Education, study and knowledge

Ivan Cruz and his works that portray brincadeiras de criança

Ivan Cruz is known for portraying on canvas the various old-fashioned childrens toys.

His works show the children's universe in a joyful and colorful way and, for this reason, we enchant the little ones and trace the adults to nostalgia for childhood.

Or artist in his paintings

Ivan Cruz was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1947 and had a very rich childhood from a playful point of view. He was formed directly in 1970, but he was always involved as the universe of arts. Assim, in 1986 he started to dedicate himself to painting, when he was living in Cabo Frio.

His objective was always to exercise creativity, and he would necessarily enter for some artistic movement. He held classrooms at the Escola de Belas Artes do Rio de Janeiro in the late 80's and passed through his work in the region. Nessa period, as paintings exhibited varied subjects.

A playful theme

Foi did not begin two years 90 that Ivan Cruz carried out his first work addressing the childish skits. A fabric would go to an exhibition in Portugal, more due to the event that has in its city, or the artist decided to cancel a show in Europe and dedicate himself to exporting in his country.

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From then on, he began to explore even more different jumps in his paintings, always portraying or entertaining that he himself had in his childhood tempos.

work of Ivan Cruz com crianças assoprando bolinha de sabão
Fabric portraying children assoprando bolinhas de sabão

As crianças appear pulando corda, jumping of bonecas, raising pipe, pulando carniça, playing pião and doing many other recreational activities that are important for development and social interaction.

His production is mainly attended by professors, who are interested in working with different skills as youngsters starting from brincadeiras.

Brincadeira de roda portrayed on canvas by Ivan Cruz
Brincadeira de roda portrayed on canvas by Ivan Cruz

Through their work, they will also try to stimulate the children to jump some like others, doing activities that are increasingly distant from the children's world due to the intense relationship developed between them and technology.

About as works

The paintings by Ivan Cruz, usually in large proportions and square format, display corpos infantis em movimento.

For the artist, or movement is essential to give life to the work, being more important than the form.

São used intense cores, many times pure, or that approximates more than the crianças of the images produced.

ivan cruz artwork
Children playing pião in the work of Ivan Cruz

Why are the painted figures não têm rosto?

The artist chose to portray human figures sem feições, pois also possível that the public that observes possa imagining at dinner. I believe that as children I manage to invent a face and an identity for each person, or that enriches the work.

bambolê in the work of Ivan Cruz
Crianças jumping from bambolê

Ivan recounts that, at the same time, people manage to capture the figures with joy and sorriso, just as the one is not stamped. This happens because all the construction of the dinner is happy and the memories of that obviously also contribute to finish raising the work.

meninas jumping from amarelinha e boneca, work of Ivan Cruz
Girls jumping from amarelinha and boneca

Sculptures by Ivan Cruz

From much to explore acrylic painting on canvas, Ivan Cruz began to produce sculptures. To approach also the world of crianças and suas brincadeiras.

brincadeira de roda sculpture by ivan cruz
Brincadeira de roda portrayed in a sculpture by Ivan Cruz

The first sculpture made by the artist was a small bronze image of about 20 centimeters of a menina polishing amarelinha.

You have come to venture and breed fish in real size, about 1.20 m. Some of these major works are exhibited in public praças in the city of Cabo Frio.

You can also be interested:

  • Famous infant poems that as children are going to adore
  • Poemas incríveis by Manoel de Barros for crianças
Laura Aidar
Laura Aidar

Art-educator, visual artist and photographer. Graduated in Art Education from the Paulista State University (Unesp) and trained in Photography from the Pan-American School of Art and Design.

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