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Mayombe: analysis and summary of Pepetela's work

Mayombe It is a book of the Angolan writer Pepetela (1941). O romance was written between 1970 and 1971, when the author participates in the guerrilla for the libertação da Angola, and published in 1980.

The work tells the story of a group of guerrillas in the province of Cabinda, next to the Congo border.

Summary of Mayombe

To missão

The guerrillas found themselves in Mayombe and as they missed to interfere with the forest exploration operations touched by Portuguese hair. Logo does not começo da missão, theory, or teacher of the base, it is bruised. Despite constant failure to walk, he continues to miss as your companions.

Or target two guerrillas, apart from interrupting Madeireira, and politicizing the workers. Na boarding, destroying machines, gathering equipment and carrying Angolans for the dated kill. Lá, or Comissário é responsible for explaining the workers' years or the reason for their actions. We will explain how, we liberate guerrilla workers and return their belongings, except for the money of two workers that ends up being submerged.

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"Every cão that barks trazia-lhes to impressão of thieves waiting for victim. However, they wait for them um homem to deliver or seu dinheiro. "

A crise no group

Or roubo do dinheiro of a worker leads to a crise within the movement. Uma das principais acusações da colônia é que o MPLA was made up of thieves. The guerrillas prepare another action and know that the Portuguese Army will pass through the footsteps for the destruction of machinery used in the exploration of wood.

Sem Medo and his companions resolve to prepare an ambush against the colonial troops. For him, a direct action is a number of ways to provoke a mobilization no povo. Either attack is a successor, or the Portuguese army is very low and the guerrillas are not sofreram nenhuma.

In favor of military operation, the guerrillas come together to discover what happens as a dinheiro do trabalhador. Numa verificação eles descobrem que Ingratidão roubou or dinheiro. Either a guerrilla is a prisoner and a money has been returned to a worker in a risky operation.


The chapter begins with a vast description of the Mayombe and the relationship of the forest based on two guerrillas. Pepetela also reveals to Rotina two guerrillas at the base, the classrooms that Teoria gives years to comrades and the relationships that are established in the command cadeia.

At a certain height, when food is scarce, the situation becomes more complicated due to the lack of food, with young guerrillas, most young and inexperienced who need to be trained. With few resources, or Comissario is stationed to go to the city of Dolisie, not Congo, to ask for food from the leader André.

"The dead pauses of the walls will grow roots and grab onto terraces and as cabins transform into strengths"

A trip to a city also of interest to the Comissário, which intends to find its noiva, Professor Odina. Na city or Comissário has difficulties in finding André, so he tries Ondina na escola. A short stay of the Comissário na cidade makes his noiva uncomfortable and some points show that the relationship between the two is not indolent.

Depois do Comissário find André, who promises to bring food for a base, ele volta for or Mayombe, where he talks to Sem Medo about scarcely giving food and or his relationship with him. Ondina.


In the absence of food ainda assombra based. Same as André's promises, he takes a long time to eat. A restless fomenting of guerrillas and tribalism began to generate a series of small conflicts within two comrades. A chegada gives melhora food we cheer you up and tense disfavor.

Porém, along with food I also chegam news from Dolisie: Ondina was a good relationship with André. All ficam worried like Comissário, mainly or Commander Sem Medo. Ondina sends a letter to the Comissário, telling about his betrayal of him.

"A sensation of fostering increases or isolation"

O Comissário tries to leave immediately for Dolisie, but Sem Medo or impede. No next day, Sem Medo e o Comissário partem para a cidade. On account of his death, André is discharged from his position as leader and Sem Medo feared that he would assume his duties in the city.

Em Dolisie, or Comissário seeks logo for Ondina and, even with sexual relations, she refuses to react as a guerrilla. He seeks Sem Medo for him to converse with Ondina. Or dialogue também não é favorável para o Comissário. Na verdade Sem Medo understands what happens between the two of you and knows that a reconciliation agora and impossível.

Few of the guerrillas find out that the Portuguese set up a base in Pau Caído, from the MPLA base. O Comissário will turn to on the basis of where he will assume or command, inasmuch as Sem Medo fica na city to assume the functions of André.

To surucucu

Enquanto o Comissário volta para a base, Sem Medo fica na cidade com Ondina. You spend a lot of time talking about relationships and the Commander tells about Leli, a woman who got involved some years ago and was killed when she tried to go to or found her.

Sem Medo and Ondina began to become involved, and or related two levies to a discussion about the woman and her freedom from her. Vêwe, a two base guerrillas, chega à cidade e alert or Sem Medo who, based on Mayombe, was attacked by Portuguese hairs.

Sem Medo prepares an operation to retaliate or attack. He manages to gather many homens, among the militants and the civilians who live in Dolisie, and are directed to base. The moments that preceded the game were very tense, especially, to reach the base, they discovered that she was not attacked.

"Foi or major extraordinary sinal of collective solidarity that I saw"

Na true theory found a cobra when he took a banho and fired at it, shocking Vewe, who achou that the shots were given Portuguese hair. Sem Medo began to plan an attack on the Portuguese base, knowing that it was only time to find the "tucks" we will find the guerrillas.

To amoreira

When Sem Medo chega à city, he met a leader who gave him new orders. O Chefe de Operações, Mundo Novo, will assume its functions in the city, depois do assault on a Portuguese base, Sem Medo will be Directed to open a new front of Luta not east of the country, enquanto or Comissário will become or commander of the operation.

