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O Ateneu: summary and analysis of the work of Raul Pompeia

Or Ateneu This is a romance by Raul Pompeia published for the first time in 1888. With elaborate language, or free, he tells the story of Sérgio and his life within an internal college. Or so that the author discloses the affective relationships of the main person with his colleagues who were revolutionary at the time.

I summarize

Or romance comes with the first contacts of Sérgio with Ateneu. Before even being enrolled in school, he visits the facilities on the day of the festival, and the pomp and beauty he conquers a child who becomes anxious to study it.

Sérgio e seu pai fazem uma visit to the house of director Aristarco, and, he, they know his wife, or symbol of maternity without internment. D. Emma suggests that Sérgio cut his hair short. Isso represents the moving and maturing of Sérgio, who leaves the family environment to enter the adult life of the intern.

More an animou-me movement, the first serious stimulus of vaidade: distancing-me gives family communion, like a homem!

Logo to enter no Ateneu, it is recommended to the teacher in his first classroom, he fainted to or will appear for the room. Apostle or faint, he began to be persecuted by one of his colleagues. The festivities that Sérgio witnessed and enchanted of ideas of moral greatness and the acquisition of knowledge Foram illusórias pois, após or first day of classroom, the barnacle that it will be difficult to pursue these ideas not college.

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One of the two most remarkable moments in the internment life was "anatação", ou o banho, as children washed in a huge pool. From these banhos, Sérgio was saved from a group by his colleague Sanches, who mistrusts him and has also been responsible for the accident.

Or salvage creates a relationship between Sérgio and Sanches that fears as a significant fact the sense of joy that Sérgio has. You two become close. For Sérgio, a relação tem suas vantagens. Sanches is a good student and favors our studies and relationships as teachers. Therefore, as a tempo, Sanches begins to make more and more physical approaches and these approaches begin to bother Sergio, who tries to get rid of his friend. Sanches is not happy to be despised and uses his prestigious position to harm him.

After this episode, Sérgio becomes um mau aluno. It happens to be cited not "book of notes" of Aristarco, a fearsome cadern where the absences two students are annotated and depois exposed for everything or school during or café da manhã.

Here there is no imorality. It was unhappy or bad, justiça é o meu terror e a lei é o meu arbítrio!

Sérgio seeks a religion and an escape for those moorish falhas that or near me. His religiosity is a little mystical. He does not participate in five religious intern activities. Its dedication to religion and subversiveness, avoiding institutionalized cults. That is the moment that Sérgio approached Franco, a man skeptical by his country within the internment and shedding directorial hair. Franco is a common figure not "book of notes" and amizade between you two students and seen with disregard director hair and teacher hair.

One day, Franco decides to go away from his colleagues who are machucaram and planeja a grande vingança. Choose Sérgio to escape to a bedroom night and into a bathroom with glass cacos. Sérgio does not take part in the action, but assists Franco in preparing his vingança.

A spontaneous art is first, intentional depois.

Sérgio cannot sleep, thinking about children that ficarão feridas no banho de manhã. Insone, the vai tied a cappella where he sleeps when he prays for a divine intervention. Sérgio e agreed pela manhã e, surpreso, vê seus colleagues sem nenhum brucado. Before the morning bath, the zelador was washed in the pool and uncovered the glass cacos. Sérgio was afraid to invent a lie so as not to denounce Franco and escape punishment.

He goes to live with Barreto, a very religious aluno. Barreto spends the days unbelieving or inferno in the fury of Deus for Sérgio, who because of these images abandons his religiosity and friendship with Barreto.

Initiate-me Sanches no Mal; Barreto instruiu-me na Punição.

Sérgio is going through a difficult period without Ateneu, as friends of interest and little aptitude for the classrooms. With difficulties to adapt, he travels to or seu pai, counting-him how things have been. O conselho de seu pai lhe returns o Animo and Sérgio começa to seek independence within the intern.

O internato literary club becomes a two refugee of Sérgio, who has a discrete participation not Grêmio Amor ao Saber. Then, he develops a relationship with a reading and with Bento Alves, one more velho than also the librarian not Ateneu. The relationship between Bento and Sérgio becomes intense, Bento gives a lot of free presents for Sérgio and you do spend a lot of time in isolation. This intense coexistence generates some mistrust of two other students, who begin to comment on or relate two dois.

