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Filme Roma, by Alfonso Cuarón: analysis and summary

Autobiographical, inspired by the childhood of his own director Alfonso Cuarón in the context of a Mexican media class, during the 1970s, Rome It is an extremely intimate and poetic film with black and white.

The most personal project of the director was indicated for Oscar 2019 in two categories (including Melhor Filme, Melhor Filme em Língua Estrangeira, Melhor Direção and Melhor Atriz). The film was the winner in three categories: Melhor Filme Estrangeiro, Melhor Direção e Melhor Fotografia.

It is about the first long film in Spanish (and Mixtec) nominated for Melhor Filme no Oscar, which was never delivered to a non-English language film.

A produção, which deals especially with racial and social differences, is also a pioneer for being the first film produced by a platform of streaming to place public and critics.

Rome já snatched um Leão de Ouro (Veneza Film Festival) as Melhor Filme and two Globos de Ouro (Melhor Director and Melhor Filme Estrangeiro).

In February 2019, or later it also wins or BAFTA in four categories: Melhor Filme, Melhor Filme Estrangeiro, Melhor Fotografia and Melhor Direção.

instagram story viewer

ROME | Official Trailer Netflix (2018) Legendado HD

[Beware, reader, or text below with spoilers]

I summarize

A history is passed during a brief period of time - close to a year - in a specific environment: a family home. Embora os personagens passeiem through other spaces (or poor bairro that shelters empregada, a country house, a praia), a greater part of the unenrollment takes place inside the house located na Rua Tapeji.

A family and home are perhaps the great protagonists of Rome.

A long-time protagonist of Cuarón é Cleo (played by Yalitza Aparicio), one of the two engaged duas who works for a family of upper-middle class.

At home, located not bairro de Roma, originally shelters avó, husband, woman, four crianças, duas empregadas and um cão (Borras).

The narrator of this story will be Cleo, an entrepreneur / silent baby who permeates the home environment and is responsible for all domestic chores.

Between the domestic chores, Cleo circulates between the rooms of the house transmitting and receiving extreme I affect especially on the part of the children, at times she is humbled due to her condition of entrepreneurial.

Or film is marked by social contrastsFor example, while the family lives in a huge house, Cleo partilha a tiny quartinho founded us. Or contrast between realities is also sublimated when the deixa or bairro of Rome to find or pai da su filha, on the periphery of the city.

Principalities of entanglement

Two great stories run in parallel: Cleo engraved as a subject as she begins her sexual life and patrão, or pai da família, leaves home to go live with a lover.

Scared, commenced to be more and dread of being demitted, Cleo discovers an unwanted pregnancy for about three months. Or pai, when he receives the news, he disappears, leaving the moça ainda more desperate.

When she finally gathers the forces to tell the patron, she unexpectedly receives the nurturing and care. Now Sofia goes to the hospital and Cleo is given serious treatment.

During a quiet gestation, I found that, during a visit to the mobile store to buy a baby bag, it was necessary to follow the pressures for the hospital.

The second drama unfolds when the wife begins to perceive or distance herself from the husband, who spends less and less time at home and lasts for long periods of time. On a few trips, he decides not to turn around, abandoning his family from time to time. Or pai das crianças decides to go live as a lover.

Extremely fried, feeling na pele or I leave two homens who escort you or side, Sofia and Cleo get, aos little, restructure life e continue adiante.

Analyze Rome

Envelope or title

Apparently enigmatic because or long it is about the reality of Mexico during the seventies, or title Rome é, na true, a reference to Bairro where history is passed.

O local is known to shelter the Mexican elite since the first decade of the twentieth century and, at least two days ago, a characteristic residential area of ​​the Mexican upper middle class.

Rome, or the title of the film, faces a reference to the country where it is located at the family's home.
Rome, or title of the film, looks like a reference to the basin where it is located at the family home.

A curiosity can also be raised with the right title. There is a common cleaning product used in Mexico: o Roma detergent.

It is worth noting that the first dinner of the film, during the exhibition two credits, the house being washed by Cleo:

At the first dinner in Rome, the house calçada is washed by Cleo.
At the first dinner in Rome, the house calçada is washed by Cleo.

A chamber sublimates enough that the house's rotina: either to wash the garage, to be present two buckets and the vassouras, or daily two domestic chores.

The cleaning product Roma does not appear explicitly, but, throughout the film, many times the garage dinner is repeated, especially due to the habits of Cão Borras. This is also a curiosity that permeated the escort of the title of Mexican director.

