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Caio Fernando Abreu: life and work

Caio Fernando Abreu (1948-1996) is two most beloved writers of Brazilian literature and represents a framework especially in the two 1980s.

His production reverberates over two days of leaf, inspiring fãs and new authors. Find out more about his life and work.

Caio Fernando Abreu


Author of iconic phrases, Caio Fernando Abreu consecrates a series of prayers about love, or desire, in the absence of memory. Relembre some of these powerful phrases:

I need your voice to say that I love you another time. As it is fosse possível, as it is fosse verdade, as it is fosse ontem and amanhã.

A passagem acima fala da relação as outro, gives need of export here that you sit and of nursery or sentiment to its plenitude, even though it is necessary to temporarily disassociate itself from reality.

Despite perceiving the perenniality of the affection, or the little subject that emits prayer, it is necessary to feel that love is eternal: it survives the past, passes through or present and expires or future.

Meu coração é o beggar mais faminto da rua mais miserável.

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The above phrase deals with the questão da carência, so many times it is approached to the work of Caio Fernando Abreu. Here is a verification of the narrator gives need to love and be loved, of being in interaction as another and of feeling that you are part of something.

Eu I did not find myself. I have so much to know. I have to make an effort to see what happens inside of me and end up surpreendendo a portion of dirty things, sujas.

Caio escreveu muito about or selfconhecimento e or stretch above and after several moments reflecting on his ignorance in relation to himself.

To be known also means to enter into contact as it has to ruim internally and or to give account of the effects of the face such that the journey is interrupted.

Love does not resist all, no. Love and garden. Love enche by erva daninha. Amizade too, all forms of love. You have to work and work, you know?

O love was a constant theme that Caio wrote through. A phrase above or narrator confirms that, in contrast to the fact that people usually believe, or love does not exceed all the barriers - before contrary, it needs to be cared for, treated, watered. Or love (not only romantic, also love between friends) and synonymous with constant work.


Embora Caio is quite delusional due to years of his poems, to the truth that the author published very few Exemplaries in life and great public only can know this lyrical manancial depois de reunido and published posthumously.

To be more precise, in life Caio published only four poems (Prece and Gesture, disclosed by Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul on June 8, 1968, and East and Press to Open that saíram not Suplemento Literário de Minas Gerais in the 70's).

In 2012 the researchers Letícia da Costa Chaplin and Márcia Ivana de Lima e Silva launched the work Never Published Poems by Caio Fernando Abreu gathering a series of materials that I made between friends and relatives of the author.

The great themes that moveram or Caio foram poet or love, to solidão, to finitude, to incompleteness, or affection, or lack of control and or eroticism (especially or homoaffective).

Discover three exemplary poetry of Caio Fernando Abreu:

Brief memory

Porém you don't know.
E ainda que soubesses
mais adiante,
and a roteiro stunned with agony
trace em mim sua vontade,
ainda assim
you wouldn't know.
a claw of iron or asbestos
you show us the porta escancarada.
It late
repouse how you tens
don't you think about me
ou noutra corner. Silence
as eu. Full.
That you do not have body or menino that you are
I am not present
I know how to sing
flower and varanda. E um rumor
of leaks and cantigas
you faça numb

Os verses acima fazem part of the final stretch of the poem Brief memory, composted during the 1960s. Nessa ocasião Caio ainda estreava na lírica, or the public was hardly accustomed to reading it in prose.

Divided into five parts, or poem Brief memory, as or proper title alludes, summons past and sublinha in the absence and or helplessness.

A questão da solidão appears in a series of poems by Caio, even though in many of them or eu-lyrical he found himself physically accompanied by his beloved friend).

Pour la route

Quem saber or Mozart si loin,
maybe in the afternoon between the loureiros,
peut-être le coucher du soleil?
Chamam nomes na memoria:
ah winter that never ends
ah vontade de chorar sem dor.
Tempo hair, you lose hair,
you peel coisas, pelas people,
that passam e passeiam pelas piano notes,
TGV janelas, hotéis, insônias,
gares, backpacks, cabins.
All another time, enter the mist
This last afternoon in Bordeaux.

Written in March 1993, in Bordeaux, or a poem that has no place to keep or record of the journey of a more mature person, which would discover no year to follow infection by HIV.

We verses above we find um tom saudosista, from which you keep your memory a period of plenitude and descoberta.

As recorded lembranças frame both images of dinners and objects as well as memories and affections.

