Paul Gauguin: 10 fundamental works and biography of the artist
Paul Gauguin (1848 - 1903) was a French artist who devoted himself mostly to painting, but also had worked with other means such as sculpture and ceramics.
Integrating the post-impressionist period, or painter trouxe a singular point of view to the world of art, it has been a great influence for the following generations.
1. Mulheres do Taiti
![Mulheres do Taíti.](/f/6d09845dde19bf1c93ef4024edc45781.jpg)
The painting from 1891, which is exhibited in the Museu de Orsay, in Paris, portrays two women sitting in the area. A work was painted in the period in which the artist passed away from Taiti, having been deeply inspired by no country in its culture.
As strong and lively hearts, the canvas portrays young people olhando for or "nothing", as they are lost our own thoughts. One of the sure fibers that you will use to make baskets, something that is part of the traditional tradition.
The work seems to tell a little of the history Taiti that had been colonized. When one of the teenagers wears a local costume, or another dress denotes the influence of two western costumes. Not the same period, or artist painted a very similar work, entitled Parau api.
2. To Visão depois do Sermão
![Jaco e o Anjo](/f/1d46dcb970298416ae879a3c01904195.jpg)
A work also known as Jaco e o Anjo It was produced in 1888 and is currently on display at the Galeria Nacional da Escócia. Here, Gauguin was inspired by biblical episode: After being in exile for a long time from the family, because of their dispute as an irmão, Jacó decides to return home.
I do not walk, he crosses himself against or whom he needs to fight during a night. A battle is represented I do not found the cloth; Já in the first plane, we can find several women that assistem and rezam. Motivated by faith, and thanks to their imagination, the fantasies together with the story that has been narrated without sermon.
3. O Christ love it
![O Christ love it](/f/cd8b2d11f9fafb1241fa692616cfee95.jpg)
Also based on the biblical texts, the work of 1889 recurs two more remarkable moments: the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Gauguin created painting during the period that he lived in Pont-Aven, not northwest of France.
Na fabric, which became a fundamental work for the universe of symbolist painting, or artist recria or episode not contemporary context, as is happening in the region during the nineteenth century. Isso becomes evident due to feminine figures who appear praying for him.
The work is exhibited at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, in the United States of America, and highlights the innovative and unusual use of cores.
4. Where do we see? Or what are we? Where are we going?
![Where do we see? Or what are we? Where are we going?](/f/5c1a12f44316c8c50010f1b7a3a5396d.jpg)
One of the most impressive paintings by Paul Gauguin, it is a large frieze, 4 meters long. The work was created between the years of 1897 and 1898, in the final phase of its production, and currently there is the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.
Passada no Taiti, or his favorite cenário, Where do we see? Or what are we? Where are we going? portrays well various phases of human life. We can see this cycle, represented directly from one to the other, from the earliest childhood até à velhice.
In the background is a blue mythological figure that represents the existence of another world. The work denotes an original composition and a strong contrast between the dark tons and the intense cores.
5. O Painter of Girassóis
![O Painter of Girassóis](/f/a019f51044579ebe1b853cda40931f5d.jpg)
A work created in 1888 é um portrait of Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890), with Gauguin Chegou through Amizade. Na cloth, or post-impressionist is represented working, concentrated not his office. On the side are the iconic tours that mark the presence of several serious squares, such as Doze Girassóis numa Jug.
You are living together in France and staying in the same house, considering the creation of an artistic colônia. You two debate a lot about painting and have several discussions, or what a misunderstanding and a separation arise. Or picture is exhibited at the Van Gogh Museum, in Amsterdam.
6. Espírito dos Mortos Assistindo
![Manao Tupapau](/f/45740b770faf20faf31aa510e8fd6aa7.jpg)
Painted in 1892, on canvas it portrays a garota do Taíti that seems to be quite young, nua e deited na bed. It is about Teha'amana, a companion of Gauguin who was a teenager. Next to her is a ghostly figure who is watching.
A relationship between the painter and a man was highly controversial because of his violent behavior, told in numerous stories. A fabric suggest a submissão dela e uma expressão that denounced anguish, as well as I mean that she felt of spirits and various occult figures.
Or original title Manao Tupapau, or quadro is exposto na Albright-Knox Art Gallery, the United States of America.
