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Margaret Atwood: find the author through 8 commented books

Margaret Atwood is considered the greatest Canadian writer alive, with a vast literary production of fiction, poetry and essay, among other genres.

As Atwood's narratives are raptured or public, not only through two serious books, but also thanks to television adaptations such as The Handmaid's Tale and Alias ​​Grace.

Attention: this artigo contem spoilers two books in analysis.

1. O Conto da Aia (1985)

Capa do livro O Conto da Aia.
Capa do livro O Conto da Aia.

O Conto da Aia é, sem dúvida, a more well-known work of the author. Or dystopian romance past its future not very distant, not that the United States became the Republic of Gilea, after a coup.

Assim, or government happens to be among more than Christian fundamentalists who claim to follow "divine law." The totalitarian system is translated into an extremely unequal society, in which people are divided by castes and women lose all their direitos.

A narrative follows the story of Offred, the protagonist, who was forced to serve as aia. Numa time em what so women were subjugated

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and treated as objects, to poluição they are not leaving the majority infertile. By isso, those who still managed to engrave were stupid rich homens hairs e obrigadas a ter a criança.

The jungle was seen as a kind of religious ritual, of which the own wives participated, in no way of descent. We are extremely oppressive and authoritarian, a work reflects on very pertinent questões, such as opressão das mulheres e o religious fanaticism as justification for violence.

O livro was adapted for a television and ganhou uma nova geração de leitores as a launch of the series The Handmaid's Tale, em 2017. Trust or trailer:

The Handmaid's Tale | Legendary Official Trailer

Read also nossa In-depth analysis of the book O Conto da Aia.

2. To Penelope's Odisseia (2005)

Capa do livro Odisseia by Penelope.
Capa do livro To Penelope's Odisseia.

TO Penelope's Odysseus I am bright that reinvents some of the most ancient narratives of western literature, or epic poem written by Homer, do seculo VII a. C.

A work of the Greek poet tells the adventure of Ulisses, a hero of the Troia War who wandered for ten years trying to return home. Na OdysseiaUlisses is loved by Poseidon, of his two seas, and he is always being diverted from his path.

Even if he loves a woman, he ends up being seduced by a feiticeira Circe and chega to live some years next to the nymph Calypso. Enquanto isso, em Ithaca, we all thought that rainha had been made viúva. Logo or palácio is enche of applicants who dispute or their love, but Penelope deceives everyone to stay faithful to her husband.

In this way, Penelope entered us not imagined as a sensible person, an example of intelligence, thoughtfulness and loyalty. Atwood, however, resolved to tell the story of another way: partindo da feminine perspective. Or focus is not homem who moves and adventure, but a woman in permanence, who waits for him.

Depois de morta, it has created two events in its version, and it is not imported into the appearance of the image of perfection that will create its own volta of it. He told, then, that Ulisses was a liar and invented his fantastic stories, sublining even to duality of parents of behavior between homens and mulheres.

3. Bodily Injury (1981)

Capa do livro Injury Corporal.
Capa do livro Bodily Injury.

Bodily Injury tells the story of Rennie Wilford, a young travel reporter who just survived cancer. To his love life he was also not bem, revealing himself succession of disbursements, depois de ter been abandoned companheiro hair and lost the therapist hair.

Impulsively, she marks a viagem, trying a move His life is material for her or her work. Assim, Rennie ends up traveling to Santo Antônio Island, a fictional destination in Caraíbas, with a lot of research on or local.

Checking it out, she discovers that the conditions are quite precarious and that a violent revolution is underway. Just as wanting to stay aflame with political unrest, she began a romance with Paul, a drug trafficker from the region.

There, outsiders are involved in arms trafficking, constantly experiencing a climate of fear and mistrust. I tend or can as the main theme, a work reflects on the affectionate life of the protagonist, thus illustrating toxic relationships and abusive that I ended up ruining it.

4. Or Assassino Cego (2000)

Capa do livro O Assassino Cego.
Capa do livro Or Assassino Cego.

OR Assassino Cego It is a work narrated by Iris, a multicultural person who writes this story for herself, with the pretensions of public turning. Via flashbacks e memories, a narrative varies between past and present, telling two stories in parallel.

On the one hand, we fear Iris telling her family saga about her and everything that led to that point. For another, we fear the history of Assassino Cego, or I release that her signature was published before I died. Tendo crescido no period between the First World War and the Second, the protagonist paints um portrait of XX century society.

Her family, which at the time has been rich, fell into ruin because of a doença, and also from historical events such as war and economic crisis. To save the financial situation of two relatives, Iris foi convinced to marry as a homem of posses.

All of you have led to a solitary and submissive life, dragging a marriage of love. Já sua irmã de ella, Laura, morreu in mysterious circumstances. Before disso, porém, she published or seu free of her, where she narrates um forbidden love between a high society woman and a subversive homem do povo.

5. Oryx e Crake (2003)

Capa do livro Oryx e Crake.
Capa do livro Oryx e Crake.

Oryx e Crake It is a work designated as "speculative fiction", ou seja, fault of coisas that will be possible scientifically, but extrapolates to reality. Here we are em um post-apocalyptic cenário and we follow the footsteps of Snowman (Homem de Neve), an individual who survives and lives surrounded by humanoids.