Or attack on Pau Caído is about to be planned. They are directed to a non-Mayombe base from where they part for or assault. O Comandante deixa or Comissário assumir a operação to prepare it to take over or control it. An ambush is prepared and an attack is a success. In order to protect the Commissary of the attack, Sem Medo seriously committed another guerrilla to die.

"Lutamos, who was cabinda, morreu to save a kimbundo. Sem Medo, who was a kikongo, morreu to save a kimbundo. It is a great lição for us, comrades "

Ready to retire, the guerrillas perceive that Sem Medo will not survive ferment years, so they wait to die. Depois or burial not the same local, be next to a great amoreira. Either tribalism was surpassed by both Sem Medo and another guerrilla who was born from different ethnic groups from the Comissário.


O livro ends as Comissário na nova Frente, not Place de Sem Medo. Refletindo on life and on his relationship as a deceased friend.

Analyze the work

To colonial war

Or central theme of romance and war for independence from Angola. Or conflict between various Angolan groups with Portuguese troops lasted more than 13 years. The armed struggle has various fronts and elements. The groups that defend the independence of Angola have very different characteristics.

Apart from opposition political visões, the groups that fight for independence also have their bases founded in different regions and were supported by diverse ethnic groups.

The MPLA (Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola) was the first two groups. Formed by Maioria Mbundu, tinha laços com or Portuguese Communist Party and Pregava or Marxism-Leninism. The FNLA (Frente Nacional de Libertação de Angola) was another important group, as a strong supporter of two Bakongos in the United States.

Após a Independência, or MPLA assumption or power, little time depois, or country entered in civil war. Part of the entry is due to the fact that the FNLA did not have oil or the communist regime. Even though I had a tacit union during the war of independence, Luta in Angola was complex, with various nuances and internal conflicts.

O Romance do Pepetela is about a front of the MPLA in the Cabinda region, from the Bantus region, which also seeks independence in parallel to Angola. Isso gera certa distrust by counting two guerrillas, among them, only one of the Bantu ethnic group.

Or tribalism

Um two main aspects do Mayombe é or tribalism. Angola was composted by countless tribes that were subjugated and united over or control of Portugal in a single country.

Various compunham languages ​​or linguistic leque of Angola. Or Portuguese was the official language that, in a certain way, united all, porém, the mother tongue was not two falantes and nem all falavam Portuguese fluently.

A unification of various tribes on the country of Angola generated a process called tribalism. Before serem Angolans, the cidadãos were from certain tribes. A ethnic herança gera distrust between members of different tribes.

"We are nós, com a nossa fraqueza, or nosso tribalismo, that we prevent the application of discipline. Assim will never change anything. "

Em Mayombe The conflicts gerados hair tribalism are mixed years own conflicts gerados by the MPLA organization. The guerrillas mistrust each other for a few tribes of origin and two other political and power relations within the organization are also mixed with this mistrust.

In spite of some guerrillas, they will be "detribalized" (for example, a long time passed in Europe or a country of different tribes). A majority of them say they belong to certain tribes and as relationships with each other, we end up passing through a kind of tribal filter.


O MPLA, Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola, continues to be one of the most important figures in Angolan politics. The Movement was founded in the 1950s from a union of various Angolan nationalist movements.

The organizing group of a luta armed in a guerrilla of a Marxist-Leninist line - a luta da guerrilla was associated with the political movement and doutrinação. A proper line of command dava counted the military and ideological aspect.

No romance of Pepetela, or Commander Sem Medo is the highest command line, followed by Comissário, a two political leaders, and Chefe de Operações. For the guerrilla, more linked to the MPLA, other political leaders davam or support of people and financial resources for the guerrilla.

All this organization has serious conflicts and internal support. From a political point of view, the different readings of reality are mixed as tribalism, with an extremely complex construction of relationships. Or the catalyst center for relationships and or commander Sem Medo.

"Sem Medo solved his fundamental problem: to stay his own, he would have to go there, not Mayombe. Was he born too much or too late? In any case, fora or seu tempo of him, as any heroic tragedy "

As other personagens orbit in the volta of Shem Medo, who ends up mediating all the relationships. Uma das most important is to the Commissioner João with his noiva, to Professor Odina. Before being "brought", he breaks relations with her.

But at the same time, I also had another aspect that raised the maturity of the Comissário. Sem Medo has an important role in mediation of the relationship and the same ends up involving Odina as well. This series of relationships is related to the sexual liberation of the woman together with the decolonization process of Angola.

Or Mayombe

Or main cenário do livro e Mayombe, a tropical forest dating back to mountainous area, which extends throughout the Congo in the province of Cabina, not north of Angola.

The forest elements are essential not romance, both for the description of the environment and for the own intervention of the elements in the narrative.

"Maybe he or Mayombe who can retard vontade de Natureza"

Or mountainous terrain and dated vegetation offer a kind of protection to guerrilla fighters, but, at the same time, it hides many perigos and difficulties.

It is not the case of Mayombe that is found at the advanced base of the MPLA, and a forest drain and a characteristic constantly reinforced by the writer. A flora is the element of the forest most explored by Pepetela not romance.

Conheça also

  • Livro Sagarana, by Guimarães Rosa
  • Livro O Crime do Padre Amaro de Eça de Queirós
  • Livro Quincas Borba, by Machado de Assis
  • Livro Sentimento do Mundo by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Livro A Relíquia, by Eça de Queirós

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