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Livro A Relíquia (Eça de Queirós): summary and complete analysis of the work

To Relíquia I considered um realistic romance written by Portuguese hair Eça de Queirós and published in 1887 originally in Porto (in Portugal).

It is about a deeply sarcastic work starring Teodorico Raposo, a little guy who decides to write a memorialist story to tell the experiences he lives.

A chegou history in Brazil through the Gazeta de Notícias journal (1875-1942), which is published in a brochure format.

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Book summary To Relíquia

Quem foi Teodorico Raposo

Narrated em first pessoa, To Relíquia He tells a talented narrator Teodorico Raposo who resolves to tell here that fez gives his existence. Or I will começa já with a presentation of the protagonist:

I decided to compor, we wander from this verão, na minha quinta do Mosteiro (two counts of Lindoso former solar), as memories of minha vida - que neste seculo, tão consuming the uncertainties of intelligence and anguished hair torments of dinheiro, encloses, I think about it and think about me when Crispim, a lucid and forte.

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Teodorico Raposo, also known as Raposão, was the net father and father of a young child, having been adopted for seven years as aunt, to rich Blessed D. Sponsorship das Neves. Nine years or younger I was sent to an internship, where I met Crispim, his great friend and future brother-in-law.

Divided between the behavior that a tia would like to see Raposão tivesse and his true essence of him, Teodorico partilhava seu tempo between as farras and as prayers.

A youth of Teodorico

Finished the years of school, Teodorico moved to Coimbra to study Direito. His behavior was consolidated from time to time: Teodorico took advantage of many as mulheres, watered at noites de farra and bebedeira.

During the festivals, he returned to Lisbon to be with her and to try to conquer her affection. I eat that senhora morresse e deixasse bens for Igreja, Raposão dava or seu melhor to convince her that it was, in the end, um bom homem.

To aunt, extremely Catholic, he attributed the conquests of his nephew inwardly to Deus, and his nephew encenava uma fé que não tinha, solely and exclusively to please Titi:

One day, I went to Lisbon, with my little letters from home, stuffed with a tin can. You examined Titi reverently, adding an ecclesiastical flavor to As linhas em latim, as paramentosas fitas vermelhas, and I put it inside her relic.
- It's bom, - disse ela - you're doutor. To Deus Nosso Senhor or deves; see you not missing ...
Corri logo to oratório, as canudo na mão, to thank Christ of ouro or meu glorious grau de bacharel.

During a few visits, or your rapacious conheceu or your first love of him, Adélia, you keep a torrid case of love.

When I finished my course and moved permanently to Lisbon, Teodorico, to please aunt, I became deeply blessed: every day Igreja, rezava, lived a life of a convicted devotee. Tudo, no entanto, did not pass from a plane to hurt Tia Titi's fortune.

As a consequence of the exacerbated devotion of the raptor, he ended up leaving Adélia aside. Farta did not receive attention that she was used to it, then she definitely gave up Raposão. Frustrated and disappointed, to aunt, perceiving or being in a spirit of nephew, I suggest that the rapacious make a trip to Terra Santa.

A Viagem de Teodorico

Raposão aceitou to travel to the highest degree and promised that he would bring a religious relic from Jerusalem to offer a present to his "sponsor".

Long year of my journey towards Jerusalem, still in Alexandria (not Egito), Raposão conheceu or friend Topsius, a German historian.

During this period, Raposão enjoyed himself deeply with festivities and events. Lá he conheceu an English Mary, com quem he teve um affair passageiro. When he was going to say goodbye - because Teodorico had to continue to Jerusalem - Mary gave him a baby in a chemise. sexy e um bilhetinho, it was a species of lembrança daqueles devassos days.

A Terra Santa is procured for a relic

Raposão continued traveling, he did not have anything to do with the sacred place of the people, he continued in search of the ideal relic for aunt.

Ouvindo or conselho de Topsius, he found a tree from where he supposedly had retired as a coroa de espinhos de Jesus Cristo. A youth idea was to paste a galho, place no coroa de espinhos format, pack and deliver to aunt. This was either the plane that he considered perfect to conquer or the heart of the soul and to guarantee to Herança that he was so interested in it.

