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Livro O Meu Pé de Laranja Lima, by José Mauro de Vasconcelos: summary and analysis of the work

Published in 1968, or autobiographical child-adolescent book O meu pé de laranja lime He was the greatest successor of the Brazilian writer José Mauro de Vasconcelos.

Translated for more than fifty languages, to creation influenced by gerações in Brazil and abroad. Apos or luscious succession, there will be adaptations for the cinema and for a television (a novel made by Tupi and duas by the Band).

Summary of history

O livro, divided into two parts, and starring male hair Zezé, um garoto comum, five years old, born in Bangu, outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

Very knowledgeable and independent, he is known to pela his malandrice and he will burn his story in O meu pé de laranja lime. Due to his sagacidade, they say that Zezé "tinha o diabo no corpo".

O garoto é tão esperto that he ends up, even, learning to ler sozinho. In the first part of the book, it was revealed about the life of the boy, as well as his adventures and the consequences of it.

He learned how to find out and face sozinho, face wrong and face wrong, he always ended up taking a few slaps.

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Zezé's life was boa, calm and steady. He lived with a family in a comfortable house and had everything that was necessary in terms of materials, I added that or because of him I lost or I undertook and I was forced to work in the city, but specifically not Moinho Inglês. Zezé has several irmãos: Glória, Totoca, Lalá, Jandira and Luís.

Undertaken in a factory, on my way or day I do not work in quanto or pai, unraveled, made at home. As a new condition of the family, they are forced to move from home and passam to a much more modest rotina. You are left with another tree replaced by the empty table and by a tree that is present.

As a new house has a quintal, each filho chooses a tree to keep from him. As Zezé is the last escort, he ends up with a modest lime orange peel. From that point on, he found a franzine tree and nothing showy that arises a forte and genuine amizade. Zezé batiza or pé de laranja lime from Minguinho:

- I want to know if Minguinho is bem.
- What the hell was Minguinho?
- É o meu pé from Laranja Lima.
- Você arranjou um nome that looks a lot like it. You are damaged to do so.

As he lived preparing, Zezé remembered to be hit in some mischief and spread two countries or two irmãos. Give it to him to console himself with Minguinho, or lime orange peel. Many times he has learned, he has so much time to go to school that he needed to spend a week going to school.

Além de Minguinho, or another great friend of Zezé and Manuel Valadares, also known as Portuga, and on whom he will revolve in the second part of the book. O Portuga treated Zezé as a filho and gave all the patience and affection that the garoto did not receive at home. A friend of the two was not partilhada as the rest of the family.

By a fatality of destiny, or Portuga was run over and died. Zezé, for the time, adoece. And in order to improve the life of menino, they decided to cut the lime orange peel, which came to grow more than that it was supposed not to be quintal.

A silent situation when or pai starts an undertaking from a long period at home. Zezé, in the meantime, despite two seus quase six years, no tragedy is outlined:

Já cut, Papai, more face of a week than cut or meu pé of Laranja Lima.

A narrative and extremely poetic and each mischief do menino and told from olhar twelve da criança. The high point of the story happens at the end of the narrative, when Minguinho gives his first white flower:

He was sitting in bed and was going to life with a sadness of doer.
- Olhe, Zezé. In his mine there was a branca florzinha.
- A first flower of Minguinho. Logo for an adult laranjeira and começa to give laranjas.
Fiquei smoothing the branquinha flower between your fingers. Não choraria mais por qualquer coisa. Muito embora Minguinho estivesse tempting me to say adeus with that flower; The partiade of the world two meus dreams for the world of minha reality and dor.
- Agora we are going to take a mingauzinho and give a few voltas pela casa as you will fez ontem. Ha vem ha.

Interpretation and analysis of history

Despite its little extension, or light O meu pé de laranja lime touch on key-topics to think about a childhood. For a long time, we lose a few pages as the problems, two adults can end up neglecting the children and how they reagem that abandonment taking refuge in um particular and creative universe.

We also notice the transforming character of the affection when this same child is neglected and embraced by an adult capable of tracing nurture. Here, this personality is represented by Portuga, always willing to partilhar with Zezé.

O fato do livro ter rapidly expanded to além das Brazilian fronteiras (Lime orange meu pé foi logo translated for 32 languages ​​and published in other 19 countries) shows that the dramas experienced by children are not Subúrbio do Rio de Janeiro são comuns ao many children around the globe - or ao less allude to situations similar. As it is possible to perceive, child neglect He seems like a universal character.

Many readers identify themselves as a child to escape from the royal scene, rumored to an image of happy possibilities. It is worth noting that Zezé was not just victim of violence physical as well as psychological by two mais velhos. As piores punições vinham, inclusive, from within the family itself.

Either he opens the books of the reader for the somber side of childhood, many times it is skewed against the enormous quantity of material that he feared as an idealized childhood theme.

Personagens principais

Embora a narrative apresent, a vast amount of personages, some assumem a major relief:


A young boy, five years old, resident of Bangu (suburb of Rio de Janeiro). Super independent and curious, Zezé lived by preparing and apanhando when he was uncovered.


O irmão mais velho de Zezé. He is interested, liar and at the same time extremely selfish.


