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Death Note: analysis and meaning of the classic anime series

Death note This is a Japanese anime series based on a manga collection written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata, between 2003 and 2006.

Composted for 37 episodes, a series was directed by Tetsurō Araki and produced by Madhouse, originally released in late 2006.

A narrative of suspense and fantasy has become a true classic for genre appreciators, conquering a great legion of faith, and it is available on Netflix.

Cartaz da series

Attention: from this point on, you will find spoilers!

Sinopse e trailer de Death note

Light is a responsible teenager and a brilliant aluno, filho of an important figure of the Japanese police. His life is altered when find or "Caderno da Morte" Your owner, a Shinimigami called Ryuk.

Across the pages, Light he happens to get kill any pessoa, since he conheça o seu rosto e escreva o seu nome of him not cadern. With the objective of building a more just society, it begins to kill criminals in the region.

Trying to remain anonymous and working long battles against police forces

instagram story viewer
, Light knows an adversary at height: L., internationally known hairs his powers of deduction.

Trust or trailer legendary below:

Death Note - Anime Trailer

O strange world two Shinigami

Death note, as well as other Japanese cultural productions, it recovers two Shinigami mythological figures, deuses ou espíritos da morte, you are responsible for leading the souls attached "to another side".

Here, the objective is to end two humans with their lives: each modern item, whenever it appears or not, determines the hour of their death. The life time of the individual is added to the "counted" of the Shinigami, making these entities practically important.

Worlds two Shinigami.

Num world of my fifties and desert, which is the reality of them, we find Ryuk, an anthropomorphic creature with "esquisitona" and cheia of personality. As he managed to cheat on Rei, he went on to do two cadernos da morte and decided to use some of them for fun.

Ryuk is also addicted to eating maçãs and preferentially gives us reality, which seems to be much more flavorful. Assim, and for being aware and looking for a new adventure, the deixa o seu caderno cair no mundo two humans.

Light found a modern and a Shinigami

Light Yagami, or protagonist of the narrative, is a fairly concentrated adolescent in our studies, a filho of an important figure of the Japanese police. Even though he is intelligent, charismatic, and even better, he also seems to be familiar with the life he leads.

During a classroom, he is distracted sniffing at janela when he sees a modern falling out of the sky that arouses his curiosity about him. You must find the object and examine it, he reads his regras and thinks that it is a brincadeira.

Light find or caderno da morte

Likewise, after testemunhar daily episodes of violence, he resolves to testify or escape from some bandits, causing his death quase instantaneously. This way that Light discovers that he detem um enormous power to suas mãos.

Realizing that he can practically kill anyone without lifting his little teeth, Light decides that build a world melhor and eliminate violence from society, thinking of itself as a vehicle gives justiça.

Começa assim or seu diligent work: during the day he dedicates himself to his studies, during the night he attends news and writes or not two criminals, not modern.

Light and Ryuk.

After a few weeks, the police and the middle began to perceive the relationship between the mortals, blaming an assassin in the series that battled "Kira".

It is then that Light meets Ryuk, a figure for the stranger who will accompany him - I tied him to death or renounce to posse do caderno. O protagonist began to take more and more seriously his task of him as Kira, com a believe that he will be or deus desse novo mundo.

Ryuk makes it clear that he is not going to do anything and that he is there to have fun. Contrary hair, elephics assisting in or unrolling das ações e as comments, as um tom bem-humorado.

So regras do Death note: how does it work?

It is clear that a powerful weapon could not exist with a small instruction manual. As rules for its use this written logo no comço do caderno Shinigami hairs are being explained.

Below, we gather the most important ones, for you to accompany you:

  1. O human cujo o nome for written nesse caderno will die.
  2. A written name is not the effect of the writer or not of the mind or face of the victim. Therefore another person as the same person will not be affected.
  3. It is because of death for writing I tied 40 seconds of time do not give me a person following a unit of time two humans, also it will be ugly. It is due to death not specified for the person will die from a cardiac arrest.
  4. Apos to because of death, the details of death must be provided for the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
  5. Not only does this modern touch play, it becomes the property of the human world.
  6. The owner of the caderno will be able to see the ouvir or shinigami, the original gift of the caderno.
  7. The first human to touch, no Death Note logo after visiting the human world, will be the new owner.
  8. Or human to use or caderno will not be able to go to or céu e nem para or inferno.
  9. It is due to death for specified as cardiac arrest, its details can be manipulated, such as crazy, date and time.
  10. Likewise, not being the owner of the modern day, any human who or touches will be able to see the Shinigami who follows the human being the owner of the modern day.
  11. A pessoa em posse do caderno will be followed by a shinigami até morrer. This shinigami must write or not give me weight in its own modern age (case we have more of um) at the time of death.
  12. Be a human to use or modern, or Shinigami must appear to a human in a period of 39 days after or first use.
  13. O Shinigami dono do caderno will not be able to help or human to use it, and it does not have an obligation to explain the rules that rule or human that or possesses. A Shinigami can extend your life expectancy using a modern day, but humans cannot faze it.
  14. Or human with Death Note can get the Olhos of Shinigami, and with that power or human can see the names and life expectancies of others humans just watching you, but for isso, or human owner of Death Note must sacrifice goal of their life expectancy hair Olhos de Shinigami.
  15. A Shinigami will use his own Death Note to kill a human as the objective of helping another human, the same will die, and will not have loving feelings like the same.
  16. Because of death it must be physically possible in all senses. Doenças will be involved, there must be a skillful tempo for them to manifest. It is wrapped around locais, it must be possible for a victim to be nele. Any inconsistency in death will cause a heart attack.
  17. O specific scope of death conditions also not known Shinigami hairs. Assim sendo, must test and discover.
  18. A page extracted from Death Note, or even a fragment of the page, keep all the functionalities of the modern day.
  19. Or material for writing can be any (ink, sangue, maquiagem, etc ..). Porém o caderno only works if it is written legibly.
  20. Because of the details of death, they can be written beforehand. O owner within 15 days (according to human calendar) to place or not in front of the cause described.

Kira and L., a duel of brilliant minds

As a vice-director of the police, Light is a privileged position to accompany all the steps of the investigation, finding ways of contouring them. So that as police forces are chamam a former ally and mysterious investigator discovered by L.

Initially, we did not get to see or see his face in chegam communications through a computer carried by a hooded homem who attends to W. Depois, we discover that this figure is Watari, a homem mais velho who seems to take care of L., that he, finally, a teenager.

L. doing research

Despite his capabilities of the vulgar fool, he tries to um garoto da mesma idade de Light that escolhe manter or anonymity. Na verdade, or spectator never comes to know or seu verdadeiro not me from him.

From either beginning, or detective perceive that the assassin becomes linked with the police and does not delay too much to distrust the filho of the vice-director. Yagami, always attentive, is a barnacle and is finding various ways to divert attention.

It is funny to note that you young people are similar and also very different. Enquanto Light maintains a façade of filho e estudante perfeito, from "bom moço", L. He is stranger, who is not sleeping but wears shoes and defies various social conventions.

L. e Light.

When you go to the end of the school, before entering the university, you two cross paths for the first time and the detective reveals that it or L. In order to be able to watch over his passing steps and incriminate him, he invites Light to help with the investigation.

A dynamic between the two of you is quite complex: on one hand it becomes rivais, on the other it will develop an amizade because they understand each other better than none.

Assim, you two travam uma great intellectual battle, how do you play xadrez and tentassem guess and anticipate or next step um do outro

Mass é or second Kira

You started to flee from Light's control when nova mortes began to be attributed to Kira, they were caused by him. Through several videos sent to a TV station, or novo assassino communicates as public He is killing random people to prove his power.

Light perceives that this "companion" does not need to know or not some people, just to know or know his face, to eliminate them. Assim, it is clear that the ele terá changed metade do seu tempo de vida hairs Shinigami olhos that allow me to know the names of everyone.

Misa Amane, or second Kira

O novo Kira é Misa, a young model that ganhou or seu caderno because a Shinigami who was observing at a very long time stopped for her. No moment that she was assassinated by a stalker, a creature resolved to kill him and saved the life of her, dying also followed.

Assim, we learn that a Shinigami can only die for love, to save the life of a human being. Rem, outro espírito da morte, desceu à terra and delivered or cadern to Mass, passing to accompany it also. A garota has a sad life story her country was assassinated by a criminal that depois was punished by Light.