To surrender the relic

Teodorico embrulhou the relic of blessed as the same paper used by Mary, fazendo that you two presents are very similar.

Na confusão two embrulhos, to aunt received or present of Mary, to sensual camisole, to or inverse of the coroa of thorns. As a consequence of this, Theodoric was immediately unmasked and the image of blessed from his place of devasso.

Teodorico na rua da amargura

Or raptor was deserted and expelled from home. To try to survive, he began to sell some supposed fake relics. Foi during this period of hardness that Raposão began to walk with Crispim's irmã.

The two of you will be married, few years, Raposão was established in life.

You all seemed to be directed and Raposão transparency to have reached a degree of reflection and maturity when, through the process, to aunt Morreu leaving you all for Father Negrão.

Teodorico locks up a furious story, tempting to think not that he would have to be different to play, in fact, aunt.

Analyze To Relíquia

To Relíquia e o Realism

To Relíquia It is considered a work of Critical Realism and belongs to the second phase of the production of Eça de Queirós. Nessa phase is also located in the classic works Or crime of Father Amaro e o Cousin Basílio.

It is worth noting that Realism began in France with the publication of Madame Bovary no year of 1856. To Relíquia He saw the public thirty-one years later, but with more influences than that of French literature.

These were two great names for Realism in Portugal. He is or is responsible for delivering five Democratic Conferences of Cassino Lisbonense to the fourth lecture.

The intellectuals of the time will meet to discuss a new aesthetic and organize lectures with great names for culture. Or governed, felt ameaçado, dated or Cassino prohibited the meetings alleging that you were found to be a conspiracy against the institutions of the State.

Na fala de Eça, author of To Relíquia, stands out mainly vontade de ultrapassar or Romantismo:

Or homeme a result, a conclusion and a proceeding under the circumstances that surround me. Abaixo you are wounded! (...) O Realismo é uma reação contra o Romantismo: o Romantismo was a apoteose do sentimento: - o Realismo é a anatomy of character. É a critique do homem. It is art that paints our own olhos - to condemn or to houver de mau na nossa society.

A controversy between Eça and Machado

Convém sublinhar that to work To Relíquia, by Eça de Queirós, in many aspects it is assemelha com As posthumous memoirs of Brás Cubas (1881), by Machado de Assis. Both are built on the form of memorial narratives and are permeated with irony originating from mature storytellers who have left behind and unpinned their own past.

You are two authors of the Portuguese language customary pain or title of serious quem or melhor Lusophone realistic writer. A question that remained open, or that it can be guaranteed was that Machado found out about the literature of Eça and openly criticized the publication of Cousin Basílio and Or crime of Father Amaro. Machado said that the second title would be a copy of a French publication, to which Eça responded:

I must say that you intelligent critics who will accuse O Crime do Padre Amaro of being just an imitação da Faute de l’Abbé Mouret, não tinham, unfortunately, lido or marvelous romance of Mr. Zola, which was, perhaps, at the origin of all his glory. A semelhança casual two two titles induziu-os erro. With two dois livros conhecimento, only one obtuse cornea or one more cynical one to be able to assemel this beautiful idyllic allegory, to which it is confused or pathetic drama of a mystical soul, to O Crime of Padre Amaro, simple intrigue of clergymen and pious women, plotted and murmured in the shadow of a velha I know of province portuguese

A social critic

Na work To Relíquia We find a questioner of two provincial values ​​and of Portuguese conservatism. In Lisbon from the time he received deep French influences and the peripheral country syndrome, which passed alongside the great nations, a non-Romance figure of Eça as a portrait of the time.

It is worth sublining how or romance deeply illustrates the Portuguese culture of the XIX century with all the masks that it was so frequent. Quite generally it is possible to say that the critical work or the use of social masks, many times caricature, exacerbating characteristics of various characters.

An interesting aspect of the work is to analyze two nomes dos personagens principais: o nome da tia (D. Neves sponsorship) não é fortuito. From the reading of my name, it is clear that she will be the one who will finance / sponsor the life of Raposão. Teodorico, for the mild time, carrega not apelido (raposão), a noun that alludes to animal tendência gives esperteza.

A critique of Igreja Católica

To Relíquia possui forte intertextualidade com a Bíblia. The narrator has several criticisms of Catholic Church, exacerbated Catholicism in Portuguese society, hypocrisia and false moralism.

