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Livro Viagem ao Centro da Terra, by Júlio Verne: summary and analysis

Precursor of the genre scientific fiction no seculo XIX, Travel to Centro da Terra (not genuine Voyage au Center de la Terre) is a classic of universal literature released in the year 1864.

Travel to Centro da Terra It is an adventure starring Otto Lidenbrock, nephew Axel and hair guide Hans Bjelke. It is attested that the story has been inspired by a trip that Verneteria himself was destined for in Norway and in other Scandinavian countries.

I summarize

In his house located in Hamburg, not on May 24, 1836, or professor and geologist Otto Lidenbrock - um two protagonists of the work - find a pergaminho imundo, authored by an Icelandic alchemist do seculo XVI.

Written in a language that I do not understand, or scientist, who was a professor of mineralogy at Johannaeum, he could help his nephew Axel to unravel that mystery:

- Descobrirei esse segredo. I will not sleep but I will eat while I will not decipher it. - He Fez a pause and accents: - E você também, Axel.

As my custodian, uncle and nephew can understand that text composed of a runic writing (a linguagem used for Germanic hairs between the third century, more or less, or fourteenth century).

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Naquele small manuscript of the Icelandic alchemist named Arne Saknussemm, or he confessed that he had reached the center of the Terra. Or course, which the alchemist will say, begins in the Cratera do Sneffels, an extinct vulcão located in Iceland.

Descend na cratera de Yocul de Sneffels that in the shadow of Scartaris I will see you caress before the calends of July, daring traveler, and you will go to the center of Terra. Or that eu fiz. Arne Saknusemm

Lidenbrock is obsessive with the news and decides to embark on our adventure together with his niece to get the sale of the Terra Center. Assim he gets the paper, or geologist orders Axel to prepare bad duas, uma for each um. A journey lasts about ten days and, when you do chegam in Islândia, go to look for someone who will help you find a trilha.

For both, uncle and niece contam with the contributions of a local guide named Hans, who will take you to the village of Stapi, or long-awaited walk. The tour will be done with four cavalos, a series of instruments (thermometer, pressure gauge, bussoles) on the third day of June 16.

Or work undertaken years before by Arne Saknusemm will help you to escort or run. When I spot Sneffels Crater, I know where to go, or uncle identifies Arne's track:

- Axel, come running! - dizia num tom of horror and joy.

I ran to perto dele, who apontava for a rochedo placed in the center of the cratera. A evidência tomou conta de mim. On the western face of the bloco, in runic characters with half-red hair, it was written: Arne Saknussemm.

É using portable lamps - like mineiros - that three people enter the center of Terra and survive a series of adventures.

You three, fascinated by how uncovered, traversed forests of cogumelos, pools, narrow corridors and chegam to show prehistoric monsters. An unimaginable reality, of shooting or fôlego.

Unfortunately, a magical adventure ends sooner than expected, when two vulcões, located in Stromboli (in Sicily, Italy), attract the three members for fora da Terra. Surprisingly nem Lidenbrock, nem Axel, nem Hans sofrem qualquer ferimento.

Personagens principais

Otto Lidenbrock

Professor and geologist, described as "a tall, lean man, with blue eyes and long hair, who wore eyes and had excellent health, or who decreased for about ten years two fifty".

He lectured mineralogy in Johannaeum and lived in a small house in Konigstrasse, a small town in Hamburg, accompanied by his nephew, his daughter Grauben and Marta, in Cozinheira.

Enthusiastic about new conhecimentos, Otto represents a born adventurer obsessed with uncovered novas.

Axel lidenbrock

He is the narrator of the story and the first to get the mysterious scroll by Icelandic author Arne Saknussemm. She has a very close relationship as an uncle, because she nurtures deep admiration and affection. At the same time that he wishes to experience or novo, Axel also personifies or means through his uncertainty.

Hans bjelke

Described as a silent, high and calm homem, Hans is the guide that Lidenbrock and Axel will help over the long term. Initially Hans would take you just to the village of Stapi, but not at the end of the day he also ends up embarking on a trip to the center of Terra.


A member of Otto Lidenbrock, a dedicated Grauben lives in the same house in Hamburg and is paired with Hans, the geologist's nephew. Assim that he knows how uncovered the parchment and the adventure he desires Axel as a beautiful journey. Hans e Grauben ended up noivar.


An imperialist expansion of the types of knowledge illustrated in the work

In all Verne's books it is noted the importance of the imperialist historical context for the construction of his histories.

During the nineteenth century Europe was marked by expansionist movements and desserts. Uncovered universe, curiosity and adventure that the French writer drinks to raise as suas ficções.

This is the movement that Carvalho sublimates em seu artigo on the classic of Verne:

Or wish for adventures, great collections and exoticism, not imaginário europeu da era, condiz com a Necessity of European powers to broaden your domains: to imaginação servia ao speech of expansion. Assim, marvelous travelers like Verne's ace encaixam-se no context of looking for extraordinary hair. (CARVALHO, 2017)

During this rumored or unknown journey we see how the people adapt to their needs.