7. When are you home?
![When are you home?](/f/1218a6bf67607b8cf89f331840ad995e.jpg)
Com or original title Nafea Faa IpoipoThe work is also seen as an inspiration or period in which the artist lived in Taiti and was produced in 1892. On the fabric, we can see native young people in dresses that mix traditional costumes with roupas denoting European influence, a theme that is repeated in Gauguin's painting.
Hair title and flower not hair, we perceive that one of the dela is looking for a husband. Some critics that the artist has received and exactly or the way she represented the women of the culture, always with a focus on seeking a marriage or intimate relationships.
Or it belongs to a Swiss collector and, in 2015, it was read by his family from him. O seu novo dono é um xeique do Qatar that paid nearly 300 thousand dollars for the work.
8. The Orana Maria
![The Orana Maria](/f/08d7f70f5ee7f63c3848b212eb1195ee.jpg)
Dated from 1891, a work also known as Ave Maria It was painted in the initial period of the passage of Paul Gauguin hair Taiti.
Here we can see or clash between the two universes, mixing or image of Catholic religion with an exotic and idealized image of the country. Maria and Jesus are represented as two locals: he is dressed in the traditional clothing.
The dark colors of only the landscaping year found contrast with the living tons of rich vegetation and the roupas used for the mulheres.
9. Arearea
A work painted in 1892, which is in the Museu de Orsay, is quite representative of Taiti fantasized by Paul Gauguin.
Raised from his first visit, or picture illustrates the artist's mental images, mixing what he saw in a country with what he imagined about or local. This dreamlike dimension becomes evident, for example by the way the colors are used.
When the picture was exposed, contemporary artists criticized the vermelho puppy that appeared in the foreground and ended up turning a toll between the painters daquele tempo.
10. O Dia do Deus
![Mahana no atua](/f/0613f49ac35b212d76a8ae06f197e6b6.jpg)
Com or original title Mahana no atua, the work of 1894 was painted in France, I did not return from one of the trips. Another time, we are facing Gauguin's fantasies about Taiti,
The margens of a colorful river are represented by three mulheres dismissals that seem to symbolize the eternal cycle of birth, life and death.
The artist is inspired by local traditions: ao founded, on the side, we have several people cultivating a divindade. À direita arises to upaupa, a dance that was frowned upon by colonizing hairs.
What was Paul Gauguin? Summary biography
Eugène-Henri-Paul Gauguin was born in Paris, June 7, 1848, by Clovis Gauguin and Aline Chazal. Most of him was Peruvian and, during the Napoleonic regime, they moved to the city of Lima, not Peru.
Or because of him he fled before and saw to die still during the trip, but the family remained for 6 years in the country, a period that concerns Gauguin's childhood. Later, the voltou for França and ingressou na Marinha, or that you promote your first trips.
He did not return, he married Mette Sophie Gad, a Danish woman, and together with 5 filhos. During a long time, or French work, a change agency e painting surgiu na sua vida as a paixão to occupy your free tempos.
Not so much, when the French financial market remains softer, Paul Gauguin, who is 35 years old, decided to devote himself internally to artistic life.
![Self-portrait of Paul Gauguin.](/f/0fa0d77142fcd15dfdf888c165ee3548.jpg)
A moving trouxe drastic differences is not his lifestyle, which begins to be more and more dedicated to boemia. Apart from several conjugated problems, the artist also faced financial difficulties and health problems.
In a life of controversy, Gauguin left his family and taiti hair is apaixonou You should visit this country for the first time, looking for inspirations for the primitive art that he intended to breed.
Embora he had lived in several regions of France, in 1891 or the artist decided to read his works and gather money to return to the country. During some time, he lived between Taiti and France, he tended to stay on the island of Dominica.
The final destination of Paul Gauguin for the Marquesas Islands, where he died of syphilis, not on May 8, 1903. A biography of the inspiring artist or film Gauguin - Viagem ao Taiti, directed by Edouard Deluc, in 2017.
Characteristics of painting by Paul Gauguin
As the works of Gauguin we will not follow the precedent of the impressionist school that we live, opting to follow his own paths, in terms of methods and style.
The serious pictures of him will stand out hair original use das cores alive, mainly or vermelho, or green and or yellow, tons that are repeated in the majority of their fabrics.
As firm lines, with sketchy contours, as simplified forms and large blocks of cor There are some two fundamental aspects of painting by the artist who created new techniques such as cloisonnism e or synthetism.
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