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The most impressive Gothic monuments of the world

Or Gothic dominated European architecture from the twelfth century, a period known as Baixa Idade Média.

It is a marked epoch by the construction of sumptuous cathedrals, memorable abbeys and enormous castelos - the first buildings in the arranha-ceus style.

A wealth of details and a dimension of construções chamam a visitor's attention to the days of Browse, especially we have in count the few technical resources available at any time historical.

Be enchanted by this source of culture and beauty and discover the most impressive monuments of Gothic architecture!

1. Notre-Dame Cathedral (França)

Notre Dame Cathedral
Notre Dame Cathedral

Um French Gothic style symbolThe Cathedral of Notre-Dame began to be built in 1163 and, due to its importance, it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A construction is fundamental for the city of Paris that receives about 20 thousand visitors per year.

Or a gigantic building with a face that the visitor perceived its smallness during the construction. A Cathedral was erected as a huge

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concern with the details - as well as all Gothic work, because at the time it was credited that Deus observed all such things.

Além das exaggerated measures, both in terms of compression and height, chama to attention the colorful vitrais to or detail and the eardrums and pinkish decorated with a refined detail. This excess of zeal and care can be justified by the current idea at the time that when it was raised it was a species of Offering to Deus.

Know every detail Notre-Dame Cathedral (Paris).

2. Milão Cathedral (Italy)

Milão Cathedral
Milão Cathedral

Also known as the Milan Duomo, it was built in 1386 and was only completed in 1965. The building is currently the headquarters of the Archdiocese of Milão.

The French architect Nicolas de Bonaventure was responsible for printing non-building Gothic features such as, for example, a series ofdecorated agulhas and pinnacles that ficam no topo da Catedral.

You will see the interior of the building reproducing a series of biblical dinners and the colorful mosaics, as the dinners are impressed not inside the church when it receives sunlight.

With an impressive height - another Gothic characteristic - the Cathedral is 45 meters high e e feita de tijolos with marble cladding, são huge columns that help to support structure. As dimensions, aliás, são scares: o Duomo is 157 meters long, 11,700m² and capacity for more than 40,000 people.

3. Abbey of Saint-Denis (França)

Abbey of Saint-Denis
Abbey of Saint-Denis

A Abbey of Saint-Denis, located in the suburbs of Paris, as the first Gothic building in the world. curiously standing on the tomb of Saint Denis (Padroeiro da França), a construction conceived by Abbot Surger was relatively fast and lasted between 1137 and 1144.

A peculiar fact: practically all the French laughs between the tenth and XVIII secular foram buried in the Abbey: são 42 reis, 32 rainhas and 63 princes and princesses.

An important characteristic of Gothic architecture - that is present in the Abbey - is the excess of janelas and vitrais, allowing the light of the outside world to penetrate inside the building.

A proliferation of cores gerada hairs vitrais allows the space in which you unfold to be protected by the filling of paint. Nesse type of project, toluminosity and shadow play provoked vitrais hairs are related to spiritual transcendence.

The building has a façade with three portals that lead the visitor to three internal naves. igreja, a huge open space that looks like the visitor feels like fighting his small size during the day sublime.

Originally the construction had two towers, but thanks to a lightning strike, the north tower was lowered with only one remaining at the moment.

4. Westminster Palace (England)

Westminster Palace
Westminster Palace

Charles Barry was the architect responsible for the reconstruction of the Palace, which he wrote on October 16, 1834. Foi ele or responsible for the implementation, in two main public buildings of the English capital, neo-gothic architecture That it would be raised above the ruins of the ancient medieval complex.

The construction that I look at is considered a Unesco World Heritage site currently functioning as the British Parliament. A symbol of organization, rigidity and seriousness of British politics, or building at home where important political, economic and social issues are debated.

The Gothic style of Barry can be found not only on the outside of the building as well as on the inside: we are the patrons of two papéis de parede, with sculptures, they show us and our royal thrones.

5. Mosteiro da Batalha (Portugal)

Mosteiro da Batalha
Mosteiro da Batalha

Or Mosteiro da Batalha, also known as Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Vitória, is a sumptuous little work to fulfill umapromessa feita hair rei D.João I as a way of thanking Vitória no seu country in the battle of Aljubarrota (ocorrida em 1385).

The construction of the building will last about 150 years, but it will become a Unesco World Heritage Site. The first architect of the complex was Afonso Domingues.

