O patinho feio: summary, lições da historia e adaptation
Or count O patinho feio, written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) and published for the first time on November 11, 1843, it is two classics of children's literature and it was rewritten and adapted for a series of vehicles ao long decades.
A history of a patinho that proves to be ugly até will discover a beautiful swan enchants thousands of crianças mundo afora e allows a succinct history to be thrown away a series of important lições for a lifetime.
I summarize
O nascimento do patinho
It was once a leg that carefully chose where to face or seu ninho. At the end I put you in a protected local, from the river, with many folhagens. To leg I was hitting the ovos I tied those começaram to break giving origin to very beautiful amarelinhos patinhos.
Barely an ovo, maior, it remains intact. Intrigued by the choco ainda mais e depois, she ended up helping to break a com o bico casca. From the saiu um filhote estranho, cinza, completely different two others.

A descoberta gives difference
All of you who davam parabéns à pata - or peru, as galinhas, or porquinho - say that she had had a pretty ninhada, except for patinho feio hair.
"Ele é grande e sem graça", "Tem um ar abobalhado", accuse those who do not know how to deal or pass differently from ninhada.
We are going to leave you with a sense of passing situation to exclude that which was meio exquisite.

For the first time, you will feel ashamed and leave or look different.
Or abandonment and or frustration
E o pattinho feio cresceu assim - sozinho e em sofrimento -, I have to stop the two galinhas and the pursuit of other animais. Tired of sofrer, um belo dia or patinho feio resolveu flee.
First of all, I found a lake full of seabirds. Lá não ligaram para o patinho feio. Accustomed to frustration, hair was less to pass through more wasted than to carry two other animals with aggression. More to tranquility during little time, one day caçadores chegaram e scareram all.
Newly lost in the world, he found another lake that served as a shelter. He saw beautiful white swans for the first time and was instantly admired. Still wandering, he procured more coats and sofreu all over the world.
A selfdescoberta do patinho e o seu happy ending
At the same time he was developing and, when he found a new coat, next to two swans, he discovered his reflective hair from the water that he himself was also one of the creatures he admired so much.

The swans of the group immediately deram as boas vindas e o pattinho, formerly humbled, pass to the company of two signs of the same species ficando as a heart cheio de felicidade.
A history is closed with the verification that a beautiful day a child was passing through the lake when, year olhar for the old patinho feio, and this admired: "olhem, pais, tão linda esse swne novo, é o mais bonito de everyone!".
Lições: what we learn from the history of Patinho Feio
How to deal with self-esteem
The story of fadas do patinho feio stimulates the self-esteem of children in different ways.
On the one hand, we are little to no julgarem or what is differentIs this, or different, never must be ostracized or left aside. We must first oil what is different and engender beauty, not that each being is special.

O patinho feio also teaches us to We will not try to be what we are notBefore we show off, we are proud of the quality that differentiates us from the group.
A narrative also alerts us to the importance of I will not give in to social press hiding or diminishing those that are thus our individual characteristics.
Regardless of persisting
Another important lesson given by Hans Christian Andersen is that a resilience and persistence são essenciais.
See how badly or badly you persist in your day, even when everyone else humbles them successively.
With each new attempt or poor patina it seems to be more slaughtered, but even more the hope of finding a better place to find it.
A seek hair from your place in the world
O pattinho feio I say that clearly it does not belong to a or ninho onde nasceu. As he grows older, tired of constant humiliation, he goes in search of an environment that makes his difference.
Either the protagonist's journey to find friends on a lake with more companionship was tortuous, or through a series of cross experiences that made it more evident to discrimination. It is worth sublining, porém, that you never give up your personal workday rumo to melhores days.

Therefore, one of the most important lições do conto é: Always try to find your placeno world If you don't feel comfortable where you are. Never give up or conformism or get off your head.
Adaptation of Or skating ugly for animation feita pela Disney
A history of the patinho has received a series of adaptations for audiovisuals over the last decades.
Probably the most famous adaptation was made in 1939 by Disney studios.
An animation of about 9 minutes was directed by Jack Cutting and launched in cinemas on April 7th. Confire or lively inspiration in its entirety:
Quem foi Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen was born in Denmark on April 2, 1805. Supposedly filho of a mãe lavadeira e de um pai sapateiro, he was made orphaned by a very young father, 11 years old, having a deeply humble childhood.
There has, however, been confirmed that, not really, he would be a bastard of King Christian VIII as an anonymous countess.

Or is it known that Hans Christian Andersen was released during his life and did not have filhos, I have dedicated a large part of its time in the composition of literary texts that transcend gerações based on non-folklore Denmark.
São de sua autoria classics like A little sereia, A roupa nova do rei and Soldadinho de chumbo.
Hans Christian Andersen died on August 4, 1875.
Conheça also
- Os melhores livros infantis da Brazilian literature
- Large contos of fadas commented
- Count João and Maria
- I count you three porquinhos
- Moral da historia dos três porquinhos
- Pinóquio
- Histórias infantis: commented stories

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).