Dull real hair Kira, who considers himself or her savior, she ends up discovering Light's identity and goes home to him. Aí, she declares or her love of her and assume a submissive posture, showing that she is willing to help or assassinate her in love with him.

Light e Misa.

As her powers of persuasion, Light manages to manipulate her with oil or love, since she needs two olhos de Misa to discover or name from L.

However, this second Kira does not manage to hide his activities as well as the protagonist and his methods are different, calling attention to the possibility of two assassins. Quickly, in relation to Light and Mass, it raises suspense and the beginning to be investigated, being depois imprisoned and interrogated by L.

Or Machiavellian Blueprint of Light

Here comes a series of reviravoltas na narrative capable of leaving the audience of what fell as the protagonist's hope. As Misa is being interrogated, Light knows that a question of how long he has also been imprisoned and identified as the true Kira.

Assim, help two Shinigami, baby um Mirabolante scheme to escape unscathed, that we are only understanding for two long episodes. It is up to Light to bury each two of us, Misa renounces his possession of her and loses the memories of everything or what happened.

Mass is imprisoned and renounces a caderno.

He, on the other hand, surrenders himself to an investigation team commanded by his father by L., and is imprisoned for some time, in order to prove his innocence. É aí que or own Light resigns from o seu caderno e skece of the bloody past.

Algum tempo depois, when mais mortes began to emerge attributed to Kira, Light and Misa ended up being disenfranchised, embora L. continue tendo as suas suspeitas. O protagonist, who doesn’t wake up at all, contributes to research The logo discovers that the assassin is among the shareholders of a large company, Yotsuba.

Nesse meio tempo, Rem, a Shinigami, face like Misa touches numa folha do caderno and manages to turn to ve-la, revealing that Light is or verdadeiro Kira. Mass helps the police to discover or novo dono do caderno, which will finally stop more than L. Not so, when Light touches no object, recover all lembranças.

Light e os Shinigamis.

Through his sorriso and his evil glow, we perceive that everything does not pass from a very beautiful plane elaborated by Light. You have to hide two chains, I asked Rem to write false regras no second, to divert attention and deliver to another person.

Esse novo Kira should be someone sedentary of power and dinheiro, that you only commit atos for your own benefit, hah what a mess, jeito, it would be easier achá-lo. Com o caderno, L. Finally, he discovers the origins of Kira's power, but he continues to be able to prove himself to the fault of his adversary, running a higher and higher cliff.

A morte de L. your successors

A manipulation of Light is strong that Rem attains, when she agrees to kill L. to protect Misa, even knowing that she will be transformed into cinzas by isso. Isso not surpreende or researcher who, on the previous date, talks like a rival and seems to assume his defeat of him.

When L. e Watari morrem suddenly, Light ends up at the front of the investigation I know how to pass out detetive hair. Neste ponto, perhaps we can declare the protagonist's victory, but the narrative is suddenly altered.

We discovered that L. In times lived no Lar de Wammy, in England, um orphanage for gifted children Founded by Watari, who was ultimately a millionaire scientist and inventor. Depois da sua morte de him, there are two possible successors: Neon, or mais novo, e Mello, que já e adolescent.

Near, substitute for L.

As we live in constant competition, Mello does not want to collaborate with Near, or garoto flawed in assembling puzzles physically responsible for each case. Meeting a team with FBI agents, they began to investigate and distrust Light, or imposter who assumiu or place of L.

Near league for the Japanese police and introduces himself as N., announcing that he is going to solve the case and hinting that the assassin is among them. Já Mello, who wanted to overpass it, asks Irmã de Light to get a new job.

Quem vai resgatá-la é or Vice-director Yagami, Light's father, who faces a trade with Ryuk hairs or Shinigami's. However, he is vexed or not true of Mello, or homem not capable of expressing not modern and seriously ill situation.

Death of vice-director Yagami.

A dinner is remarkable because it shows the absence of emotions from Light, that he does not show himself downcast as a death do pai. On the contrary, I tied at the last moment to his only concern about him and finding out about Mello.

Concentrated on continuing to win, or the protagonist said that ainda luta against L., same depois da sua morte, now through two seus successors of him.

