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Ethics to Nicômaco: summary of Aristotle's work (PDF com)

Considered a fundamental work of the philosopher Aristotle and a two main books to understand Western culture. Ethics to Nicômaco is a key work that discusses issues regarding moral and character.

Or that we call from Ethics to Nicômaco is a collection that gathers two books and deals with the most varied issues, focusing especially on the questão gives happiness and us to reach it.

I summarize

Aristotle continues as Master Platão and, giving continuity to the culture of teaching and reflection, he will also teach for his filho, Nicômaco.

It is from Nicômaco's annotations that Aristotle raises and discusses the central ideas for Western philosophy, mainly as debated in the Republic, of Platão.

According to the teachings inserted in Ethics to Nicômaco, to ethics não é um abstract and distant concept, enclosed not Ensino environment, but perceived as something practical and palpable, an exercise that allows or flowers to give happiness human.

Um two central themes for free, for sinal, is to felicidade, alvo de atenção sobretudo us free I and X of the produção.

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Aristotle assumes a pedagogical role because he cares about education and the future of his own life.

Second or philosopher, to the happiness of the last end of the human being, a supreme bem for which all homem leans, "a mais nobre and a mais aprazível coisa do mundo".

Ainda de acordo or philosopher disciple of Platão,

"o bem sovereign and happiness, for where all the things tend" (...)

"He is looking for happiness that is justified to human action"

A work comes as a pretty general panhado, a reflection on o bom e o bem. Aristotle differentiates the human being from the animal, because or homem, in contrast to two bugs, clam and gauge to supreme happiness.

Regardless of being a common home or a great intellectual, we all do not want to be happy, and therefore, we exercise our virtues by looking at it. Or conceit of virtue used, slightly modified, and wounded by two of his predecessors Socrates and Platão.

It is clear that Aristotle perceives that the concept of happiness varies from individual to individual, but the philosopher tries to elaborate a theory that he contemplates at all.

According to a philosopher, there are three types of lives you can do:

  • those two prazeres, wave or human being, becomes a refém that desires;
  • that policy, which seeks to honor the conviction;
  • that contemplative one, the only thing that stops me, of fato, to essência gives felicidade.

A contemplative life and guided by thought and theme as origin to our soul, or segredo to reach the and look for the elements within oneself, and not to clam something that is on the outside. Dessa forma, for Aristotle, is the greatest possible possibility of attaining the intellectual prazer, intrinsically linked to the contemplative life.

Envelope or title

The title is associated with a reference to the philosopher's name, named Nicômaco. Apart from Aristotle's filho, Nicômaco was also his disciple and was based on his annotations on anyone who was either a philosopher or a text.

Uma curiosidade: Nicômaco was also Aristotle's pai.

Leia na in full (pdf)

Ethics to Nicômaco Find-it is available for free download in Portuguese in PDF format.

About Aristotle

Considered the first scientific researcher, Aristotle was a disciple of the great philosopher Platão from 367 BC. C. Born in Estágira, a colony of Ionic origin located in Macedonia, in 384 BC. C., Aristotle lived for years in Athens, learning as a teacher.

Após a morte de Platão, Aristotle migrou for Eólida, depois for Lesbo, até return to Macedônia.

Born in very favorable conditions, or country of Aristotle, also called Nicômaco, he was a doctor of Amyntas II, rei da Macedônia. At the age of 17, I was sent to Athens to complete your studies. So he met his master, Platão, having joined the Academia de Platão where he stayed for twenty years.

Aristotle was in charge of the education of Filipe da Macedônia when the rapacious was 13 years old and He ensinou, for barely two years, the main foundations that he would go to become Alexandre, O Big.

Figure representing Aristotle transmitting teachings to Alexandre.
Figure representing Aristotle transmitting teachings to Alexandre, O Grande, on an occasion just 13 years old.

When he returned to Athens, it was not 334 BC. C., Aristotle founded a liceu no ginásio do temple of Apollo. A school has become a reference center in the region.

The life of Aristotle was dedicated to research, education and education.

Unfortunately, part of his work was lost for a long time, what we know about today, through two serious disciples.

As the death of Alexandre, or the philosopher passed on to fear for his own life, one time he has been persecuted by Athenian Democrats who either accuse us of defending his disciple. Aristotle took refuge in Calcis and saw his death not in 322 BC. C.

Bust of Aristotle.

Conheça also

  • Aristotle: life and principal works
  • Phrase Know yourself
  • A School of Athens, by Rafael Sanzio
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