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O Corcunda de Notre-Dame, by Victor Hugo: summary and analysis

Com or original title Notre-Dame de Paris, ou Nossa Senhora de Paris, a work more known as O Corcunda of Notre-Dame It was published by Victor Hugo in March 1831. Considered the greatest historical romance of the author, or it was free of his great events, translated into various languages ​​and circulating throughout Europe.

I have the Notre-Dame Cathedral as the main cenário, the work contributed to a greater appreciation of the local, as well as the Gothic architecture and two monuments of the Pre-Renascimento period.

Facade of Notre Dame Cathedral

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Book summary


Passed in Paris, during medieval times, a narrative took place in the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the main church of the city during the period. He is Quasímodo, a child born with deformations, no face and no body, and abandoned by the family.

Or a personagem grows hiding from the world, who mistreats the rejeita, and becomes sineiro of the cathedral, under the command of Archbishop Claudde Frollo. At the time, the Parisian capital was full of cities in extremely precarious situations, many sleep in the streets and children to survive.

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The local did not have any police force, being hardly patrolled by some guards of the King and members of the nobility who face the most disadvantaged with mistrust, as a social perigo.


Enter the population that was discriminated against, this was Esmeralda, a young woman who gained life by dancing in front of the church. Frollo sees Esmeralda as a temptation for his ecclesiastical career and orders Quasímodo to follow.

Or sineiro ends up being turned off by the girl, who is protected by Phoebus, an agent of the royal guard that she comes to love.

Feeling rejecte, Frollo kills his rival and incriminates a dancer, who is accused of assassination. Quasímodo get lift-her inside the igreja, where she would be sure due to the existence of a warm lei. Not so, when her friends decide to invade the building and take it up, Esmeralda is newly captured.


Quasímodo stays late and attends the public execution of Esmeralda not above the cathedral, with Frollo. Furious, or sineiro joga or arcebispo do telhado and never seen more in the region. Many years ago, or his body of him was found no burial mound of the beloved.

Personagens principais


Quasímodo é um homem whose image is made up of two fathers and assustates the people of the time. He lives in prison in the cathedral, because he has attacked and detached other hairs and seen as an ameaça. On the contrary, he reveals himself to be a gentle and generous home, ready to turn heroi to save the woman he loves.

Claudde frollo

Claudde Frollo is the Archbishop of the Cathedral, who loves Quasimodo and develops an obsession for Esmeralda. Embora, in some passagens, he shows himself affectionate and concerned like others, he has corrupted his hair, his desire for him, becoming messy and violent.


Esmeraldaé simultaneously with the male desire and gives discrimination for being a female and foreign woman. Stunned by Febo, a committed guardian, she wakes up Frollo's paixão, who ends up leading her to a tragic destiny.


O captain of the royal guard and a homem who is in a loving relationship with Flor-de-Lis, but pretends to correspond to Esmeralda's love because he felt sexual desire for her. He ends up sleeping for isso, victim of two Frollo ciúmes, that Esmeralda manages to incriminate.

Analyze the work

Portrait of French Society

Originally titled Nossa Senhora de Paris, or famous romance of Victor Hugo does not focus on Quasímodo itself. Aliás, or personagem only appears no title in 1833, with an English translation.

To work, past year of 1482It was intended to be a portrait of the society of the French culture of the XV century, functioning in a historical representation of the period.

A narrative is passed in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame and the building receives special attention during all or free. The author has written internal chapters dedicated to a description of its architecture and various aesthetic aspects and local details.

Once the church was the main region, it was presented by Victor Hugo as the heart of the city, or the place where everything happened.

Ali, we will meet the destinies of people of all social extracts: you sem-shelter, you miseráveis, or clergy, you fidalgos, you bandits, guards you, you are noble and tied or rei Luis XI.

Assim, enquanto transversal space in the life of all Parisians, a cathedral oferecia um comprehensive portrait of the social panorama of the epoch.

It is also appointed as a local of kindness and love for another, where the orphans, the criminals and all those who need to take refuge find shelter. On the other hand, there were actions that contravened the Christian faith and the values ​​that were attached to religion.

Criticism of the clergy and the monarchy

TO corruption is present not own clergy, represented by Claudde Frollo, whose sexual instincts or levam to deny his faith and kill Phoebus, by the city of Esmeralda.

Her actions led to the incrimination of Esmeralda, who because she was considered a "second category city" is automatically seen as guilty.

Also, it is also possible to see a monarchical system where or how it was oppressed, where justiça was in the middle of two rich and powerful, manifesting itself through public shows of death and torture.

O livro also show me uma society ainda very marked pela ignorance and hair preconceito that rejeita tudo here that is different, considering-o ugly ou perigoso.

Meaning of O Corcunda of Notre-Dame

Attention that Victor Hugo dedicates to Notre Dame Cathedral In all the work face how many apontem that o edifício é o verdadeiro protagonist.

When i crept Notre-Dame de Paris, Victor Hugo was concerned as the precarious state of the cathedral, which was facing problems in its structure. Or was his goal chamar to attention two French for aesthetic and historical richness do local, so that this begins to be restored.

Either free, as this gigantic succession, meets the missão: it begins to attract more and more tourists to the locals, or it leads France to stop neglecting the cathedral. Some years ago, in 1844, the renovation works came in.

Embora here that has been more present, no collective imagery, is to the figure of Quasímodo, to the cathedral and to the book of Victor Hugo, to be forever linked to our memories. More Is it Quasímodo for a cathedral itself?

Some interpretations defend that the figure of "corcunda" would be a metaphor for failing the building, which was seen as decadent and ugly, being disregarded hairs locais.

Victor Hugo contributed extensively to the enhancement of Notre-Dame Cathedral, making him more famous and transforming the eternal abode of Quasímodo. Até hoje, and impossível olharmos for ela e não imagine o sineiro no mole.

Adaptations of the work

The romance of Victor Hugo has been adapted and the story of Quasímodo continues to be told, through gerações. O Corcunda of Notre-Dame Virou opera, silent cinema and I tied an animation film of incomparable Disney.

Conheça o trailer da first adaptation para o cinema, by Wallace Worsley (1923):

The Hunchback of Notre Dame Trailer

Relembre or trailer of the Disney animation film (1996):

Trailer (cinema) | O Corcunda de Notre Dame - April Video

Conheça also

  • Notre Dame Cathedral
  • You miseráveis, by Victor Hugo
  • Musical O Fantasma da Ópera, by Gaston Leroux
  • The most impressive Gothic monuments of the world
  • Livro Dom Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes
  • Livro O Crime do Padre Amaro, by Eça de Queirós
  • O nome da rosa, by Umberto Eco
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