8 artistic performances to understand the genre
Na art, we are performance artists, a type of manifestation that the artist uses seu corpo e suas ações as expressive means.
The concept of performance art emerged in the second goal of the 20th century as a language of contemporary art, which also had no period. Meanwhile, actions similar to performance have been carried out by some artists not in the context of avant-garde Europeans.
Or thermo, of Latin origin parformance, tem as meaning "to shape", which can be interpreted as "Fazer", "Play".
In addition, the work is built by the artist or the artist, usually in front of the public, only subtracting records in photography and video.
1. AAA-AAA (1978) - Marina Abramovic
Marina Abramovic is two of the most outstanding names in performance art. Her costume began in the 70s and she did various actions as a performer Ulay, who was a companion of her for 12 years.
In a dessas works, entitled AAA-AAA It was carried out in 1978, or a house of front-facing position for or another, when it let out screams from a plateia.

The intention was to "show what is higher", symbolically representing what happens in many relationships, especially love relationships.
This is a work in which life and encenação is mixed, here we have an example of how a performance is a hybrid linguagem, I tell you, that mixes theatrical and other elements of art.
Servia artist defines the artistic modality of the following maneira:
Performance is a physical and mental construction that the artist executes in a certain time and space, in front of an audience. It is a dialogue of energy, in which plateia and the artist build the work together.
2. 4’33 (1952) - Jonh Cage
4’33 It is a performance idealized in 1952 by North American master John Cage.
Nessa obra, or musician David Tudor is placed in front of a piano for a large plateia and remains silent for four minutes and thirty three seconds, without playing absolutely nothing.

Or work traced different reflections, as a maid expectation and or discomfort. Also, play on matters pertaining to the musical medium itself, such as silence, small noises and questions about the music concept.
Assim, we can observe here more an example of how fronteiras da performance são diluted, tracing various genres of art.
On the occasion that it was carried out, it raised a debate, shared with the public, recognizing its value and, partly, completely rejection.
3. Shoot (1971) - Chris Burden
Um two most controversial performers of contemporary art and dúvida or north-American Chris Burden (1946 - 2015).
His work is permeated by questions about violence and many of them, or artist is placed in limit-situation.
Aliás, some reminiscent characteristics of art of performance and precisely one sensory investigation (and emotional) that analyzes the limits of two artists, testing their bodies and their bodies in order to create a connection as a public.
Na performance Shoot, made in 1971, Chris Burden asked for a friend to shoot as a firearm in his direction. The intention was that I shot passasse de raspão em seu braço, and you two have even been thirty days before.

Meanwhile, as well as life and unforeseeable, ação also did not come out as expected or expected and the bullet ended up hitting Burden's cheio or arm, piercing-o.
The public was really shocked and the artist had to go to the local press in the direction of a hospital.
4. Cut piece (1965) - Yoko Ono
Yoko Ono is an important artist at the dinner performance. Japanese fez part do Fluxus Group, that brought together artists from various parts of the world in the 1960s to rethink the rumors of art.
One of her outstanding performances by her é Cut Piece, in which she remained seated in front of a plateia., I have her side a tesoura, that as people we will use to cut parts of her clothes for a few years.
By contact and direct intervention by two spectators, Cut Piece is considered um happenig, Vertente da performance na qual o public e agent da ação, being essential for the work to happen.
Here, the artist places himself at the disposal of the people in a passive way, tracing questions such as vulnerability, or modesty and or feminine body.
5. Tap and Touch Cinema (1968) - VALIE EXPORT
VALIE EXPORT (written in the same way, in capital letters) is the artistic name of the Austrian Waltraud Lehner.
An artist has a powerful work in performance, not which raises questions pertinent to the universe of women, drawing provocations and feminist criticisms, as well as objectifying the feminine body.
A performance / happenig Tap and Touch Cinema, performed nas ruas from various European cities between 1968 and 1971, it was a job in which VALIE walks as a caixa de papelão with a curtain over the peito nu, inviting passersby to place them inside the caixa and play their seios.

I did not know what was happening in the world or what was happening, but I could observe the expressões of the artist and the participant.
Or work is an example of how to performance can occur for the gallery environment ou do museu, not in need of an "official" art space to perform.
6. Passagem (1979) - Celeida Tostes
A carioca Celeida Tostes works with ceramics and trazia in her works, themes such as feminine, or birth and death, fertility and a relationship with nature.
Also, at the moment of his costume, the artist mixes himself with a clay vase and simulates the experience of being expelled to the outside of a uterus. O work levou o nome de Passagem, being made in 1979.

A performance foi feita com a ajuda de duas assidores e recorded by means of photographs, as he was himself in performative works. On ação, an artist explains:
My work is born. He was born as the same man was born - of a relationship. Relação com a terra, com o organic, or inorganic, or animal, or vegetable. Misturate the most diverse and opposite materials. Train in intimidation of materials that are transformed into ceramic bodies.
Começaram to emerge balls. Balls are tight, eat, break that suggests vaginas, passages. I felt an immense need to mix myself as my work material. Feel or mud in my body, make part of it, be inside it.
7. New Look (1956) - Flávio de Carvalho
Flávio de Carvalho was an artist who was never thinking about performance art in Brazil, long before it was to consolidate here.
The artist was part of the modernist movement in 1956, he made a tropical dress made of saia and a blouse with a buffalo sleeve, which he wore during a walk on the streets of Rio de Janeiro.

Or I brought intrigue to the people who passed me by, by subverting the costumes of time and tradition, such as freedom, irreversibility and irony. This potential of bully, confuse and create controversy is something that is also repeated in various performances.
8. I Like America and America Likes Me (1974) - Joseph Beuys
O German Joseph Beuys is two important names in the XX century arts. Ele work with various artistic languages apart from performative actions, such as installation, video, painting and sculpture.
In one of his artistic performances, entitled I Like America and America Likes Me, Beuys sai de seu country and vai attached os USA. Checking it out, he was removed from the plane with a maca and covered by a felt cover, his intention was not to step on only North-American.
US, or artist has been taken to an art gallery, where it remains for days in a space dated as a jungle. Beuys received daily or daily Wall street I live as an animal for hours using just a blanket, a couple of luvas and a sparkler.

TO ação teve political and critical characterAs well as all her work by her, it was a form of protest against the model of life and the North American economy.
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