The title of Cuarón's film can be polysemic and also make a reference to a very widely used cleaning product in Mexico.
The title of Cuarón's film is polysemic and also refers to a very widely used cleaning product in Mexico.

As social differences

Enquanto as entrepreneurs partilham a tiny room open entulhado with beds and wardrobes ao found the house, a family inhabits a imóvel confortável, full of space.

At a few dinners, passed during the night, when they are embarked on going to the room, they are suspended that the patron is watching. As the senhora demands daylight, he turned them off the only lamp that is not comfortable and a candle rises.

There is a great difference and it is possible to perceive when Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio) goes to try to do home that to engrave and we see the precarious conditions of the Bairro. Sem asphalt, with pools of water for all sides and tábuas ao chão, improvised houses chegavam to be feitas de telha.

It is worth mentioning that Cleo is Adela (played by Nancy García García), who is clearly indigenous in origin, as well as other entrepreneurs who appear long in the film. A family dona da casa, for the same time, has traços internally Caucasian.

Another significant question refers to language: when Cleo communicates with Adela Fala mixtec, an indigenous dialect from the native village of both, já quando fala com a família usa or espanhol.

Or film makes it quite clear to social division and relationship with ethnicity.

As quite evident sociais differences do not extend metragem of Cuarón.
As social differences in Mexico are quite evident, it does not last long for Cuarón.

An autobiographical film

O director / roteirista Alfonso Cuarón was actually raised not in Rome, more precisely in a house located on Rua Tepeji.

At home where Cuarón lives his figure with a movie dinner included. At home of the family that appears no longer no foi, not much, to which shelter or growth of the director.

As filmagens foram feitas numa casa alugada us arredores da casa original, no entanto, you move and acessórios foram inserted so as to approximate the maximum amount that surrounds Cuarón na childhood.

Outra reminiscence of the past of the director seen during a few days ao cinema. Cleo vai com as crianças attend Sem Rumo no Espaço (1969) that is, since childhood, one of the director's two favorite films.

At the last supper of the film he also presents a mysterious autobiographical dedication: For Libo. We will search for it knowing that Libo was an entrepreneur / baby who worked at Cuarón's house and inspired the creation of Cleo personage.

A last supper of the film carries a mysterious dedication: For Libo.
A last supper of the film carries a discreet and mysterious dedication: For Libo.

Quem é or Professor Zovek?

An autobiographical reference is in the presence of Professor Zovek, who does not interpret a film or a professor of martial arts at home who engraved Cleo.

A personagem known from the great public during the years 1960 and 1970 in Mexico, or Professor is unknown in Mexico. Most of the world public embora tives is permeated by the childhood of Cuarón and so many other Mexican children.

No long metragem arises only twice: a brief dinner that appears on television of a restaurant with no chamado program Always on Sunday, quite popular with families, at a dinner with a group of raptors in the open field in the outskirts, including or for Cleo's baby.

Professor Zovek na verdade chamava-se Francisco Xavier Chapa del Bosque I was born not a child of a family supplied in the city of Torreón. He was famous in the national network between the years 1968 and I tied his death to him, in 1972, in a mysterious accident that occurred during the films.

Apart from appearing on television, or Professor also enjoys public shows always with numbers that demonstrate his super-human strength. For the children, he was a kind of real super-hero.

His fame maior veio da appearance frequent no show Always on Sunday, where he presented different numbers sublining to his heroic ability to escape from adverse situations. In another program aimed at the family, or Spectacular Sundays, Zovek broke the world record for 8,350 abs in less than five hours.

I spent two years as a star, his memory of him was lost, having been briefly taken up by Cuarón.

O Professor Zovek is a reference to Cuarón's childhood past Mexico two years sixties.
O Professor Zovek is a reference to Cuarón's childhood past Mexico two years sixties.

Envelope to final dedication

At the end of the film, we read a dedication: For Libo. Libo is the name of Liboria Rodrígues, an entrepreneur who has worked with the Cuarón family since he was a baby of just nine months.

A history of Rome It had been inspired in the life of Liboria and, to honor her, Cuarón insere or seu nome de ella in the last supper of the film.

Libo, a family entrepreneur, of indigenous origin, has been a constant in his childhood, many times it is more important than his own. He is burned out, agrees, girl, face companhia, take care of four children with extreme affection and care.

Alfonso Cuaron with Libo, a real person who inspired the creation of Cleo personage.
Alfonso Cuaron with Libo, a real person who inspired the creation of Cleo personage.