O Kingdom of Kira e Batalha com N.

After two years and with total impunity, the effects of Kira in the society began to be more and more visible. Like all people, we live with permanent vigilance, a mysterious figure and faced by many people as the bearer of justice.

The government of the United States of America stands in favor of Kira, who is going to win increasingly popularity The theme of a television program dedicated to him. Enraged by this true cult, he manipulates his followers to mislead N.

Takada, a journalist who was a colleague of Light's faculty, is chosen to be his spokesperson for him and Mikami, or his greatest admirer, becomes or more Kira. Accrediting that he is working on me, it gives me justice, the Light Chama from "Deus" follows all his orders from him.

Mikani like Shinigami olhos.

Assim, ele hide or true caderno and create a copy, where she pretends to wriggle out to call Near's attention. When Light and N. Marcam um found, at the death of the second it seems inevitable thanks to Mikami's dedication.

Jumping with various bonequinhos that he uses for us, his mental schemes, as was fossem peças de xadrez, Near waits for Light's check-in and his team, knowing that Mikami is late, waiting for him. delete-it.

Calmly, I will reveal to all present that I am Kira's assistant, I will check as the modern Shinigami's olhos, noting or noting everyone. That one whose name is not written not cadern can only be or Kira; it's about uma irrefutable prova.

Noticing that Mikami is hiding and já escreveu os nomes, Light laughs and declares in front of everyone: "Ganhei!".

Or end of Death note e a vitória de Near

I spent 40 seconds very tense, no morre, to Kira's surprise. Mikami was captured and they verified that the only thing that does not consist of either Light Yagami or Light Yagami.

This is where Near reveals that, in truth, Light lost because he verdadeiro caderno is com ele. Depois de Takada and Mikami provocarem a morte de Mello, N. He began to follow his steps and found the modern day of death not the chest of Kira's follower.

Near VitóriaUncontrolled, or Kira began to gargalhar, declaring that he is "deus do novo mundo" and that he managed to keep the company safe for 6 years. Then he declares that he has another letter and sticks a piece of paper on which he tries to write.

This is the hour that Matsuda, a policeman who works like his father, takes a shot at his hand to prevent him. Light continues to try to scrub as his own blood and takes shots of body hair.

Cheio de ferimentos, Light managed to escape but he cannot count as a help from anybody. Ao longe, we can see Ryuk safe or cadern.

Ryuk escreving Light's name.

Chorando, or the protagonist, will see what his life was like before he found or caderno da morte. Já quase unconscious, Light see or spirit of old rival and friend, which seems to be looking for it.

In this moment, Ryuk declares that Light Yagami lost to battle; It's time to escrever o seu nome not cadern and throwing his life out of him, like tinham combined.

Stating that he had fun in the human world, or Shinigami question, how he is saying goodbye:

We managed to alleviate um little do nosso tédio, você não acha?

Death note: what is the meaning?

Death note It is a series of anime cheia of diagrams, plans mirabolantes and battles mentais. Ryuk descended to the human world to eat maçãs and attend the established chaos, warning that he used or caderia would be unhappy.

Light began to live in função do caderno da morte that he found. All of his steps are premeditated and I'm losing your humanity, at first it will not be imported as a death from its own country.

Could it be that there is a fund of justice or morality nas ações de Kira? Or protagonist He accredits that his crimes are justified, which is killing as you commit a sacrifice of hair bem comum:

He knew that killing was a crime but it was the only way to correct things ...

When he is defeated by Near, Kira alleges that he managed to drastically reduce violence and interrupt international wars, thanks to his actions.

Not so, just as his intentions were true, or the protagonist was mastered pela megalomania and pela seat of power: Or his goal to derive from him was to become a deus.

Assim, I did not confront the end, Near appoints Light as a "mere assassin" who was handed down with the most deadly weapon of mankind and was corrupted by it.

Death note 2: or one-shot of 2020

Death Note 2, or 2020 manga.

Depois 14 years old, Death note regressou no manga format, composed of 89 pages. Or one-shot Death note 2 foi launched in February 2020 It counted as the return of notable characters such as Shinigami Ryuk, this time commanded by Tanaka Nomura, a student known as "A-Kira".

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