Irmão caçula de Zezé, he was called Rei Luiz's boy hair. He is very proud of Zezé for being independent, adventurous and very autonomous.


Irmã mais velha e muitas vezes protector of Zezé. She is always ready to defend or hide.


Frustrated as I am embarrassed and disillusioned as unable to support the family, or Zezé's father ends up being impatient like the filhos. He also uses to drink frequently. When he tries to discipline children, he uses force and sometimes he regrets what he gives.


Extremely careful and concerned as you filhos, to me of Zezé when I notice the complicated financial situation of the family fixes the sleeves and goes to work in the city to support the home.


Manuel Valadares treats Zezé as a filho and enche or a man of affection and attention that many times or garoto does not receive at home. He was rich and had a car of luxury that he said for Zezé that he belonged to two years ago (at the end of the dividem friends, he said).


He is also known as Xururuca, or pe de laranja lima do quintal, a great friend and confidant of Zezé.

Historical context no Brazil

In Brazil, we lived through hard times during the 1960s and 1970s. A military dictatorship, established in 1964, was responsible for maintaining a repressive culture, which perpetuated or half censorship. Happily, the creation of José Mauro de Vasconcelos did not soften any type of restriction.

By focusing more on the infantile universe and not properly addressing any political question, the work will pass through the censors' hair and will present any type of problem. It is not known for certain whether or not a desire for childhood themes arose from a desire for mergulhar in the universe autobiographical ou se escolha was a necessity to escape censorship, that at the time it did not care as much as the universe childish.

In any case, we see that the protagonist of José Mauro is not everyday, as or menino sofria repressões (No government hair, but inside the house itself, pai hair or irmãos hair). The forms of sanção were both physical and psychological:

Até bem little tempo, no beat me. More depois discover as coisas and live saying that it was or cão, that it was capeta, red cat with mau hair.

José Mauro de Vasconcelos was born and was raised for twenty years and it was from which he drew experiences to write or free. In reality of the country, the era of renewal, freedom and denouncement of two social problems. A publication, however, was actually written in 1968, in a completely different historical context: no rise of military status When the country lived the years of chumbo on forte repressão.

In June 1968, year of the publication of O meu pé de laranja lime, was carried out in Rio de Janeiro A Passeata dos Cem Mil. Not the same year was it promulgated or AI-5 (Institutional Ato number 5), which prohibits any manifestation contrary to the regime. Hard years marked by the persecution of political opponents and torture.

Culturally, television has played an important role in society once it managed to enter the houses of more different social classes. A story told by José Mauro de Vasconcelos became known for the public mainly due to popular adaptations for TV.

TOdaptações para o cinema e a televisão

Insert of the film O meu pé de laranja lima, released in 1970.

In 1970, Aurélio Teixeira directed a film adaptation of O meu pé de laranja lime that conquered or heart two spectators.

Not the same year, it arose from a novel by Tupi, directed by Ivani Ribeiro and directed by Carlos Zara. Nessa first version, Haroldo Botta interpreted Zezé and Eva Wilma interpreted Jandira.

Eva Vilma is not the role of Jandira and Haroldo Botta is not the role of Zezé.

Ten years later, Rede Bandeirantes took advantage of the text by Ivani Ribeiro and took the second adaptation of the classic infantile-juvenile. A nova versão, directed by Edson Braga, was produced between September 29, 1980 and April 25, 1981. O protagonist chosen for viver Zezé foi Alexandre Raymundo.

From the succession of the first edition, a Band decided to make a new version of O meu pé de laranja lime. The first chapter was dated December 7, 1998. This adaptation was assisted by Ana Maria Moretszohn, Maria Cláudia Oliveira, Dayse Chaves, Izabel de Oliveira and Vera Villar, under the direction of Antônio Moura Matos and Henrique Martins.

Actors such as Regiane Alves (playing Lili), Rodrigo Lombardi (playing Henrique) and Fernando Pavão (playing Raul) will participate in this version.

Caio Romei interprets Zezé na adaptation for a TV made in 1998.

What was José Mauro de Vasconcelos?

José Mauro de Vasconcelos was born in Rio de Janeiro (in Bangu), not on February 26, 1920. At the age of 22, endowed with immense creativity and literary spirit, he started his literary career as a book Banana Brava. As he could not dedicate himself entirely to literature, he worked as a garçom, boxing instructor and operative.

You have a literary productive life, your books have been reissued many times, translated for or abroad and some ganharam adaptation for or audiovisual. In 1968, he published a succession of public and critics: Meu Pé de Laranja Lima.

In respect of his creative rotina, José Mauro says:

"When history is internally unimaginable, it is beginning to be written. It works when I am impressed that the romance is coming out of all the pores of the body. I'm going all the way to jato "

Além de ter lived for a written, José Mauro also worked as an ator (recebeu inclusive or Prêmio Saci de Melhor Ator e de Melhor Ator Coadjuvante). He died on July 24, 1984, aged 64, born in the city of São Paulo.

Portrait of José Mauro de Vasconcelos.

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Or free O Meu Pé de Laranja Lima Find-it is available for download in PDF format.

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