Despite certain scientific knowledge, Uncle Lidenbrock shows that he deeply values ​​intuition based on Your escorts are not only in formal elements, but also from sensations and impulses that cannot be properly nomads.

Or nephew, for the time being, bem mais novo, it seems more attached to science and the use of technical thermoses that or face will feel safer during the day of the business:

This frightening acoustic effect is easily explained by the physical leis and was possible in the form of the corridor and of the road conduction. [...] These reminders occurred to me spiritually and I clearly deduced that, seeing that my uncle's voice I attached myself, no obstacle existed between us. Following or walking do som, I had to logically go to my destination, it was forced not to bring me.

Or knowledge of Hans, or guide, it seems to warn of another kind of wisdom. Deeply linked to experience, day after day and year alone, he knows from here on out that he saw and felt adventures a long time. É ele that several times is saved or professor and or nephew of serious difficulties.

Scientific fiction

The concept of scientific fiction emerged in 1920 and was used to characterize works that promote visions of the future. Or title was initially given, therefore, to name written apontavam for or amanhã. Júlio Verne, in his own time, previews a series of revolutions that will become reality just decades later.

It was the second goal of the XIX century that the literary style in question was consolidated especially due to the production of H.G. Wells and Júlio Verne.

Both writers - um english and um francês - partilhavam uma comum de trabalho. We use you as a strategy to mix a scientific and proven aspect and imagine parallel universes, adding to life to create stories.

Júlio Verne antecipou to literature a series of uncovered that will happen years later (as, for example, to homem ao espaço e a construção de submarinos) and its written contagiou especially young people and adolescents ao long two years.

To imersão do leitor in the fiction universe

Can you imagine how difficult it is to raise a completely fanciful universe in the nineteenth century and request that readers embark on a fantasy sem any parallel as real? This is the initial difficulty faced by Verne, who wanted his readers to inhabit spaces that were completely unknown.

Some of the strategies used by the author were to print in his works a scientific and far-fetched language to narrate more correct dinners. The French author has borrowed mineralogical, geological, and paleontological thermoses to make or read the universe of fiction. See, for example, the elaborate fala of nephew Axel:

- Come on - he said suddenly, grabbing-me num braço - for the front, for the front!

Não - protestei - We have no weapons! What were we going to do with gigantic quadrupeds? Come on me uncle, come on! Nenhuma human creature can face the wrath of monsters with impunity.

In addition to the use of a special language, another essential element for reading the book is a strong presence of images that illustrate history. The original edições de Verne, a series of compunham or free designs, giving shape and contour to the narrated image.

Illustration present on page 11 of the original edition of Voyage au Center de la Terre (1864).
Illustration present on page 11 of the original edition of Voyage au Center de la Terre (1864).

Film Travel to Centro da Terra (2008)

Travel to Centro da Terra já was adapted for long metragem five times. The most famous version was most likely directed by Eric Brevig, released on August 28, 2008.

Or the film is not itself a free adaptation, it is more precisely about a rotation derived from the work, inspired by Verne's words, but tracing some significant modifications.

Or that motivates the geologist's journey not to film the disappearance of his signature Max (lived by Jean Michel Paré), who never appears as a classic of Júlio Verne.

Another substantial difference is given by Hans Bjelke, who gives place to Hannah (joined by Anita Briem), a beautiful girl who will guide her uncle and her niece in Iceland.

Axel is also renowned as Sean's first name (played by Josh Hutcherson).

Check out or trailer:

Viagem ao Centro da Terra - O Filme - Legendary Trailer

Quem foi Júlio Verne

Considered by many people as a scientific fiction, Jules Gabriel Verne was born in Nantes, na França, on February 8, 1828.

He was supposed to be followed by a career advogado pois formou-se em Direito, but ended up influenced by his friend Alexandre Dumas. The beginning of the world of words was through the theater, where it was written. To survive, in parallel, he worked as a stockbroker.

On January 31, 1863, he lançou or seu first livro: Five Weeks Em Um Balão. Long year gives his literary costume he ventured to us more diverse genres: poems, romances, theater pieces, short narratives.

Some two of his most famous classical viraram titles from universal literature such as:

  • Five weeks in a ball (1863)
  • Travel to Centro da Terra (1864)
  • Come a thousand underwater languages (1870)
  • Around the world for eighty days (1872)

Verne was an assistant producer and chegou to launch a year of duas to three publications as an editor friend Pierre-Jules Hetzel. Practically all of his titles were linked to the theme of travels (counting as expeditions) and to technological and scientific inventions. Or that seemed to fascinate himself or writer was because of rumored adventures to unknown lands.

As the works of the French writer were frequently illustrated with many images, or that helped to stimulate even more or to read into the adventure.

Julio Verne died on March 24, 1905, seventy-seven years old.

Portrait of Julies Verne.
Portrait of Júlio Verne.

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