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Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome: detailed analysis of the film

Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome It is a drama and romance film directed by Luca Guadagnino and released in 2017.

O roteiro was raised by James Ivory, from the homonymous book of the North American writer André Aciman, published ten years earlier.

A film adaptation was a huge success, winning the public and criticism with a love story that defies taboos.

Atenção: o artigo contem spoilers that revealed the end of the film!

Sinopse e trailer do film

O longa-metragem follows the paixão of Elio, an Italian teenager, and Oliver, an American student who is going to pass or see in Italy. A narrative accompanies a costume of two dois, from the moment it became known, that one that needed to separate.

Trust or trailer the film below:

Me Chame Hair Seu Nome | Legendary Trailer | 18 de janeiro us cinemas

Film analysis Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome

Or começo do verão

Or film is past verão 1983 I am coming with Oliver, a university student, checking in with his professor, Mr. Pearlman, where he is going to pass the fairs to help him with a research.

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Elio, or adolescent professor, seems to meio bothered by having to give up his fourth and the attention of the family to the unknown, announcing that he was "or usurper".

The American is exhausted and deita in Elio's bed, sem cerimonias, faking that he is not going to leave and asking him to invent an excuse for me. That would be or first segredo two dois.

The Italian cenários

Numa vila lives in a family, surrounded by green spaces and a little bit of everything. Elio and Oliver go by bicycle to the city of Crema, so that the visitor can open a bank account.

Elio and Oliver talking
Oliver and Elio, born in Crema, talking about life in Italy.

O passeio dos dois traça um dazzling portrait das italian paisagens, its fields, avenues, streets and monuments. This is where he sat in the sun and talked for the first time, enjoying the slow and relaxed pace.

The film also represents everyday dinners in local life, such as a bar table cheia de homens playing cards or a woman sitting in the doorway of the house, smelling the doorway.

Or wake up

From or começo, or olhar de Elio seems to have been fixed uninvited. Embora first fale that he is strange and arrogant, you come to approach slowly.

Little years, they became friends, talking about music, books, and various other things. Contudo, Elio spies Oliver on the roupa truck and observes his body when they go swimming together.

Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome (2017, Luca Guadagnino)

During a party, Oliver dances with a friend of Marzia and you two beijam. Or companheiro watches dinner, visibly sad and com ciúmes. Since Elio increases his invested as a lover, he wants to lose virgindade.

Later, the fala as an American on a garota, trying to join you two. Oliver asks: "Are you tempting me to spend the time?" Ao same tempo that encourages or romance, or adolescent seems more and more muffled friend hair.

Em segredo, vai ao quarto de Oliver, deita na cama e cheira as roupas dele. This is a passagem em that the protagonist seems to assume for himself that he wanted or another. Depois disso, we observe the days of Elio, his ações e seus silences.

O longa-metragem accompany or delayed and gradual process of paixão, which suddenly becomes overwhelming and inegavel.

To Elio's family

A casa dos Pearlman is a long time from being a repressive environment. It's about a family of intellectuals: o pai é professor of Greco-Roman culture, more fluent in German, French and Italian and Elio is a brilliant pianist.

São também um nucleus multicultural who communicates in various languages ​​and discusses art, cinema, politics, among other topics.

Slowly, Elio's country began to perceive or be interested in visiting garoto hair. If you want to pressure it or leave it uncomfortable, it seems that you know that it is a safe place.

Oliver and Elio at table with family.
Oliver and Elio at table with family, surrender and talking about various issues.

It is not by chance that Pearlman invites a homossexual home of academic colleagues to celebrate at his home. I sell you two homes starting from my own, happy, a light seems to rise not spirit of adolescent.

Me also faces his part and decides on a German history that establishes an evident parallel with the secret paixão of the adolescent. The falava of a prince who was beaten by a lady but could not confess.

A narrative questionava:

É melhor falar ou morrer?

With great care and affection, you say to Elio that he can always open up with them, on any matter.

In a world where LGBT adolescents continue, many times, being rejected by their families, Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome da um example of oil and respect.

Or first beijo

Influenced by the history that he told me, Elio gained courage to tell Oliver about or his love. When you go together, you are born, or Garoto confesses that he doesn't know anything "about things that matter."

