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O cousin Basílio: summary and complete analysis of the work

Um two more celebrated classics of Portuguese literature, Or cousin Basílio, belongs to Realism. O romance, written by Eça de Queiroz, tells the story of the love triangle composed by Jorge, Luísa and Basílio.

I summarize

Jorge is a young man from Lisbon with a family. Luísa also belongs to the supplied bourgeoisie of Lisbon. Após a morte da mãe de Jorge, or raptor enchants with Luísa and quickly decides to marry.

Together they face a typical privileged house with a monotonous and predictable daily life.

Or silent dinner when Jorge travels to work for Alentejo and Luísa receives a visit from primo Basílio. As a cousin, Basílio was in love with Luísa during his youth, before moving to Paris.

Luísa and Basílio developed, then, an extra-conjugal case. At the end of turning a more discreet relationship, some room that calls Paradise, not suburb of Lisbon.

Despite two lovers being cautious, Juliana flagra or case, get some letters exchanged between or pair and blackmail to patroa.

When Jorge returns to travel, he misses the entrepreneurial behavior and decides to dismiss it. As of then, as chantagens intensify and Luísa does not see another alternative to ask for help from a friend.

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Sebastião - or friend - presses Juliana and obtains these letters from volta. Desperate to lose the opportunity for financial growth, the entrepreneur enters into collapse and dies. Luísa, for the mild time, adore.

While Luísa is suffering from her childhood, Jorge discovers a letter from his wife exchanged as a lover Basílio and takes knowledge of everything or that he has passed over to Paradise. Patient, he waits for him, I have a cure for the woman to confront her as ailing.

When finally confronted, Luísa, aflita, worships again and, finally, dies.

O Realism in Portugal

Between the years of 1865 and 1890 he reigned the Realist movement in Portugal. A nova geração de artists, composed initially by two students from the upper house of Coimbra, atacou or previous movement, or Romantism.

I então estudantes carregavam ideas inspired by Proudhon, Quinet and Taine.

O Realism of French origin and pregava to starting an anti-romanticism, isto é, is interested in an objectivity (or that it matters or object, or não-eu). O wish was to eliminate romantic sentimentality, investing reason as the only possible access to reality.

Or rationalism was, therefore, some central characteristics of the movement. O cult à ciência also was a central traço dos realistas.

Politically the royalists are aligned as republicans and socialists, eram, via de regra, antimonarchists, anti-bourgeois and anticlericais.

About a criação do livro

Or romance Or cousin Basílio It was written between September 1875 and September 1877, but had hardly been published in 1878. Not the same year, Eça de Queiroz wanted to make changes to the text and launched a second edition of the magazine.

Personagens principais


Lisboeta, bourgeois and futile, Luísa spends her days as voltas with domestic affairs and readings of romances. She gets married suddenly with Jorge, um engenheiro. His daily life is marked by hair that I tied to a visit from the old lover, Basílio.


Jorge is a training engineer. He loses me and resolves the logo to continue marrying as a boa mulher. Assim that he knows Luísa, he decides to contract or marry.


Cousin of Luísa, Basílio was also a former lover who lived in Paris. When he returned to Portugal, he met Luísa again and went to live as an extra-conjugal case.


Of humble origins, she is a rubber band and works as an entrepreneur at Luísa and Jorge's house. Year to discover or extraconjugal case of the patron saint with Basílio, Juliana goes on to exercise blackmail to gain some privileges.

Another way to know history

A adaptation for or cinema of Or cousin Basílio

Or Portuguese romance ganhou a Brazilian adaptation for or cinema feita pelo director Daniel Filho. O roteirista responsável pela adaptation foi Euclydes Marinho.

Released in 2007, the film has important com aors such as Glória Pires (not the role of Juliana), Débora Falabella (not the role of Luísa), Fábio Assunção (not the role of Basílio) and Reynaldo Gianecchini (not the role of Jorge).

Or film is available in full:

Cousin Basilio Complete National Film

A adaptation for television Or cousin Basílio

A miniseries, produced by Rede Globo, and prior to the film and was produced between August 9, 1988 and September 2, 1988. The episodes were re-exhibited by Canal Viva between October 28 and November 18, 2013.

The romance of Eça de Queiroz was adapted for television by Gilberto Braga and Leonor Bassères, directed by Daniel Filho.

On television, Marcos Paulo played Basílio, Giulia Gam played Luísa, Marília Pêra played Juliana and Tony Ramos played Jorge.

Are you curious to see the final result of the adaptation?

O Primo Basílio - Chapter 02

About Eça de Queiroz

José Maria Eça de Queiroz was born on November 25, 1845, in Póvoa de Varzim, not part of a well-educated and well-stocked family. She formed directly in Coimbra and began a career writing folhetins.

Besides being an advocate and writer, he worked as a day laborer, politician (was administrator of the council in Leiria) and diplomat (he served in Havana, Bristol-England-and closed a career in Paris).

Eça de Queiroz and Machado de Assis are contemporary forms and unconventional references to literature in two different countries. You are considered Portuguese and Brazilian country of fiction, respectively.

Portrait of Eça de Queiroz.
Portrait of Eça de Queiroz.

Other classics by the author

Eça de Queiroz also celebrated by having published, among other titles, You maias (1888), Or crime of father Amaro(1875), A Cidade e as Serras(1892) e To the illustrious house of Ramires (1897).

Or cousin Basílio make it available in full

The romance of Eça de Queiroz is in the public domain. Explore or full text: Or cousin Basílio.

Read me too

  • Livro A Relíquia, by Eça de Queirós
  • Livro O Cortiço, by Aluísio Azevedo
  • Livro Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis
  • Livro Memórias Posthumas de Brás Cubas, by Machado de Assis
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