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Mulher do Fim do Mundo by Elza Soares: analysis and meaning of music

Mulher do Fim do Mundo é uma music of 2015, including the first album of unreleased songs by Elza Soares, or 34th album of her career, A Mulher do Fim do Mundo.

Elza Soares - Mulher do Fim do Mundo (Official Clip)

Music lyrics:

Meu choro não é nada além de carnival
É tear of samba na ponta dos pés
A multidão advances like a gale
I play on the avenue that I do not know what it is
Pirata e Super-Homem sing heat
Um peixe amarelo beija minha mão
Asas de um anjo loose chão hair
Na chuva de confetes deixo a minha dor
Na avenue deixei lá
A pele preta e a minha paz
Na avenue deixei lá
A minha farra minha opinião
A minha casa minha solidão
Joguei do alto do third, walk
I will break to face and free myself from the rest of my life
Na hard avenue até o fim
Mulher do fim do mundo
Eu sou e vou tied o fim sing
Meu choro não é nada além de carnival
É tear of samba na ponta dos pés
A multidão advances like a gale
I play on the avenue that I do not know what it is
Pirata e Super-Homem sing heat
Um peixe amarelo beija minha mão
Asas de um anjo loose chão hair

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Na chuva de confetes deixo a minha dor
Na avenue deixei lá
A pele preta e a minha paz
Na avenue deixei lá
A minha farra minha opinião
A minha casa minha solidão
Joguei do alto do third, walk
I will break to face and free myself from the rest of my life
Na hard avenue até o fim
Mulher do fim do mundo
Eu sou e vou tied o fim sing
I want to sing até or fim
I deixem sing até or fim
Até o fim eu vou sing
Eu vou sing até o fim
Eu sou mulher do fim do mundo
Eu vou, eu vou sing, me deixem sing até o fim
Até o fim eu vou sing, I want to sing
Eu quero é sing eu vou sing aé o fim
Eu vou sing, me deixem sing até o fim

Analysis and interpretation

Na music, a Mulher do Fim do Mundo Falla about itself, it tells its story of overcoming and surviving in middle of chaos and euphoria, symbolized by Carnival.

Meu choro não é nada além de carnival
É tear of samba na ponta dos pés
A multidão advances like a gale
I play on the avenue that I do not know what it is

A first stanza comes for presenting a strategy of resistance to a feminine figure, a transformation of comfort into joy, into celebration. This idea and metaphorized by the image of a tear that transforms into samba, into dance, na ponta dos pés.

During the Carnival period, people occupy multiple streets, a climate of confusion and festivities that are not crowded.

Pirata e Super-Homem sing heat
Um peixe amarelo beija minha mão
Asas de um anjo loose chão hair
Na chuva de confetes deixo a minha dor

Enunciating as two present fantasies - "Pirate", "Super-Homem", "peixe amarelo" -, to the second stanza descreve a folia that is lived nas ruas. It also portrays an apocalyptic scene with images of the handles of an anjo no chão da avenida.

As the verse "Na chuva de confetes deixo a minha dor" chega to the idea of ​​tasting, which já was guessed at the previous stanza. Or Carnival arises, also, as a tempo of liberation, not which we can start or stop.

Na avenue deixei lá
A pele preta e a minha paz
Na avenue deixei lá
A minha farra minha opinião
A minha casa minha solidão
Joguei do alto do third, walk

A holiday, celebrated by all or povo Brazilians, represents a time of year in which some two social problems and discrimination (for example, racial) are placed on hold. Together, we all fell into a party, regardless of the injustices that we occupy the remaining days of the year.

On the avenue, a woman is not more sozinha ("minha solidão / Joguei do alto do thirdiro go"), she skews or isolates herself, she gathers together and celebrates.

I will break to face and free myself from the rest of my life
Na hard avenue até o fim
Mulher do fim do mundo
Eu sou e vou tied o fim sing

Assuming all the defeats that I suffered (“I broke up”), sublimated that I managed to support and overcome all the difficulties (“I got rid of the rest of my life”). Not final, or what remains is ela, forte, a Mulher do Fim do Mundo that attends or apocalypse and survives, resists.

I want to sing até or fim
I deixem sing até or fim
Até o fim eu vou sing
Eu vou sing até o fim
Eu sou mulher do fim do mundo
Eu vou, eu vou sing, me deixem sing até o fim
Até o fim eu vou sing, I want to sing
Eu quero é sing eu vou sing aé o fim
Eu vou sing, me deixem sing até o fim

The last stanzas repeat the idea that this woman wants to sing "até o fim", marking or seu Tired but also to his teimosia, to his resilience in continuing to transform him into joy, tied to life end up.

Elza Soares, to Mulher do Fim do Mundo

Elza Soares, madrinha da bateria da escola de samba Mocidade Independente, 2010
Elza Soares, Madrinha da Bateria da escola de samba Mocidade Independente, 2010.

Elza Soares was born in Rio de Janeiro, on June 23, 1937. A life of poverty to force to work from childhood; At the age of thirteen she was married. When she is fourteen years old, morreu or seu first filho. Years fifteen, morreu or second.

Ainda young, she became a widower, raising five sozinha children and working as a domestic entrepreneur, even if she continued to struggle with her dreams of being a singer.

Even when she achieved fame, she continued to have to overcome obstacles such as public opinion that condemned or He married her as a soccer player Garrincha, because the tinha separated from his wife some time before.

A union between the two of you, one more filho ended badly, with episodes of violence from an alcoholic and possessive husband. When the two of them died, years later, when they were in the road, Elza entered a downward spiral, tempting him to commit or commit suicide.

Even so, and after overcoming so many obstacles and traumatic episodes, the joy of Elza's life continues to be notorious, gracing or her public always with a contagious smile.

As a career of success that lasts for several decades and I have been elected, pela Rádio BBC of London as singer Brasilira do milênio, in 1999, Elza continues to rebirth the cinzas and create music that conquers new public.

Meaning of music

Photography by Elza Soares
Elza Soares in 2015, when she released or album A Mulher do Fim do Mundo.

Besides that the lyrics of the song are authored by Alice Coutinho and Rômulo Fróes, it seems to be intimately linked to the life of Elza Soares and to the message that the singer wants to pass to the world.

With seventy and eight years of life, she released for the first time an album of unreleased songs: she feared her own voice, the opportunity to tell her story.

Black and empowered woman, who softened various preconceptions and had to fight every step of the way, synonymous with force and feminine resistance. Assim, em meio to everything or chaos, to Mulher do Fim do Mundo Dança between the destruction and continual of pé, singing até at the last moment.

Conheça also

  • The best love poems from Brazilian literature
  • The poems of Charles Bukowski
  • As inesquecíveis music of Michael Jackson
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