Education, study and knowledge

Writers gives freedom film: summary and complete analysis

Released in August 2007, or film, based on real fatos, Freedom writers (in Portuguese do Brasil translated as Writers da Liberdade) was a successso of public and critics.

The story revolves around the need for the creation of social ties in the classroom.

O roteiro, assassinated by Richard Lavagranese and Erin Gruwell, talks about the challenges faced by newly-formed teacher Erin Gruwell with her disobedient students and the possibility of moving through education.

Or film based on not free best-seller The Freedom Writers Diaries, which brings together the stories of the teacher and two serious students of her.

[Atenção, or text to follow with spoilers]

I summarize

Professor Erin Gruwell is the protagonist of a past dramatic comedy in a troubled North American suburb.

She is a newly trained teacher who teaches the disciplines of English and Literature for the first year of Teaching Medium. Erin works in a suburban school in Long Beach, California (Los Angeles).

Or the challenge faced by the teacher and great: those who find her hair are marked by her Violence, pela descrença, pela disobedience, pela demotivação and mainly confused hairs raciais.

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São young people from broken families, victims of abandonment and disuse. In the classroom, the students naturally divide themselves into groups: the blacks only interact as the blacks, the Latinos walk as the Latinos, the Brancos talk as the Brancos.

Já na first classroom the barnacle or obstacle that she will face. There are some ill dispositions, who ignored their presence, disrespect, aggrieved some other years and faced little case of school supplies.

A dinner below records the impact of the posture of two students at the teacher's attitude. A teacher is simultaneously perplexed and reacts to what she sees:

Escritores da Liberdade - Primeira Aula

Erin logo notes that here the planjava for you students will not find any eco na plateia. The adolescents, each time more disinterested in our studies, show that the teacher reveals his teaching methodology.

Motivated with proficiency and genuinely interested in finding solutions to educate her students, Gruwell looks for new alternatives. Aos few, os jovens opens me passam to chama-la affectionately of professor "G."

Besides two obstacles encountered in the classroom, Erin still needs to deal with as a little understanding husband waiting at home and with the director of the school, a conservative senhora who opposes the work purpose.

The curricular changes suggested by the teacher intended to bring two students closer together through music, dialogue and two games. Gruwell wanted to alter the vertical dynamics of the relationship between teacher and student.

Satisfied with the results that she is seeing not day-by-day, Gruwell decides to go there and investigate two young people into life.

A few years, according to the teacher, I have been trusting two students, they began to talk to each other, daily violence and a problematic family that everyone had.

Gruwell inaugurates a project that invites each student to write an ample and free daily. A daily idea and record, from the relationships travadas like friends and with the family, to the pessoais ideologies and the readings that are fazendo, fizeram or gostariam de fazer.

Erin quotes an example from Anne Frank and her diary. A teacher ends up convincing the youngsters that this preconception transcends all kinds of barreira and You can reach people pela cor da pele, pela ethnic origin, pela religião or até same pela classe Social.

A teacher began to lecture on the Second World War and took students to conhecerem or the Holocaust Museum. An interesting curiosity arises at the film dinner where some of you are not staying, not a hotel, for a trip to the Holocaust museum. All the people who are there actually surviving two concentration camps that will participate in the film.

Escritores da Liberdade - Museum and Holocaust Survivors

From her more like-minded speeches, Erin sublimates a questão do preconceito e frisa the importance of lidarmos com a herança do pasado that we receive:

A task of education is precisely to present the world as gerações do present, tempting faces aware that a world appears that is or the comum of multiple human gerações. Ao aware of the world that you see, you must understand the importance of your relationship and link with other gerações, passadas e vindouras. Such relationship will be given, first, no sense of preserving or treasure of past gerações, isto é, no sense of a geração do present take or care of trazer to this world its novelty if it implies alteration, até or irreconhecimento, of own world, of collective construction of past.

A real Erin Gruwell (in the front row, dressed in a pink shirt) and some of her.
A real Erin Gruwell (in the front row, dressed in a pink shirt) and some of her.

Personagens principais

Erin Gruwell (played by Hilary Swank)

A young teacher is committed as if, suddenly, she is surrounded by young people who cannot get away with it. Interested in engaging them in the classroom, Erin goes in search of new methodologies capable of capturing the attention of two students. At the end of some time, she manages to regain self-confidence from the community and respect for the community.

Scott Casey (played by Patrick Dempsey)

Erin's unhappy husband, Scott Casey, is a testament to all the difficulties encountered by the teacher at the ensino institution.

Margaret Campbell (played by Imelda Staunton)

A conservative director of the school that ends up not supporting the silent revolution promoted by Erin Gruwell.

Eva (played by April L. Hernandez)

A Latina adolescent who lives in gangs and has terrible behavior at school, always showing a combative and confrontational stance.

A verdadeira Erin Gruwell and a Freedom Writers Foundation

A protagonist of the film Writers da Liberdade It was inspired by Erin Gruwell, a North American teacher born on August 15, 1969, in California.

Em 1999, Erin published or autobiographical book The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them, which turned quickly um best seller. In 2007, her story was adapted for the cinema.

In 1998, Gruwell launched Freedom Writers Foundation, a foundation that feared as an instinct to support their living in a classroom retired from conviviality with those considered problematic.

To missão da Fundação is to give support to students and teachers, providing resources that facilitate non-student focused learning, learning or general academic performance and increasing retention of teachers.

Erin gruwell
To verdadeira Erin Gruwell.

Data sheet

Original title Freedom Writers
Launching August 27, 2007
Director Richard LaGravenese
Roteirist Richard LaGravenese and Erin Gruwell
Gender Dramatic comedy
Duration 2h 04min
Idiom English
Atores principais Hilary Swank, Patrick Dempsey, Ricardo Molina, April Lee Hernández
Nationality USA

Conheça also

  • Film Como Estrelas na Terra
  • Funny Mind Film
  • Film Sociedade dos Poetas Mortos
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