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Fable: what is it, characteristics and examples

A fable is a literary genre that uses a simple language, has a short format, most of the time it is possible to live as characters and present a moral character.

As fables are very present in the universe of children's literature especially due to the didactic function that têm.

The two authors of the most important fables são Aesop and La Fontaine. Not Brazil, or senior representative of the genre, Monteiro Lobato.

A fable is a quick, objective, mild text and many times it is funny that it was intended as an objective not only to entertain or read as well transmit a teaching I have, therefore, an educational function.

Na fable or reader is invited to reflect on human attitudes and social behavior. You animais, main characters of history, represent typical characteristics and defects of human beings in a playful and allegorical way.

Characteristics of fables

  • Os animais são os main personagens
  • Possuem uma simple linguagem
  • I always present a moral, for time it is implicit and for time it is explicit not the end of the text
  • We can be written in both verse and prose
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Os animais são os main personagens

A fable I feared as personagens principais animais that symbolize typically human attitudes and characteristics.

You are encouraged by two great allies of two fable authors because they allow them a great economy of the text. Isso é, we have no collective imagery or that you are animating to represent, they are in a certain way linked to a symbolism (a cobra, for example, and associated with traiçoeiros beings).

Using your spirits as characters, writers can reduce a lot to a quantity of text description, summarizing history. Na fable O Leão, a Vaca, a Cabra e a Ovelha, for example, or Leão symbolizes power and dominance.

Example: O Leão, a Vaca, a Cabra and Ovelha

Um Leão, uma Vaca, uma Goat and uma Ovelha combine to hunt together and distribute or ganho. Acharam então um Veado, and depois de terem gone and worked a lot, I will get to kill him.

Chegaram all tired and, covered in prey, divided into four equal parts. O Leão tomou uma, e disse:
- This part is compliant or combined.
To follow him pegou noutra e acrescentou:
- This belongs to me for being or most courageous of all.
He pegou numa térira e disse:
- This also for my pois sou o rei de todos an animais, e burns a quarta mexer, consider yourself to be challenged.

Assim he went everywhere, the companions acharam-deceived and confronted; but be held down by not having as much force as Leão.

Moral da historia: Parceria e amizade quer-se entre iguais, e o casamento também, because quem trava amizade com maior, becomes seu Escravo e tem de lhe obey or lose hair except amizade, na qual o work e always do mais fraco, e to honor and proveito do mais powerful.

A linguagem das fables must be simple

In termos de linguagem, as fables we use an everyday text, possuem uma clear linguagem, simple, objective and accessible.

As fables are constructed in a short, brief way, and must be understood by the reader of all asities quickly.

Example: O cão e a mask

Procuring food, um Cão found a mask of a homem muito bem-feita de papelão com cores vivas. He chegou-joined her and cameçou a cheirá-la to see if it was a homem who was sleeping. Depois he empurrou-a as focinho and I saw that she rebolava, and as she did not want to be quiet without taking assento, disse or Cão:

- It is true that a head is beautiful, but I am not afraid of it.

Moral of history: A mask represents either a home or a woman who only cares about external appearance and does not seek to cultivate the soul, which is much more precious. Fable is noted as people who have everything or care with superfluous enfeites and hearts, beautiful for outside, but whose head is missing miolo.

Nas fables there is always a moral

Every fable has a moral one, which can be implicit or explicit, not a text. No case of being explicit, the moral appears at the end of the text, after the history has been told.

There are many authors, on the other hand, who prefer that the moral is not written, leaving for the reader to conclude the lição da historia sozinho.

Despite two authors having different styles - some leaving more obvious morals and others less - all of them partilham or wish that or text serve as teaching.

Example: O Galo e a Pérola

Go for a Galo to gravitate no chão, to get migalhas or bugs to eat, when he found a dog. I exclaimed:
- Ah, se achasse um joalheiro! What are you worth? Before a migalha or some grains of cevada.

Dito isto, he got caught looking for food.

Moral da historia: You ignorant fazem or what fez this Gaul; Look for coisas sem valor, cevada and migalhinhas.

Thus fables can be written both in verse and in prose

In terms of form, a fable can be both prose and poetry (with verses).

Thus fables I attached or seventeenth century tinham a structure based on verses, only depois dessa date and that will begin to be feitas also in prose format, as a running text.

Browse today it is possible to find two forms: there are fables constructed as poems and others with text written in paragraphs.


As duas Cadelas, fable in prose

This was a cadela com as giving birth, and there was no place where she could give birth, she begged another that He yielded to his bed, which was a palheiro, saying that even if he left he would go to bed as you filhos.

I feel sorry for the, to another cadela cedeu-lhe or place, but depois do pediu-lhe childbirth that is buried. Because of this, the guest showed her teeth and did not want to let her in, saying that she was in possession of the place, and that she was not going to shoot it, not to be due to war or toothed.

Moral da historia: A fable shows to be true or dited that says: “Do you want inimigo? Dá o teu e pede-o de volta. ”. Because, sem dúvida, there are many homens like this calved cadella, who humbly begs, showing her Necessity, and depois de terem o alheio em seu power, arrange them dentes to quem lho pede, and be powerful ficam com ele.

O corvo e a vixen, fable in verse

Or corvo e a vixen

Mestre corvo, numa arvore pousado,
I do not bico sure um belo queijo.
Mistress fox, attracted cheiro hair,
Assim lhe said, em tom excited:
Olá, bom dia tenha or Senhor Corvo,
So cute, uma winged beauty!
Fora de brincadeiras, se o seu song
You give your pain or charm
é of certainty or rei da Bicharada!

Ouvindo tais words, how happy
Or corvo fica; I wanted to show:
Open or bico e la vai o queijo ar hair!
A fox or grab and say: _ Senhor,
Learn that or vaid is discounted
Face a quem or resolve low.
This lição is worth um queijo no acha?
Either I bend, I am embarrassed, I sell or I want to run away,
Jurou, late too, we don't even fall.

How will fables arise

As tiveram fables origin in popular oral tradition, exists since 2000 a. C. It is mainly popularized by the authors Aesop and La Fontaine.

A modern fable was originated by Aesop, a man who lives, I don't know VI a. C. e foi o maior fabulista da Grécia antiga. Of great importance for the genre, Aesop is considered as being or part of the fable in a large part of two of his texts It remains in circulation at the days of the leaf, but many times it has been rewritten or reinterpreted by others authors.

The French Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) was also very responsible for the dissemination of fables. You have started by creating your first fables for the story of Louis XIV and, thanks to them, I got an annual rei pension. O seu first volume de fables (called Fables escolhidas postas em versos) was published in 1668. From then on, La Fontaine began to divulge brief stories that encourage you as protagonists.

You are interested in the topic of fables, we will also go to read:

  • As fables of Aesop
  • As melhores fables com moral
  • Fables of animais
  • As fables of Monteiro Lobato with interpretation and moral
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