Stone song

Eu gosto de olhar as pedras
that never saem dali.
I do not desejam nem almejam
be jamais o que não são.
Or be das pedras que vejo
That is to be, completely.
I want to be as you ask
that never saem dali.
Same as pedra no voe,
What will he know about his sonhos?
I dream of you não são desejos,
you sonhos know how to be sonhos.
I want to be as you ask
and never sair daqui.
Always be, completely,
where I am or will be.

Composted in 1996, year in which the morreu writer, or poem of free verses presents a contemplation of nature and face a verification of permanence in opposition to natural concern of the human being.

It was especially a creature that was constantly on the move: leaving the interior of Porto Alegre, it moved to São Paulo, during his military period, went into exile in Europe and returned to Brazil when he did so. politically.

No poem Stone song As you ask simply são: não almejam, não be disappointed, não têm desejos. O homem, ao contrarário, reverberates, aspires, sofres, reinvents itself, mutes, by isso, in a certain way, inveja serenidade e a constância da pedra.

Discover other great poems by Caio Fernando Abreu.


Onde e when was Caio Fernando Abreu born?

Or born writer in Santiago do Boqueirão (interior of Rio Grande do Sul) on September 12, 1948.

Literary career

Caio began to write six years in 1966, years of age, publicou or seu first conto chamado O prince toad na Cláudia magazine.

A lover of literature, he entered the course of Letters and Arts Cênicas of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, but left to graduate without training.

In 1968 he moved to São Paulo to work in the writing of Veja magazine.

Caio Fernando Abreu
Portrait of Caio Fernando Abreu

Or period of military life

In 1971 he moved to Rio de Janeiro where he worked in the editorial offices of Manchete e Pais e Filhos magazines.

In 1973, weighing two years as a chumbo, he resolved to go into exile in Europe having lived in London and Stockholm.

When was Caio Fernando Abreu dead to death?

Diagnosed with AIDS in 1994, Caio Fernando Abreu returned to live as a country in Porto Alegre.

O faleceu author of complications from the doença in the capital of Rio Grande do Sul on February 25, 1996.


O writer wins three times or Prêmio Jabuti in the Contos, Crônicas e Novelas category. As foram awarded works: Triângulo das Águas (1984), Os Dragões Não Conhecem or Paradise (1989) e As Black Ovelhas (1995).

Recebeu também or Prêmio Moliere (1989) pela peça A Maldição do Vale Negro (1988).

Seu romance Where will Dulce Veiga walk? Snatch or Prêmio da APC, from melhor romance do ano in 1991.

Film Where is Dulce Veiga going?

A film adaptation of the book Where is Dulce Veiga going?, launched in 1990, happened in 2008 under the direction of Guilherme de Almeida Prado, Caio's close friend.

A protagonist of the history no cinema é Maitê Proença, who lives a singer who disappeared in the 1960s. Diante do mistério, um reporter - not by chance called Caio, likewise a writer - will investigate this disappearance next to Márcia (lived by Carolina Dieckman), who is a singer.

Check out or trailer:

Onde Andara Dulce Veiga - Trailer


Caio Fernando Abreu fluttered through the genres in a series of published works that came from the theater, as chronicles, stories, romances, novels and children's literature.

His published work includes the following titles:

  • Limit Branco (1970)
  • Inventário do irremediável (1970)
  • Black ovelhas (1974)
  • Ovo Stabbed (1975)
  • Pedras de Calcutá (1977)
  • Morangos Mofados (1982)
  • Triângulo das Águas (1983)
  • Little epiphanies (1970)
  • As Frangas (1988)
  • Mel e Girassóis (1988)
  • Os Dragões Não Conhecem or Paradise (1988)
  • A Maldição do Vale Negro (1988)
  • Where will Dulce Veiga walk? (1990)
  • Black Ovelhas (1995)
  • Strangers Strangeiros (1996)
  • Caio Fernando Abreu: Letters (2002, organization of Ítalo Moriconi)
  • Além do ponto e outros contos (2010)
  • To Life Screaming We Sing (2012)
  • Never Published Poems by Caio Fernando Abreu (2012, organization of Letícia da Costa Chaplin and Márcia Ivana de Lima e Silva)

Conheça also

  • The imperdíveis poems of Cecília Meireles
  • Clarice Lispector: life and work
  • Os melhores poems by Hilda Hilst
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