A compliment to the women

O longa metragem can also be read as a tribute to women, especially represented by Cleo e da mãe's personagens.

In an extremely macho context, as two women, of completely different social litters, their respective companions are abandoned.

Cleo surrenders herself to Adela's cousin in love for the first time and, when she discovers pregnancy and communicates, or raptor disappears. Our second attempt to confront him with reality, she will try not to lose heart when he is dead.

When she or I find a logo of the martial arts of the subject, Fermín fica furious. Or dialogue do par é or follow:

- É que eu estou gravida.
- E eu com isso?
- O little e seu.
- Nem think.
- I swear he is.
- Já disse, nem think. I do not want you to break your voice and be "little", do not repeat or say that you will never try me again. Faxineira de merda!

Fermín não só não is responsible for how he takes advantage of the occasion to make an ameaça and humiliate that woman with whom he shares intimate moments.

A mãe da família, a patron of Cleo, also leaves me for the one she considers to be or seu homem of hers. Or husband, who spent a very little time at home, one day decided to go embora, leaving the four films behind.

At some point he will return home to look for his belongings and never again send money to help support the family that he formed (and left).

Em uma das dinners de maior emoção no filme, as duas mulheres - patroa e empregada, branca e india, rich e poor - suspend as suas differences e partilham um sofrimento comum.

Em meio to a crise de choro, Sofia utters the following harsh statement:

"No end, we women are always sozinhas"

It is true that, despite the solidity of the film, Rome also shows how two women manage to pass through the situation of abandonment in which they are.

Cleo loses her filha - or baby is born dead - but a few years, like Rotina of the family, she is reestablishing herself.

Sofia, when her husband is absent, ventures into a job full time To support the family, it transmits a sensation of security to you, guaranteeing that they will still live beautiful adventures.

Historical context: or the Corpus Christi massacre

Or film and extremely careful to or reproduce to epoch not so much that he says I respect figurine years, qua many cenario years and habits.

No long realistic metragem we see a reference to corpus christi massacre (also known as El Halconazo), which occurred on June 10, 1971.

O conflict levou à morte of 120 second students or official record, informally accredits that the number of victims has been even higher.

The protest was initially composed by students who asked for freedom from political prisoners and more investment in education. As a strong reaction to the government, a march at the beginning of the peaceful transformation quickly became a bank of sangue.

Corpus Christ Massacre Royal Register.
Real registry of the massacre of Corpus Christi passed no day no day June 10, 1971 in Mexico.

The backstage of filmagens

Em Rome, Cuarón decided to innovate not his way of filming. You want to participate in the longa we received text with dinners not on filming days, or the objective was that the composition be more spontaneous and natural.

Atriz escolhida to star in a film - Yalitza Aparicio - was uncovered in a non-interior village and fez to her first premiere no cinema as a film by a Mexican director.

Yalitza Aparicio premiered no cinema in Rome.
Yalitza Aparicio Estreou no cinema em Rome.

Why is image dos aviões so frequent?

Over the years of the film, it is possible to observe a series of planes that cross the landscape. This true trace will not last long because the Bairro of Rome is very close to two broken planes.

Outra possible explanation of the fact that Cuarón loves airplanes and dreamed of his childhood as a pilot (there is a dinner even when two boys tell Cleo that he is going to be a pilot when he grows up).

A third justification for the presence of two aircraft and the director wishes to transmit, through the symbolism of the aircraft, that all the situations are provisional and passage.

Os aviões cruzam o ceu do México ao longo de todo o file de Cuarón.
Os aviões cruzam o ceu do México ao longo de todo o file de Cuarón.

Data sheet

Original title Rome
Launch August 30, 2018
Director Alfonso Cuaron
Roteirist Alfonso Cuaron
Gender Drama
Duration 135 minutes
Atores principais Yalitza Aparicio, Marina de Tavira, Diego Cortina Autrey

Globo de Ouro (2019) by Melhor Diretor and Melhor Filme Estrangeiro.
Leão de Ouro 2019 (Veneza Film Festival) by Melhor film.
BAFTA winner (2019) in four categories: Melhor Filme, Melhor Filme Estrangeiro, Melhor Fotografia and Melhor Direção.
Dez nomeações for the Oscar 2019. Winner of the categories Melhor Filme Estrangeiro, Melhor Direção e Melhor Fotografia.

Cartaz do film Roma.
Cartaz do film Rome.

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  • Film Como Estrelas na Terra
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