Christ, who is the narrator chama de "intermediário", is described as human characteristics, ou seja, a little subject with falhas and fraquezas as qualquer um de nos. Or filho de Deus and intentionally "lowered", desecralized and gaining contours ever closer to the common human being.

We do not romance, we know with more detail Dona Maria do Patrocínio, a blessed who raises Raposão and demonstrates not the least inconsistent behaviors.

Now, who is deeply devoted to her many dinheiro to Igreja, she has a very close relationship as a father, as she burns every week. At the same time that she identifies as an extremely castrating woman, she maintains a huge oratorium at home.

Na work, in a series of passagens also faced a severe criticism of the band of supposedly sacred bens for Igreja:

- Pray here are you cavalheiros diante do Santo Sepulcro... Fechei or meu guarda-chuva. Ao fund de um adro, descoladas lajes, standing up to a façade duma igreja, caduca, sad, dejected, with two arched portals: a covered já with pebbles and lime, as superfluous; to another timidly, fearfully, ajar. (...) And immediately, a voracious band of sordid homens envelop us with a scream, offering relics, rosaries, crosses, scapulars, bocadinhos de tábuas flattened by S. José, medals, bentinhos, frasquinhos de água do Jordão, citrus, agnus-dei, lithographs da Paixão, paper flowers feitas em Nazaré, pedras benzidas, caroços de azeitona do Monte Olivete, and tunics "as you used to Virgem Maria!" E à porta the sepulcher of Christ, where titi will recommend that I enter traces, wailing and praying coroa - tive to grind a malandrão of hermitage beards, which will depend on minha rabona, faminto, rabid, ganindo that we buy mouthfuls feitas de um pedaço da arca de Noah! - Irra, gosh, get out-animal! And it was assim, praguejando, that I rushed, as a guard-chuva to pingar, inside the sublime santuary wave of Cristandade guard or tumulus of his Christ.

Personagens principais

Teodorico Raposo

Known as "Raposão", he is the storyteller. Sobrinho de Dona Maria do Patrocínio, an extremely complex and multi-faceted personage. Teodorico não é um personagem flat type - a predictable subject -, on the contrary, he is capable of melhor e do pior and vai uncovered a long time from free.

Dona Maria do Patrocínio

Known also as D. Patrocínio das Neves, Tia Patrocínio ou Titi. Rich and religious, aunt is a Blessed Church who follows the teachings of Father Negrão. He apos to die two countries of Teodorico, Dona Maria adota or menino who becomes her responsibility for her. Senhora commits himself to education for rapaz (sending for an internment and depois to study Directly in Coimbra) e com a religious formation, encouraging the Igreja to attend the rituals and prayers.


Deeply a friend of Raposão since the school days. Crispim will become a great friend when he fades away from his wife, as he will marry.


Primeira paixão de Raposão. You two know each other when you go to visit aunt, in Lisbon, during some fairs of the Faculty of Direito, in Coimbra. Teodorico, in order to please aunt, ends up leaving Adélia aside em função da rotina religious. Revoltada, moça or abandon.


Raposão's friend. Of German origin, he is a scholarly historian who met in Alexandria enquanto still for Jerusalem. Topsius wrote a free book to narrate viagem and insere the Raposão, who was identified as the "illustrious Portuguese fidalgo".

Miss mary

An English woman who will become Raposão's lover for a short time. You live torrid days of love and volúpia in Alexandria, more or more predatory you need to leave it behind to continue heading to Terra Santa. Mary desires to deixar a lembrança com Teodorico, for isso she or offers a camisole sexy e um bilhete, that são deliver embrulhados. Due to a confusion of the protagonist, who accidentally exchanges the packaging, aunt receives or tease of Mary and not a coroa of thorns that or nephew had ordered to be made.

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Or romance To Relíquia It is already available for free download.

Do you prefer ouvir or classic from Eça de Queirós?

Or romance To Relíquia It was also recorded in audiobook format:

A Relíquia, by Eça de Queirós (Audiolivro)

Conheça also

  • Livro A Cidade e as Serras de Eça de Queirós
  • Livro O Crime do Padre Amaro de Eça de Queirós
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