Berlim wall: construction and remains, historical context and curiosities
The Berlim Wall was the most striking constructions of the XX century, functioning as a symbol of the polarization of the world during this period.
His building and his building remain in the history of humanity, representing the socio-political changes that are underway.
Do you want to understand the history and meaning of the Berlim Wall? Trust us to analyze it.
A construção do Muro de Berlim in 1961
O Berlim Wall began to be built at dawn of the day August 13, 1961. Initially, it was a provisional barreira, made up of clamped arame and concrete columns.
The chegaram workers accompanied by cordons of soldiers from the German Democratic Republic and began to build the Port of Brandenburg, an important national framework.
Em full Cold WarIn East Germany, he was planning in segredo to construction of the wall, but he refused publicly. Walter Ulbricht, who was in front of the GDR, has never requested that dates be the borders that separate the two sides of the country.
![Construction of the wall.](/f/257234b597fea9b237af0112064d7de7.jpg)
Or objective was to demarcate uma ideological separation between the socialist side, allied to the Soviet Union, and the capitalist side, headed by the United States of America.
Even though you are trying to protect or your territory of fascist thinking currents, it is also true that I want to prevent or exodus that I have come decorrendo.
Before the vision was materialized by the wall, there were more and more people leaving for the other side. For example, professors, doctors and engineers, we are moving to the Western side, in search of better economic conditions.
West Germany agreed to be held upright and organized as a demonstration that brought together more than 300 thousand participants.
A left of the Muro do Berlim in 1989
Or what happened before?
For 28 years, a huge barrage divided Germany into two parts, separating family and friends who were on opposite sides. Many two that we will try to cross or the Wall will end up in prison and more than a hundred lost to life without trial.
Na decade of 80, começaram to emerge every time more protests and demonstrations hair direct to travel and circulate lightly.
This gradual wave of revolt ended up lifting East Germany to give way, allowing citizens to pass to the other side.
Or what happened on that day?
November 9, 1989, on the order of the opening of fronteiras it was announced on the radio, Before the same as the military that we will keep or Wall fossem warned. Assim, a multidão começou to chegar a huge barreira, demanding to pass.
![Berlim's wall remains, 1989.](/f/97885f6359813f24f8b5ce6e8a57cc3b.jpg)
As the numbers on your side, you will get that some points of the frontier will start to be open, approximately at 23 hours. Many ways to climb the wall and simply go through.
When the news was announced on television, the flow of people increased, so many people came from home running to participate in the historic moment.
From daí, or wall is coming to be destroyed by the population itself, a process that lasted several weeks.
![A população destruindo o Muro de Berlim, 1989.](/f/df82fb11cedeaf9cccc1911dd303e9af.jpg)
Or what happened to you?
Or that if it was later demolished with machines, more parts of it survived over the past few days, becoming tourist spots in the city.
More than the German unification, the Berlim Wall remains symbolizing the end of the Cold War That was dividing the world since the 1940s.
I summarize: What was the Berlim Wall?
O Berlim Wall foi uma barreira built in concrete, about 3 meters high, bred to isolate Alemanha Oriental from Alemanha Occidental.
Besides dividing the city of Berlim, it demarcated the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), separating the country into two parts for 28 years.
The eastern, socialist side, called the GDR, built the wall suddenly, at dawn on August 13, 1961. On the other side was the FRG, linked to the allied countries of World War II, led by the United States of America.
![Berlim Wall: view from the American side (RFA).](/f/7164b5caca6042d7d1af949c93a7ba2e.jpg)
O Berlim Wall symbolizing the polarization of the world during the Cold War, materializing through a mural a series of strategic disputes and indirect conflicts that are underway.
The barreira also continues with metal grading and electrical networks, to prevent it from breaking through. Possuía ainda several watchtowers and era patrolled by soldiers da RDA com cães de guarda.
The soldiers received instructions to kill those who were tempted to cross the border, called Ordem 101. More than a hundred people will be tempted to pass to the "iron curtain" and many more foram dams or ficaram feridas. Likewise, some will risk their own lives and will succeed in crossing.
![Berlim wall.](/f/376a9b22f3e3a64815875c1215f27e3a.jpg)
O western side começou, aos poucos, to be painted with graffiti by artists from the world inside. During the 80s, it was never completely covered by developments and became a point of tourist interest, becoming visited by travelers from various points of the globe.
Historical context: before the construction of the Wall
In order to understand the motivations behind the construction of the Berlim Wall, we need to pay attention to the various historical factors that we are working on.
In 1945, as the end of World War II, Germany was relinquished to the countries that fought Hitler's Nazism. Assim, or country passed to be fragmented into four parts: on North American, French, English and Soviet dominance.
These "zones of influence" were in their own capital, dividing the city into four. As a tempo, the Soviet side was increasingly distancing two others, while they, contrary hair, united.
When the North American, French and English sides will unify, implementing the same government and the same moeda, criaram a Federal Republic of Germany (RFA).
Thus, two "facções" will be formed that will live separate, in the middle of the Cold War, for more than two decades. Between 1945 and 1991, a Cold War It concerns the various disputes and indirect conflicts that the United States of America and the Soviet Union have been conducting since or the end of World War II.
Curiosities about the Berlim Wall
Even though it is impossible to pass through the Berlim Wall, there are some places where passage could be allowed. Or more famous is a girlCheckpoint charlie, point to where some cities will get authorization to go through, despite all the bureaucracy involved and no process.
Various international artists like David Bowie and Bruce Springsteenthey will appear em Berlim Ocidental, not final two years 80. Our shows, protests against the Berlim Wall.
Embora let us fail in the remainder of the wall, the real thing was repaired, in internal pieces that continue to be painted with paintings. This way, big part two graffiti will end up being read and sold.
Apart from the wall that was preserved (approximately 1300 meters), it exhibits drawings and graffiti by artists from all over the world. Conhened as East Side Gallery, a region is one of the highest tourist attractions of Berlim.
East Side Gallery, em Berlim. -
One of the most famous images found not local is a graffiti known as Or Beijo ou Or Beijo da Morte. Nele, we can see a dinner that happens in real life: Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker beijando.
The Soviet leader and the president of the German Democratic Republic commemorate, enthusiastically, the thirtieth anniversary of the GDR when they are photographed.Graphite Or Beijo no Berlim Wall. Conheça also
- Music Heroes by David Bowie
- Film Cold War, by Pawel Pawlikowski