Confusingly it happened to me a lembrança do my papelzinho de namorada faz-de-conta, e eu leads to seriedade cênica a Ponto de gallanteá -lo, occupying-me like laço da gravata del, with a wick of hair that I have fazia cocega olhos

Nesse meio tempo, um crime passional happens inside Ateneu. O jardineiro kills facadas another official because of a dispute over the love of Angela, a Spaniard who works for the director Aristarco.

Next, we will take the primary exams and an artistic exhibition. This is a source of pride for the director, who has collected the louros of his work, we have obtained two exams or many portraits that some of us will give him. Raul Pompeia shows us the narcissism of the director, who is very happy with the adoration of two students.

Sérgio narrates two passeios by Rio de Janeiro, or the first one is a passeio by Corcovado, which begins with a huge animation for two students and ends with all of them exhausted. The second and the most important reference to the Botanical Garden.

botanical garden

In the late afternoon, the Jardim Botânico is a kind of escape from life not in the hospital. As children pass free and, when at table and post, they advance on food. Aristarco sees supper sorrindo with benevolência. I tied that uma chuva forte came to fall, leaving food and all molhados.

Or moment of happiness left by passeio no Jardim Botânico ends quickly. For every reason, Bento and Sérgio are involved in a brigade. Bento managed to escape, but Sergio hit for Aristarco. Confused, the agride or diretor. Sergio is waiting for a great punishment, but the director goes to treat it with silence and never chega.

He discovers a love letter exchanged for two students and assassinated as Cândida. The director announces or acknowledges the letter that an investigation has already identified or the author of the accomplices. Aristarco humilha you are involved, mainly Cândido, or author of the letter. Or half is installed without Ateneu, but many know the relationship and could be punished as accomplices. Em meio to all the tensions, a revolt começa not internation. Franco was attacked for reasons of an inspector, some of them revolted or chaos and installed no Ateneu. Além da agressão, a quality gives food also a reason for a revolt.

It was a revolução da Goiabada! Uma velha queixa.

Depois to reassume or control the situation, or director Aristarco decides not to punish any, all the revolt ends up being directed to goiabada, of terrible quality. O director says he has been deceived by providing hair and promises to give him quality after dinner. Some go unpunished and or intern may continue to function with all the monthly payments being paid.

Sérgio cameça a new friend with Egbert, and the narrator himself told us that this was his first true friend, sem nenhum interesse. He is a new friend who will go to the house of Aristarco, where he can see D. Emma.

Começam as institutional provas, in which some of various schools will attend your official testes. Sérgio reveals everything or the oppressive atmosphere and you give feelings and expectations during your tests. Sérgio já is living not lodging two big ones, e, la, ele possui mais liberdade.

In addition to two bedrooms, there was only one room. Depraved hair abhorrence and idleness, invent extravagances of cynicism.

His friend Franco fell behind and was left with little time to die due to a medical break and lack of care. I did not sign a calendar year, a big party was prepared for Ateneu, and some of us plan to offer a bronze bust to the director. In the idea of ​​being immortalized, he still had high non-directive expectations. A huge festival of important people.

During the fairs Sérgio fica no Ateneu with some other some by his family is living in Europe. He is adolescent in the nursing care of the Ateneu. Sérgio began to establish a league with her. Also during the fairs or Ateneu hits fire, and Aristarco sees himself as an institution that the creator that defines him or her.

Personagens principais


He is the narrator and main personage, and, a long year of the romance, we accompany the changes that take place or study not intern.


She is the director of the institution. As a little paternal boy, cast as crianças do Ateneu. Quite vague, he fica admired of himself and two internment events.

D. Emma

She is the director's wife, feared as a mother as children. Sérgio has a little paixão for her.


She is an employer of the Aristarco family, she represents a carnal paixão for the students. It is because of what an assassination and committed not Ateneu.


He is two great students from Ateneu, exemplary in their behavior and studies. He was recommended to us by Sérgio logo on his first days in the classroom.


These are the first two relationships of Sérgio no Ateneu, who is involved as the aforementioned and rescue of Sérgio.


He is someone who has left two countries in contempt of Aristarco, ends up dying not hospitalized.

Bento Alves

He is a strong child and a little submissive. Sérgio uses the amizade of him to protect himself.


