowing the situation in which to place the poor animal. Many times the reader agrees to associate this situation with a moment lived in which he was accused of having been found guilty and not passed on.
A fable introduced no small reader to the notion of injustice and appears or side less bom das pessoas, que muitas vezes place os seus interests pessoais acima da do que é corto.
4. O touro e as rãs
Enquanto two touros furiously lutavam pela exclusive posse of certa campina, as rãs novas, à beira do brejo, have fun-eat dinner.
Um rã velha, porém, sigirou.
- Do not laugh, that the dispute will be painful for us.
- Que tolice! - exclaimed as rãzinhas. - Você is expiring, rã velha!
A rã velha explained:
- Brigam you touros. Um deles has to overcome and expel the pasta or expired. What happens? O animalão surrado vem put-se here in nosso brejo e ai de nos ...
Assim foi. Or touro mais forte, à força de marradas, encurralou no brejo or mais fraco, and as rãzinhas tiveram de dizer adeus ao sossego. Always restless, always run over, it was rare or day when I did not die at all over the bicharoco pés.
É always also: brigam the big ones, pay or duck the little ones.
Interpretação e moral da historia
Na fable do touro e das rãs é a rã velha that appears as being the holder of the wisdom by many experienced.
While the new novas are having fun with an unusual dinner between the touros, a rã velha, based on naquilo that viveu not passed, is able to make forecasts for the future alerting the youngest not Present.
To anciã, from fato, in the end it seems to be a reason. A fable assim ensina you little ones ouvirem attentively you most velhos e to learn from them.
A moral traced us a hard truth transmitted to the beginning reader. Many times, a long time of life, we will meet with situations where the victims are reais não têm nada Let's see how those who started or conflict and, not so much, only those who end up paying for it story.
5. To assemble two times
A cat of name Faro-Fino deu de fazer such destruction in rataria of a velha house that you will survive, sem animo of sair das toucas, we were at the point of dying of fome.
Turning-it is a serious or case, it will resolve to meet-it will be assembled for the study of the question. We will be waiting for this certain date in which Faro-Fino has spent years my hair telhado, making sonnets to Lua.
- Acho - disse um eles - that or means of defending ourselves from Faro-Fino and lhe we tie um guizo ao pescoço. Assim that he approaches, or stew or denounce the knob, or cool in time.
Palmas e bravos saudaram a luminous ideia. Or the project was approved as delirium. He only voted against a casmurro while, who asked to speak:
- It's all very direct. But what is going to tie up or do I fish from Faro-Fino?
Silêncio geral. Um apologize for not knowing how to give. Outro, because it was not all. All, because no tinham courage. The dissolved assembly did not give me general consternation.
Dizer is easy, make it that são elas!
Interpretação e moral da historia
Em To assemble two times a sublinha fable for the little reader A difficult to pass gives theory to practice frisando a difference between o dizer and o fazer.
At times he quickly agreed with a brilliant idea of placing a Lighthouse-Fine cat in a way to know when he is approaching. Or the only time that goes against the vote, identified as casmurro (adjective that wants to say fearful, obstinate), he is able to see for além da decision and think about implementation daquilo that was voted.
However, at the end of the day it ends for a reason because, at the time of executing or drawing, nenhum time was prepared to make or serve risische and place or stew I do not fish the feline.
O while casmurro in a minority is revealed as being the only group with a vision of the future and practical sense.
Or what is a fable?
Or genre fable born in the East and was raised for the West through Aesop during the 4th century BC. C. That I saw enriching a lot or genre foi Phaedrus, I don't know I d. C.
In a succinct way, a fable is a brief history - many times com animais falantes como personagens - that fear like objective to transmit a teaching, a morality.
Second words of Monteiro Lobato himself written in the introduction of the book Narizinho's Fables (1921):
Thus fables constitute a spiritual food corresponding to or read in the first childhood. Through the intermediary of morality, that nothing is more than that of wisdom itself gives accumulated life. consciousness of humanity, penetrates the infant soul, driven by the loquacity of inventiveness imagination.
A moral da fable, second or Brazilian writer, nothing more than a lição gives life.
Or free Fables by Monteiro Lobato
Or free Fables It was launched in 1922, an adaptation with many modifications of classic fables that traverse centuries.
Years before, in a letter sent in 1916 to a friend Godofredo Rangel, Monteiro Lobato affirmed:
I go with various ideas. Uma: to dress nationally as the fables of Aesop and La Fontaine, all in prose and betraying moralities. Coisa for crianças.
Or I wish to start writing for a child audience, I saw the birth of two of my own films. Depois de muito procure material, Lobato chegou to sad verification:
It is of such poverty and so much of our children's literature that nothing can stop the initiation of the two meus filhos (1956)
Segundo Cavalheiro, critic and theoretician, or context of production of children's literature before the empretada of Monteiro Lobato was completely different from what we are used to seeing now:
Children's literature practically did not exist between us. Before Monteiro Lobato, he had some or conto with a folklore fund. Our writers drew two ancient fabulous themes and a morality of rich narratives that dazzled and touched the crianças das Antigas gerações, disregarding, frequently, the lendas and tradições that appeared here, for apanharem nas tradições Europeias or subject de suas comic books.
Conheça also
- Important works of Monteiro Lobato commented
- Or that is a fable
- An incredible literature by Monteiro Lobato
- Little Fables with Morality
- As fables of Aesop
- As melhores fables com moral
- A raposa e as grapes
- A Cicada and a Formiga
- Livro Chapeuzinho Amarelo, by Chico Buarque