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5 main works of Graciliano Ramos

The works of Graciliano Ramos are known for their strong social burden. The writer belongs to the second generation of Brazilian modernism and troupes in its histories, a portrait of the country's historical period, with its dilemmas and contradictions.

Through a clear, objective, and deeply reflective writing, Graciliano managed to translate dry Northeast, the feelings of people explored and the social and economic transformations that occurred did not start of XX century.

These are some two reasons that faze as the writer is celebrated and recognized as one of the two greatest Brazilian literature.

1. Dry lives (1938)

Dry livesIt is considered a work-first of the author. Launched in 1938, or free, it tells the story of a family of retirees fleeing from the dry land that surrounds or northeast.

illustrations by Aldemir Martins for free Dry Lives
Desenhos by the artist Aldemir Martins specially designed to illustrate Dry Lives

We accompany Fabiano's costume, or pai, sinhá Vitória, a mãe, you two filhos (chamados of "menino mais velho" and "menino mais novo") and a Baleia puppy.

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You people are extremely simple people who know the local of origin looking for opportunities.

I don't have a day, I found a small abandoned house on a farm and it was installed. Meanwhile, tinha donated home and the family needed to work to stay nela. Or patrão explores these people, using the lack of instruction and despair two that lutam for survival.

Analysis and comments

Also, Graciliano denounces the injustices and miseries that torment a large part of the population, due to the lack of public policies, exploration of the present capitalist system and police violence. This last one represented by the figure of Soldier Amarelo, how Fabiano becomes involved in confusion and ends up imprisoned.

A work, which initially received or title of "O world covered with sorrows", is considered a romance, meanwhile, serious chapters are structured in the form of contos, by isso é possível também lê-los fora da order em que são presented.

In any way, or first and last chapter are interlinked, we reveal a circular narrative, in which the family turned to the same situation, a dry flight.

2. Anguish (1936)

Published in 1936, or romance Anguish He was released when Graciliano was imprisoned during the government of Getúlio Vargas.

The work was created in the first person and gives voice to the protagonist Luís da Silva, in a written form that intersperses thoughts, lembranças and reflections.

O personagem / narrator born in a family of possessions in Maceió and during childhood you have a comfortable life. As a death of the country, or family patrimony and retired by creators in order to heal divid and or garot growing in a difficult financial situation.

In addition, due to his education, Luís achieves employment in a daytime tied to the government, becoming a public functionary.

His life was simple, he had royalty and his salary was counted. As a very custodian, Luís achieves, in the meantime, make a small poupança.

The protagonist lives in a thought and the conhece Marina, a beautiful young man because of what he turns off. Assim, he asks for more money in marriage and gives her savings so that she can buy the enxoval, money that Marina spends on futilities.

Pasado um tempo, Luís perceives that he is now involved with his colleague from the day, Julião Tavares, and resolves to end or relationship. Nessa height Luís já estava sem nenhum dinheiro e com algumas dívidas.

Even with Marina, he develops an obsession for the girl, a year later that he decides to go with his colleague.

Luís da Silva, teased ressentimento, commits the assassination of Julião. From that moment on, an even more complex process of frantic thoughts mixed with memories began. Either free ends up as the protagonist in despair and anguish, tormented by the possibility of uncovered crime.

Analysis and comments

Em Anguish, Graciliano Ramos manages to ally social criticism to an introspective narrative, in which we enter mind of the personagem and we can hear his thoughts and know his story from his sight.

Different from other books by the author, the work presents a delirious and fanciful writing in many moments.

From one person who travels in many layers of the society, we can enter into contact with various realities of the historical context and understand the contradictions and existing disputes period.

Julião Tavares has a financial situation and represents the bourgeois class of the beginning of the XX century, in contrast to the protagonist, who we see from a traditional family, more decadent and poor.

Also, it was placed in the quest to criticize the bourgeoisie that eradicated Vargas, who was only taking the place of the traditional elite.

3. São Bernardo (1934)

Or free São Bernardo, published in 1934, is one of the outstanding works of Graciliano. Assim like em Anguish, and counted in the first person. A narrative drawn by Paulo Honório, a garoto orfão that manages to become a gift of the São Bernardo farm and ascend socially.

