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Meaning of Raposa from O Little Prince

Uma das personagens mais important da historia counted I do not free O little prince (1943), by the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944), is a raposa.

A raposa transmits a series of reflections on how we relate to each other. It is through which the little Prince learns, for example, or what it means to catalyze somebody.

And so it appears as fox:
- Bom dia, say a fox.
- Good morning, he responded politely or princely, who turned around, but I didn't see anything.
- Eu is here, said to voice, underixo da macieira ...
- What is you? perguntou or principezinho. You are beautiful ...
- Sou uma raposa, disse a raposa.
- Vem jump with me, purpose or principezinho. You are sad ...
- Eu não posso jump with you, disse a vixa. Não cativaram me ainda.

A raposa ensina or what is cativar

Logo that appears in the story behind the introduction of a deep concept that, yet, has not been raised.

Fox refuses to jump like a little prince, even though she knows it, arguing that she is not yet foi cativated. Or menino, not so much, I don't understand what cativar means and the logo asks “What do you want to say 'cativar'?”.

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Through it, he asks a barnacle fox that the little prince is not dali and tries to help him, asking what he seeks. Or that or menino say that he wants to find sao homens, to make friends. It is from this interaction that he begins to philosophize.

You need to insist on a question about what to do, Raposa responds that what to do. means "to breed laços ..." and she emphasizes that this little concerto we see being very skeptical in our last tempos.

In a subtle way, the face is criticism of societySaying that the homens are increasingly distant from two others and, as they are always pressed, there is no time to know the fund or that it is now over.

A raposa, to explain what is happening, shows how a creature differs from all others when it becomes important to us:

Tu não es para mi senão um garoto inteiramente equal to one thousand other garotos. I don't have any need for you. And you do not also have a need for me. I did not pass to the olhos of one fox equal to one thousand other foxes. But, if you call me, we will have no need for another. You will be for me the only one in the world. E eu will be for you the only one in the world ...

Years we will be cativized, second to last, we come to depend on another and a see-lo as essential in our life.

A raposa is a personagem, therefore, who traced important elements for history, which relegated us to what It is essential, which is false about the relationships that we create and about the ties that we develop as those that we love.

Through the fox we ficam knowing how it works or the world two adults

A raposa is said to have been understood as her rotina always the same:

Eu caço as galinhas e os homens caçam me. All of these galinhas resemble me and all of the homens resemble me too. And for isso eu I hate myself um little.

Or that I wanted to, acima de tudo, and be cativated, isso é, develop a special relationship with someone, so that this creature looks different from all others and has a special place, no heart.

Or, for example, a raposa gives what, if she is forced, she will know até or barulho two passes daquele than a cativou, which will be different two passes from all the others.

Another example that she gives in relation to memory. Some things that exist in the world and are not important for a fox, like wheat, farão like she is sourced, given that to cativou, thanks to her hair. This association of a heart of the landscape with a memory of someone will go preencher or heart of joy from her.

A raposa explains to the little prince that, when she is forced, her monotony will end, giving rise to happiness and plenitude. But she knows that being cativated is increasingly difficult in the world.

A raposa é um personagem important because He shows us the world like him and his difficulties.

She remarks, for example, that, as you homens soon bought into lojas, they are not accustomed to creating deep ties, Fazerem true friends, who need care and attention: "Since there are no friends, you are not my friends."

As cativa, second to fox

It is a raposa that teaches for the little prince not only that he will act as well as how he cative, for that reason he is a fundamental personagem for history.

A lição seems to be bem simple: “It is necessary to be patient”. She explains to the little prince that the process of know and activate some time delay It is necessary to respect this process of meeting.

First, you two must sit together, more distant, say nothing, and each time you must get closer. No principle, second to raposa, I do not need to fail anything, I attached because linguagem causes a lot of problems. Or that it is precise that it is found to happen frequently.

I find you to be every day at the same time, and, eat rotina, that the ritual chama, she will begin to be cactivated and will be happy.

“You only see yourself as a heart. Or essential and invisible years old. "

One of the most well-known phrases from the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is not the main character, and is just a fox.

When the little prince turned to say goodbye to the fox, who had turned him on, she promises that she will tell a very simple segredo and fala as two phrases that ficaram famous: "só se vê bem como o heart. Or essential and invisible years old. "

A raposa wanted to re-embed for the prince a fundamental lição that the homens seem to have been skewed at times. For her, we must guide ourselves by our feelings, through what we draw not heart.

A raposa wanted to say that we should give less value to superficial things to concentrate on what really matters: or that we carry not ourselves inside.

A reflective message is written in a simple and clear way, and communicates both as children and as adults.

I read também or artigo about a phrase "O essential and invisible aos olhos".

A raposa fala gives the responsibility of cativating someone

When she teaches about the importance of being cactivated, it also stands out for the little prince or fate that, when someone cactivates, it also stands out. I am responsible for what we do.

É gives fox a phrase:

You become eternally responsible for what you do.

For this reason, or little prince, he is, sim, responsible for the rose that he loves so much.

This teaching transmitted by the fox tells us how we should take care of each other's affections, how we fear to protect ourselves for those who we love to eat from us.

Conheça um artigo on a phrase "You become eternally responsible for what you do".

"Foi o tempo que perdeste com tua rosa que fez tua rosa is important"

A fox fails about a dedication to relationships. A phrase acima, dita pela vixen, said I respect the relationship that the little prince developed with the rose that he loved so much.

A relationship between the two of you is an example that I choose to give to prove that it is the dedication that we place in someone that makes the relationship important to us.

In reflection, the fox told us about the emotional and affective investment that we should place in the relationships so that it is found deep.

A raposa relembraes a stretch of an important lição: we must take care, zelar, place commitment and energy in relationships that are most important to us.

You say that little prince achamos that you will also be interested in hairs:

  • Thus phrases of O little prince interpreted
  • Meaning of Livro O Little Prince, by Saint-Exupéry
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