We can hear or think of him, nervous, comedian to falar as a companion. Oliver tries to avoid conversation, responding: "We cannot fail these kinds of things."

Likewise, you continue your bike tours and Elio cam or stranger to a secret lake, where he usually goes to read and ficar sozinho.

Lá, deited in the grass, ficam in silence hitting sun not face, I added that the next time he decides to fail:

- Eu amo isso, Oliver.

- Or what?

- Tudo.

A declaration of love, singela and shameless, is transformed into a beijo apaixonado e cheio de ânsia. I terminate or segregate between you two: Elio and Oliver got rid of each other.

Elio and Oliver having sex for the first time.
Elio and Oliver having sex for the first time.

Secret romance

Despite the open spirit of two Pearlman, the eighties were still quite a marked time for homophobia and preconception. Oliver felt that romance could cause him problems, I tied it because Elio was only 17 years old. Assim, he ends up getting busy and checking home at dawn.

Or adolescent waiting for him, sad, or calling himself a traitor. Aí, resume o seu namoro com Marzia, who was still beaten by him and ends up losing virgindade. OR sexual awakening not face how Elio esqueça Oliver and you two trocam tickets, marking a found.

Same accompanied pela namorada, ele passa or day inteiro olhando or relógio and waiting at the appointed time. Aí, you two homens passam a night together for the first time.

Na manhã Seguinte, Oliver says a famous phrase that gives the film its title:

Me chame pelo seu nome e eu te chamarei pelo meu.

Living a secret romance, we use other identities, bartering your names. How do I know, naquele moment, their stocks are combined, as fossem um só.

From this episode, to sexual tension between you two and each time more evident and Oliver and Elio já não I managed to hide that they are dull, trying hard not to darem as mãos nem se beijarem nas ruas da city.

Elio and Oliver lend themselves to beijar na rua.
Oliver fails for Elio: "Te beijaria se pudesse ...".

You days of love

As you see fairs that are ending, you country (always more attentive than it seems) suggest that you two raptors spend some days in the medieval city of Bergamo. Is that or period of "lua-de-mel" do casal, who finally lives happily and worriedly.

It does not give me nature, Elio and Oliver can laugh, jump, dance, sing and beijar à vontade. So dinner, extremely beautiful, we were moved and remembered magic two loves da youth, which seems to transform the world to nossa volta.

A separation and family support

When or verão ends, at separation from the house and inevitably. Elio will take Oliver to the trem station and embrace himself, excited, but more precisely, disguise. By isso, you dois be unglued sem sequer um beijo, barely an aceno as a face.

O jovem vê o trem leaving and fica standing still, just smelling. Em followed, he flirts for me and pede to go look for him; Desperate, he chora during a car trip.

So what or pai or chama to talk, an inspiring and exciting dialogue, that is a true life life. He reveals that he perceives the bond between you and encourages you to analyze your feelings.

Extremely caring and wise, Mr. Pearlman encourages or filho to viver give way that he wants because life is short and all that passes. Assim, he can make the adolescent not resent him and try to repress his emotions, rather than oil and value or live.

A check of the winter

Pelas paisagens, we can perceive that it will spend some months and or winter chegou, charging all the snow. So what Oliver flirts to announce that he is getting married as an old lover.

American conversational lovers believe that Pearlman is a wonderful family for oiling or loving two dois, counting that he is extremely conservative.

Depois do verão, a pressão da família e da society de falou higher and Oliver has to leave or another behind. Same assim, he guarantor that he ainda is wounded by all.

Final dinner of the film.
Final dinner of the film, in which Elio finally oils or ends the relationship.

Depois da ligação, Elio feels no chão da his room. Pela janela, we can see chuva caindo la fora. At dinner, long and silent, it is not the face of the protagonist.

Aos little, at his expressão I go changing and or choro turns into sorriso. How do you know? end of a cycle, Elio oil or destiny and understand that he lives or seu first love.

Technical sheet and film poster

Original title Call Me By Your Name
Country of origin Italy, United States of America, Brazil, France
Year of production 2017
Gender Romance, Drama
Duration 132 minutes
Address Luca guadagnino
Classification 14 years
Film poster Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome
Film poster Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome (2017).

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Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome - trilha sonora

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