Our first chapters accompany Paulo in an attempt to structure the writing of his memoirs. For isso he invites some people for ajudá-lo na tarefa, but they recuse himself or Godim aceita day laborer.

Meanwhile, after Godim presents some pages, Paulo Honório thus discards the barnacle that, if he wants to tell his story as gostaria, the same thing that he has written.

Then, just not the third chapter, we entered into contact with the memories of the personagem.

Because he is a little boy with a little study, rough and rude, Paulo presents a colloquial linguagem, quite fluent and full of expressões and gírias from the 30s in the Northeast.

He tells me very honestly how I was his costume I managed to get to the farm on which day I was hired.

For the gain and desire to "rise from life" I levitate or personagem to carry out various controversial actions, wrapping themselves around them and falcatruas to achieve the objectives.

Analysis and comments

This is a psychological romance that, as the author of the second phase of modernism, presents strong social criticism and regional character.

The work shows us a process of de-humanization of personagem to show their vision of the world, in which both coisas and people devem ter some “utility”. Assim, the relationship he develops with his wife is marked by feelings of posse and ciúmes. Paulo Honório ends up portraying a prior face of gain in the economic system that governs the world.

The literary critic and professor Antônio Cândido fez a following statement about the work:

Accompanying natureza do personagem, tudo em São Bernardo It is dry, rough and sharp. Perhaps there is no other literature in our literature that is reduced to essential, capable of squeezing so much money out of a strict summary.

4. Memories of the prison (1953)

Memories of the prison É um autobiographical book that you have in your first volume published após a morte do autor, in 1953.

These memoirs refer to the period in which Graciliano was a political prisoner of the Governo de Getúlio Vargas, between 1936 and 1937, due to his involvement with communist ideology.

The process of writing the work was started barely ten years ago, in 1946. A work, divided into four volumes, the writer narrates the two years lived in prison, integrating personal events and the stories of his companions.

Obviously, it is a fairly critical and harsh literature, revealing injustices and atrocities, such as censorship, torture, deaths and disappearances that caused the death of Vargas.

For my understanding, follow the stretch of the light:

O congresso apavorava-se, long bambo as leis de arrocho - we lived on fato numa ditadura sem freio. Enforced with resistance, the last comícios dissolved, dead or tortured operatives and compromised petty-bourgeois, writers and journalists to desdizer-se, to gaguejar, all the poltronices to bow-to stand straight, quase nothing we could fazer lost in the multidão de carneiros.

5. Childhood (1945)

Another autobiographical book by Graciliano é Childhood, not what he tells about his first years of life, I attached a check on his adolescence.

Born in Quebrângulo, city of Alagoas, in 1892, or writer narrates a difficult childhood, in um Cenário cheio de repressões e medo, as was typical for as crianças no final do seculo XIX no northeast.

Assim, based on his personal experience and lembranças, or the author achieves a portrait behavioral of the society not that refers to or treatment as children in a certain period historical.

Either I present a critique of the pedagogical system to which the writer was involved, meanwhile, second to researcher Cristiana Tiradentes Boaventura, also taken up as a child in order to reconcile with her story. She said:

When the author's memoirs are read, or the shady side instituted in the relationships between the people, he dominates the first readings. Therefore, it is very surprising to realize that his reading about or passed on to so much violence is also crossed by other senses, such as construction of an identity enveloped by conciliatory experiences and sentiments, or by seeking positive and affectionate moments understanding do outro.

Quem foi Graciliano Ramos?

The writer Graciliano Ramos (1892-1953) was an important part of the national literature of the second phase of modernism, which occurred between 1930 and 1945.

portrait of Graciliano Ramos
Portrait of Graciliano Ramos

Its production was marked by criticism of the society of the current system, in addition to presenting regional characteristics and the appreciation of the povo and Brazilian culture.

Besides being a writer, Graciliano also held public office, as in 1928 when he was the prefect of Palmeira dos Índios, Alagoan city. Years since he worked in Maceió as director of the Official Press.

Graciliano has a vast production and has received several awards over the long term of his career. He died in his 60s, a victim of lung cancer.

Read me too:

  • Livro São Bernardo, by Graciliano Ramos
  • Dry lives, by Graciliano Ramos
  • Livro Angústia, by Graciliano Ramos
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