He is the only true friend of Sérgio.


As descriptions in Or Ateneu

Raul Pompeia is, together with Machado de Assis, a two great representatives of Brazilian realism, and also the famous writer of Dom Casmurro, Pompeia theme or character of a memorialist in his work. Thus beautiful and vast descriptions of dinners serve more to set or read than to serve as pomp or romance.

Eu tive the idea of ​​putting together a cap or compartment with my number. There were shaved compartments of stickers and prints: it would be a forest of flowers, and it would have a tiny lamp to keep the lavender inside. Year I founded, em dourado passe-partout, to house Santa Rosália, in Padroeira.

Or internment and portrayed in its nuances, mainly the sordid characteristics, such as a "prison" where they were raised or large disorders or a "swimming pool" where some were taken banho. These descriptions associated with the use of a formal and complex language, place or read, not the same environment in which it is passed or romance.

The psychological elements em Or Ateneu

This is a common characteristic between Pompeia and Assisi is the use of psychologism in his books. Em Or Ateneu, or psychological universe envelops everything or romance. Sérgio's relationships with his family have been replaced by director Aristarco. A figure of tyrant fatherhood, who uses psychological subterfuges to educate serious students, sometimes being extremely rigid and sometimes showing disappointment with them.

No Ateneu, we will form a dois for you. For gymnastic exercises, for the entrance to the chapel, not the refectory, to the classrooms, for the saudação ao anjo de canto, ao midday, for the distribution of the dry pão depois do singing.

When Aristarco represents a father figure, his woman becomes a figure of a certain adoration by two students. Sérgio is seen as blacked out as a female director, as well as two other students. Two rewards for being a good man was to be able to celebrate at the director's house, a moment that everyone wanted, so that we could be by the director's side.

Em Or Ateneu, or greater development of psychologism occurs in relationships between the students themselves. Or boarding school works like a "mini cosmo", with its own hierarchies and relationships. Therefore, the social reply of the school is restricted to a family member, being a majority in pre-adolescent years.

Sanches foi-se approaching. Encostava-se, depois, muito a mim. Dateva or free him and he does not meu, lowering-me or face with a breath of tiredness.

As relations of main personagem with his colleagues and marked not free. Sem never be explicit, there is always a kind of homosexual affectation and relationships. Enquanto or that governs the relationship between the students and the director or dinheiro, between the students themselves and the libido and the relationships of internal forces that are responsible for related relationships.

A social criticism of Raul Pompeia

The microcosm of internation reflects the relationships of the entire society. Raul Pompeia takes advantage of this environment as a social experiment to unveil and criticize the society of Rio de Janeiro at the end of the year 19. Or director Aristarco, as a symbol of power, mediates the relationship of money and interest within the Athenaeum.

The treatment of two students depends on the monthly payment and the prestige that their families have in the company. In regards to the filhos of figurines they are treated, even though they are more students, the recipients of messages are subject to many humble. Pompeia gives special highlight to the relationship of Aristarco with his future genre, one who himself does not have any talent and always outstanding for such great activities.

Daí por diante was fatal or conflict between the independence and the authority.

A hypocrisy da society also criticized by Raul Pompeia. Or the daily environment of internment, dark and oppressive, is contrasted with the great events of Ateneu. At festivals, oppression becomes discipline and the atmosphere becomes festive and inviting.

Accademia das Bellas Artes
Academy of Fine Arts of Rio de Janeiro, 1846.

Or autobiographical in Raul Pompeia

Some of the main characteristics of realism and the third-party narrator. It is also possible to provide a narrator's supply in relation to characters and years of romance events, turning the work or more "realistic" possible.

It is precisely not a narrator that Raul Pompeia is more than realism. Or Ateneu é Narrated in the first person by the main character Sérgio, as a kind of free of memories. The third party narrator's assembly is replaced by a more real experience than it is alive.

Some facts about Raul Pompeia corroborate the theory that his work has autobiographical characteristics. Isso would explain a narrator's escort in the first person. The author himself or herself has a close proximity to the work, or the narrator could not be afflicted.

Conheça also

  • Naturalism not Brazil
  • Realism: characteristics, works and authors
  • I-Juca Pirama, by Gonçalves Dias
  • Livro O Crime do Padre Amaro, by Eça de Queirós
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