Through your memories of him, we find out that it is true not me of him and Jimmy, um garoto que cresceu num world dominated by large corporações, with enormous social contrasts. During the school days, she meets Glenn "Crake", a bioengineering student who invents Crakers, peaceful humanoids.

Among his genetic experiences, Crake invents a supposed remedy that will, in fact, sterilize the human race, to combat or increase the population. Jimmy will work as a friend and be beaten by Oryx, teacher of two Crakers, forming a love triangle.

When the effects of the product raised by Glen são senses, or chaos e a pandemic was installed. Deles, as soon as Snowman survives, leading the Crakers. This is the first book of the dystopian trilogy Maddaddam which is being adapted for television by Paramount Television, yet it is still released.

6. O Year of the Deluge (2009)

Capa do livro O Ano do Dilúvio.
Capa do livro O Year of the Deluge.

O Year of Deluge é o second dystopian romance gives trilogy Maddaddam. This time, the narrative is sealed in an ancient religious seita, os Jardineiros de Deus, which combines biblical elements with scientific knowledge.

In history, the members of the community are vegetarian and defend the preservation of two animals, proving that the extinction of humanity is to be attacked.

Responding to some questions that will arise not first, the second work pays attention to the lowest social classes and their experiences of the apocalypse. Toby and Ren are two young women whose destinies cross our Jardineiros de Deus.

A first is a solitary orpha, cujos os pais morreram, victims of large corporações. Working in an isolated restaurant, a girl was besieged by the chef and protected by Adam One. As a time, Toby is becoming an important member of the religious group.

Já Ren grows among the Jardineiros and ends up becoming stripper. Or I follow the steps of both, accompanying you ways like resist or apocalypse. The work also explores the duality of the leader, Adam One: for the Jardineiros, he was a wise homemaker, rather than standing out or facing as a perigious figure.

7. Vulgo Grace (1997)

Vulgo Grace light coat.
Capa do livro Vulgo Grace.

Vulgo Grace é um historical romance based num duplo assassinato What happened not Canada, not year 1843. Tomas Kinnear and Nancy Montgomery, his employer, were dead and two officials from the house, Grace Marks and James McDermott, who were appointed as guilty.

He was enforced and sentenced to perpetual prison, having inspired several stories. Atwood's work is a nessa figure that survives, creating a fictional narrative about the events. He then invents Simon Jordan, a doctor who is interested in Grace's case and tries to understand it.

Thanks to the conversations between the two people, we know more about or past a childhood as an alcoholic and abusive pai. A woman also fails about the period in which she became engaged and the conselhos that she received from Mary, would function more velha, about this invested sexually and or abuse of power two patterns.

Assuming she has a case with James, Grace also reveals that the two victims were having an illicit relationship. Tragically, she also tells that Mary engraved the filho do patrão and ended up dying during the abortion. The doctor explores the possibilities of having a child with some psychological disturbance or even having the spirit of Mary.

The book was adapted for television by Mary Harron, director of the series. Alias ​​Grace, launched in 2017. Conheça or trailer:

Alias ​​Grace (2017) Nova Série Netflix Legendary Trailer

8. The Testaments (2019)

Capa do livro Os Testamentos.
Capa do livro The Testaments.

The Testaments It is a dystopian romance of 2019 that was quite awaited by public hair. It tries-it is given sequela of O Conto da Aiae ação happens fifteen years after the first free. The plot is accompanied by three female characters: Tia Lydia, Daisy and Agnes.

Lydia is one of the "aunts", women who must manipulate them and prepare them to perform their "funções". Once the reader is known, she is one of the antagonists of the first book. Here, however, we ficamos conhecendo melhor or seu passed from her and here that she left to oil or charge.

Medium hair, Tia Lydia faced harsh criticism of religious fundamentalists, reporting or system You fight your sins, injustices and violence. Or manuscript that she redraws and titled The Testaments. A mais nova work by Atwood continues to add to the lives of Daisy and Agnes, as well as duas filhas by Offred.

She will be known, they are opposite destinies. Daisy was rescued from the Republic of Gilead, having been adopted by a family outside of Canada. Já a su irmã of her is an orphaned by a family of the authoritarian system, which becomes noiva of a commander.

About Margaret Atwood

Portrait of Margaret Atwood.
Portrait of Margaret Atwood.

Margaret Atwood (18 November 1939) is a Canadian writer, referred to as the greatest of literature from her country.

Beloved for criticism, she has been indicated as a possible nome for the Nobel Prize for Literature and the previous year or Booker Prize for two times, years 2000 and 2019.

The author has published more than forty books, between fiction, poetry and essay, which are translated into thirty-five languages. His works of her (among as quais stands out O Conto da Aia) são crossed by a feminist perspective, denouncing oppression of women in society.

Atwood ganhou uma nova geração de leitores e followers graças ao successso da series The Handmaid's Tale. The characters of her most famous dystopian romance also become symbols of feminine oppression, marking the presence of marches and manifestations of women's direct hair.

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