A gothic construção ganha local touches - Portuguese - by contrast also some manueline elements (or not a reference to King Manuel I). Isto é, for além das gothic characteristics such as o rigor and o appreciation of a detailed foram inserted in the work, for example, references to some nautical elements such as cordas and âncoras (tão faces à historia Portuguese).

O Mosteiro da Batalha is an excellent example of how Gothic architecture is adapted and provided with local conditions.

6. Castelo de Coca (Spain)

Castelo de Coca
Castelo de Coca

Commissioned by Don Alonso de Fonseca, arcebisco of Sevilha, with permission of the king Juan II of Castela, or building recebeu authorization to be erected in 1453, embora as works only came twenty years later.

Or Castelo de Coca, located in the province of Segóvia, is known as um Example of Spanish Gothic-Mudejar art.

Built for the purpose of defense, not outside the village, exuberant and or required by construction fizeram as or building covered with tijolos for aesthetic reasons to serve more as a palace than as a field of battle.

O Castelo de Coca is symbolic of the ostentation and power of a golden period of the Spanish economy.

7. Colônia Cathedral (Alemanha)

Colonia's cathedral
Colonia's cathedral

Considered a major gothic cathedral of the north of EuropeThe Colônia Cathedral was erected in homage to São Pedro. Its construction went through its centuries, beginning in 1248, interrupted for 250 years for lack of verbs, and as it was officially decreed in 1880.

Foi or archbishop Konrad von Hochstaden who placed the fundamental stone of the church in the place where it is known that churches have existed since the year of 313. The architect of the project was in charge of the French Girard and the temple, considered to be of great importance, incubated from ark with the remains of the three Three Magi (or material has been transferred from Milão to Colônia no seculo XII).

Uma curiosidade: during the war to the Cathedral served for different fins bens two religious, I attached how to hide the weapons depot or building it worked. Aliás, a construção sofreu scars with the bombings during World War II (foram precisely 14 bombs to atingirem or building) depois de ter resisted years damage originating from Primeira Guerra World.

Like all Gothic constructions, the Cathedral of Colônia carries amazing dimensions. As towers medem 157 meters (e são tidas as o pair of towers of igrejas highest in the world), the central nave is 43 meters high, 145 meters high and 86 meters long. The oldest stained glass window of the building dated from the XIII century. It is estimated that the total construction weight is 160 thousand tons.

8. São Estêvão Cathedral (Áustria)

São Estevão Cathedral
São Estêvão Cathedral

The building known as Stephansdom was erected on a former Romanesque church of the XII century. A construction that we admire today, however, began to be built during the fourteenth century. In 1304 it was started to build a Gothic docor.

The Cathedral stands out with a small and huge main tower with 137 meters that presents a view over the city of Vienna. This ambição de altitude is related as I wish to be or more next possível do seu. With large vertical dimensions that shelter chapels and gothic altars, the Cathedral is an icon of the city's architecture.

A particularity of construction and colorful fabric, composed of more than 250,000 tiles with a jovial pattern.

9. Salisbury Cathedral (England)

Salisbury cathedral
Salisbury cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral, built internally in the English Gothic style, detailed the highest igreja tower of Grã-Bretanha. This impulse in search of a verticality characteristic of the Gothic period is explained by the desire to direct the construction of the city. It is worth mentioning the importance conferred on Deus in this moment of history, which places the breeder above all.

A Cathedral is culturally and historically important for Grã-Bretanha, which or building shelters some rare original copies of the Magna Carta, a key document assigned in 1215 that limits the power of two monarchs British.

A construção também é responsible for another curious title: no building is contained or mechanical clock in operation more ancient in the world, I speculate that it has been forged by me in 1386.

Gothic characteristics

As gothic constructions, of an uneven verticality, were marked hairs colorful vitrais that deixavam pass to light, a veritable kaleidoscope of hearts activated by the passage of sunlight.

These spaces were also characterized mainly by pela immense amplitude, pela imposência e pela presence of a series of vãos e janelas.

The historical period of the Baixa Idade Média ficou consecrated by placing Deus as or center of the universe e, não à toa, the most exuberant constructions are in some way linked to religion.

Although the Gothic style has been more implemented in religious constructions (catedrais and mosteiros), also in some palaces and public buildings we can observe this type of architecture. Due to the magnitude of the works, many times these buildings become the city center.

As religious constructions were upright thanks to two contributions, especially two supplies that made up the bourgeoisie (who lived a process of ascension).

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